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Hamas, the Gaza-Strip based Palestinian terrorist group, expressed outrage on Sunday at the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Turkey's language on Friday's massacre in Jerusalem that saw a Palestinian murder seven Israeli civilians. Both Turkey and the UAE condemned the attack as an act of terrorism.
The spokesman for Hamas, Hazem Qassem, stated that describing the "operation in occupied Jerusalem" as "terrorist" is derogatory and in itself worthy of condemnation. – Throughout the course of the Palestinians’ century-long war on Zionism, the narrative about their terrorist campaigns against the Jews with whom they had no intention of sharing the land has always been framed as a “cycle of violence.”

Israel was behind a Saturday night drone attack that struck a defense facility in the Iranian city of Isfahan, according to a Sunday report.
The Wall Street Journal cited US officials and people familiar with the matter to say Jerusalem directed the strike. The report could not be independently confirmed.
Iran has claimed air defenses were able to intercept some of the drones, while others caused only minor damage. Some news reports, including in Israeli media, indicated the damage may have been more severe. Video allegedly from the scene showed large blasts.

(January 29, 2023 / JNS) Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli described on Sunday the Palestinian Authority as a “neo-Nazi entity” and an enemy of the Jewish state.
“I see the Palestinian Authority as a neo-Nazi entity in its essence and outlook,” Chikli told Ynet. “We still do not have any peace agreement with it. It is an enemy that is antisemitic to its core, and we need to examine alternatives.”
Yesterday, 13-year-old Muhammad Aliwat, ambushed, shot, and seriously wounded a father and his son at the entrance to the City of David on Shabbat. 
The terrorist was an 8th-grade student at the Al-Furqan Islamic School for Boys in the Shuafat refugee camp, where he was studying the Palestinian curriculum.
He left a message in his school notebook, expressing his longing to die as a martyr. He wrote: 

Fatah’s “message”:

  • “The intifada has begun, and the war has begun in Palestine, all of Palestine”
  • “We greet and bless these heroic operations in Jerusalem by the heroes of Jerusalem”

After a bloody weekend in Jerusalem where 6 Israelis and 1 Ukrainian national were murdered and 7 were wounded in two terror attacks, the secretary of the Jenin branch of Abbas’ Fatah Movement, Ata Abu Rmeileh, announced that “the war has begun in Palestine, all of Palestine.”

Das »Sportabitur« (Le Bac Sport) markiert in Tunesien jedes Jahr im Januar oder Februar den Beginn der Abiturprüfungen. In einer Vielzahl sportlicher Wettkämpfe stellen die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis. Auch ihr Wissen über Sport wird abgefragt.
Auf die Prüfung folgt eine Feier namens »Dakhla«. Dabei werden riesige selbstgemachte Transparente an den Fassaden der Schulen oder Turnhallen entrollt, es gibt Musik, Rauchbomben und bengalisches Feuer. Alles inspiriert von Praktiken europäischer Fußballfan-Ultras, von denen einige – die, die mit Rauch und Feuer zu tun haben – aus guten Gründen in europäischen wie tunesischen Fußballstadien gleichermaßen verboten sind. Es ist eine ausgelassene Stimmung, wie beim letzten Schultag vor den Abiturprüfungen in Deutschland.

Over the weekend, the peaceful Sabbath quiet of Jerusalem was violently broken as the Israeli capital was rocked by two terror attacks within the span of 14 hours.
The first attack occurred Friday evening when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire outside a synagogue in the northeastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov, murdering seven people and wounding three more. 
Then, hours later, a 13-year-old Palestinian opened fire on a group of Jews returning from prayer in the Silwan neighborhood outside the Old City, wounding a father and son...

Die EU sollte ihre Gelder für Palästinenser an Bedingungen knüpfen, sagt Journalistin Caroline Fetscher. Nötig seien Bildungsprojekte gegen Israel-Hass und zur verbalen Abrüstung. Weitere Themen: Scholz, Corona, Verkehrswende und Albert Schweitzer.

