Anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli cartoons from the Iranian media…

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Iranian Cartoon Study *


 The Initiative „Honestly Concerned“ Publishes 82 Exposing Caricatures From The Biggest Iranian Daily „Kayhan“



A few months ago, the Danish Mohammad-caricatures caused major propaganda uproar and stirred up a lot of anger within the Islamic world. According to Hasan Rahimpour Azghadi, member of „High Council for Cultural Revolution“, there were up to 200 fatalities in
Iran alone, during protests against the alleged insults to Islam. Likewise, cartoons play a special role in the propaganda machinery of the Iranian regime. Translated into dozens of languages, caricatures are used by spiritual arsonists, as a tool to infuriate the flames of hatred and violence – not only among their own people, but also in other countries.


For 28 years, the messages originating from the Khomeini dictatorship have been spread in this way – have stirred up hatred – especially against Jews, Israelis and Americans. Jews and Israelis are portrayed as rats, sadists, child murderers and destroyers of Islam. „The Zionists“ are portrayed as vicious entities, who are trying to break the Muslim community apart and who are striving for control the economy – for control of the world. The denial of the Holocaust is equally common.


The following documentation of 82 recent caricatures – which were all published in the biggest Iranian Daily „Kayhan“ – shall serve as an illustration of how a regime can abuse its powers to poison its own people and beyond. While the world has looked on unresponsively, the Iranian regime has continued to force-feed its population with despicable hatred. („Kayhan“ is close to the religious leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, and is an instrument of the daily state propaganda of Iran.)


The message of these cartoons is not at all harmless. The caricatures are part of the Islamist hate propaganda of the Iranian regime, which, apart from the denial of the Holocaust, wants to wipe Israel off the map, calls for the extermination of Jews, finances terror, works on building up a nuclear threat und threatens the entire civilized Western world. This regime means what it publishes and it what it says. All that Western governments have to do is to look and listen closely. The unmistakable message coming from Iran must be taken seriously.

Hereafter we document cartoons, which were published in the largest Iranian daily newspaper Kayhan.
Kayhan is known to be close to the Iranian religious leader,
Ayatollah Khameneiand is an official instrument of the Iranian State propaganda

    Some Arab states are trying to build relations with the Zionist regime.
    Kayhan, 6.2.2007

  2. The new UN-resolution has totally condemned holocaust denial.
    Kayhan; 5.2.2007

  3. البرادعي: صبر بين المللي در مقابل برنامه هسته اي ايران سرآمده است.
    Al-Baradei: The patience of the world in regards to the Iranian nuclear program has come to an end.
    Kayhan, 15.1.2007

  4. Occupied Territories
    Kayhan, 16.11.2006

  5. شركت كوكاكولا در يك آگهي تبليغاتي: با خريد هر شيشه نوشابه كوكاكولا از اسرائيل حمايت كنيد.
    Coca-Cola Advert: With the purchase of every bottle of Cocal Cola you can help Israel.
    Kayhan, 11.11.2006

  6.  بانك جهاني استراتژي مسكن در ايران را تدوين مي كند.

    The World Bank is developing strategies for residential construction in Iran.
    Kayhan, 5.11.2006

  7. ارتباط بين رژيم صهيونيستي و سران سازشكار عرب!

    Relations of Arab leaders with the Zionist regime.
    Kayhan, 28.10.2006

  8. The Iranian nuclear file.
    Kayhan, 21.10.2006

  9. يك محقق و استاد فرانسوي به علت انكار هولوكاست به حبس و جريمه نقدي محكوم شد

    A French researcher was indicted for holocaust denial.
    Swing: Free speech

    Kayhan, 9.10.2006

  10. سينماي هاليوود و صهيونيسم!

    Hollywood-Cinema and Zionism
    Kayhan, 5.10.2006

  11. تعدادي از بازيگران و فيلمسازان هاليوود، با محكوميت حزب الله لبنان از رژيم صهيونيستي حمايت كردند.

    Some actors and filmmakers from Hollywood condemn Hisbollah in Lebanon and defend the Zionists.
    Kayhan, 30.9.2006

  12. The plan fpr a modern Middle East.
    Kayhan, 28.9.2006

  13. با ساخت يك شهرك زيرزميني، سران اسرائيل به مخفيگاه مي روند.