Bahraini Royal family member Sheikha Jawaher Al Khalifa has revealed she took a business trip to Israel.
Sheikha Jawaher’s comments were made during a keynote address at the Arabian Business Achievement Awards at Dubai’s Museum of the Future on Thursday.
During her speech, Sheikha Jawaher revealed that she had shared dinner during her trip with a Christian and a Jewish person.


Auf dem Opernplatz feiern am Sonntagabend etliche Menschen das jüdische Lichterfest. Redner aus der Politik betonen die Bedeutung jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland. Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay (Grüne) warnt vor zunehmendem Antisemitismus.

Rund 120 Menschen haben am Sonnabend im niedersächsischen Eschede gegen einen Treffpunkt von Rechtsextremisten demonstriert. Niedersachsens Kultusministerin Julia Willie Hamburg (Grüne) sagte zum Auftakt am Bahnhof des Ortes bei Celle, die Gefahr durch Rechtsextremisten sei nicht zu unterschätzen. Das zeige sich spätestens seit den Durchsuchungen bei der Reichsbürger-Szene auch in Niedersachsen.
The New York Times on released its daily crossword puzzle in the shape of swastika on Sunday, Democratic Strategist Keith Edwards pointed out on Twitter.
"This is the NYTimes crossword puzzle today on the first day of Hanukkah. What the hell, @nytimes?" the tweet read.
In a later tweet, Edwards pointed out that no major media outlet had covered the incident. "So far not one mainstream media outlet has reported on this," he wrote.

Adventszeit ist Lichterzeit - auch für die jüdische Gemeinde. So gibt es unter anderem die Chanukka-Alsterrundfahrt "Light of Dance".

A Hanukkah menorah captured in a famous 1931 photograph symbolizing the defiance of German Jews against rising Nazi powers will be lit in Berlin on Monday, almost 90 years after its owners fled Germany for British Mandatory Palestine.
The picture, taken by Rachel Posner, wife of Rabbi Akiva Posner, shows the candelabra sitting on a window ledge of their home in Kiel overlooking a building across the street adorned with Nazi flags.
Scott Wiener, a California state senator, has been barraged with antisemitic attacks online, including one falsely accusing him of promoting “Jewish pedophilia.”
A Republican congressional candidate, Marjorie Taylor Greene, appeared to accuse George Soros and the Rothschild family of being involved in a cabal of Democratic pedophiles. On Twitter, she has repeatedly called Soros, a Jewish billionaire, of being an “enemy of the people.”
World leaders, celebrities and more are wishing the Jewish people a "Happy Hanukkah" on the first night of the Jewish holiday.
Government officials and world leaders
Incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video of himself lighting the Hanukkah candles while saying, "Happy Hanukkah to all the Israeli citizens!"
Die FIFA-WM in Katar ist wohl die bisher umstrittenste Fußballweltmeisterschaft. Das Verhalten der Gastgeber und zahlreiche Probleme lösten viel Kritik und Empörung aus: etwa über die Entscheidung Katars, Bier aus den Stadien zu verbannen, über die Unterdrückung der Presse, über die Misshandlung der LGBTQ+-Gemeinschaft und der die Stadien errichtenden Wanderarbeiter, von denen 6.500 seit der Vergabe der Weltmeisterschaft an Katar gestorben sind.
Hate crimes in the U.S. have risen by 4.7% in the first half of 2022, and anti-Jewish hate crimes increased by 59% in 2021, a new report by the California State University’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism said.
According to data sampled from 15 major U.S. cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and more, hate crimes in the country have been steadily increasing since 2018, with most crimes targeting ethnic minorities such as African Americans, Asians, Jews and Arabs.
Am Sonntag beginnt das jüdische Chanukka-Fest, auch Lichterfest genannt.
Die Synagogen-Gemeinde Köln lädt hierzu alle Kölnerinnen und Kölner zu einer öffentlichen Feier ein.
Die findet am Sonntag auf dem Rathenauplatz (direkt vor der Synagoge) statt. Los geht es ab 16 Uhr.