    Israeli politicians are hiding in an underground city.
    Kayhan, 20.9.2006

  14. رژيم صهيونيستي فرمانده جبهه جنگ با ايران را منصوب كرد.

    The Zionist regime has appointed the general, who should lead the war against Iran.
    Kayhan, 10.9.2006

  15. عنان: نمايشگاه كاريكاتور هولوكاست در تهران را نديدم ولي آنچه راجع به آن شنيده ام بسيار ناخوشايند است.

    Annan: I did not witness the holocaust conference, but what I heard is truely worrying.
    Kayhan, 7.9.2006

  16. يك سايت صهيونيستي در واكنش به نمايشگاه بين المللي كاريكاتور هولوكاست: اين اقدام ايران زمينه سازي رواني براي كشتار مجدد يهوديان است!
    Holocaust Museum
    A Zionist website reacts to the Holocaust exhibition and wrote: This step by Iran is the psychological preparation for a renewed murder of Jews..
    Kayhan, 29.8.2006

  17. يك روزنامه صهيونيستي در واكنش به مسابقه بين المللي كاريكاتور هولوكاست: اگر هولوكاست موضوع خنده داري بود ما هم كلي به آن مي خنديديم!

    A Zionist newspaper wrote with regards to the Holocaust cartoon contest: If the Holocaust is that funny, then we will laugh about it.
    Kayhan, 27.8.2006

  18. پروفسور و استاد دانشگاه «بن گوريون» اسرائيل: بسياري از صهيونيست ها در جنگ دوم جهاني از افسران ارشد نازي بوده اند.

    A professor of the Israeli Ben Gurion University said: During the second world war many Zionists were high ranking Nazi officers.
    Kayhan, 26.8.2006

  19. به مناسبت افتتاح نمايشگاه بين المللي كاريكاتور هولوكاست درتهران!

    On the occassion of the opening of the Tehran Holocaust exhibition.
    Kayhan, 24.8.2006

  20. وزير دفاع رژيم صهيونيستي: مرحله دوم جنگ با لبنان را آغاز مي كنيم.

    The Zionist defence minister says: We will begin the second phase of the Lebanon war.
    Kayhan, 21.8.2006

  21. در پي شكست رژيم صهيونيستي درلبنان، بركناري و مجازات نظاميان اسرائيلي آغاز شد.

    As a result of the defeat of the Zionist regime in Lebanon the responsible members of the military were let go.
    Kayhan, 20.8.2006

  22. The plan for a new Middle East.
    Kayhan, 14.8.2006

  23. روزنامه صهيونيستي معاريو: اسرائيل جز زيرزميني شدن ديگر راهي براي دفاع از خود نخواهد داشت.

    The Zionist newspaper Maariv wrote: Israel has no other way but to go underground.
    Kayhan, 13.8.2006

  24. رژيم صهيونيستي آخرين نسل از تانكهاي پيشرفته «مركاوا» را وارد عرصه نبرد مي كند.

    The Zionist regime will use its newest tanks in the war.
    Kayhan, 12.8.2006

  25. برخي منابع خبري: عربستان سعودي سوخت جنگنده هاي رژيم صهيونيستي را تأمين مي كند.

    Some news agencies report: Saudi Arabia is financing the fuel for the Zionist planes.
    Kayhan, 1.8.2006

  26. Lebanon
    Kayhan, 29.7.2006

  27. Arab Oil
    Kayhan, 27.7.2006

  28. The Saudis are hatching an egg: Intifadah and dialogue with Israel.
    Kayhan, 26.7.2006

  29. دبيركل حزب الله: جنگ برعليه لبنان با حمايت برخي سران عرب انجام مي گيرد.

    The head of Hisbollah says: Some Arab leaders are part of the war against Lebanon.
    Kayhan, 25.7.2006

  30. «القاعده» حزب الله لبنان را به شدت مورد حمله قرار داد و محكوم كرد.

    Al-Kaida has strongly criticized Hisbollah.
    Kayhan 24.7.2006

  31. موضع سران مرتجع عرب دربرابر رژيم صهيونيستي!

    The position of the Arab leaders in regards to the Zionist regime.
    Kayhan, 20.7.2006

  32. On the rocket: Al-Raad. [Raocket made in Iran]
    Kayhan, 19.7.2006

  33. Arab Oil
    Kayhan, 18.7.2006

  34. لشكر زرهي ارتش اشغالگر قدس وارد غزه شد.

    The Jerusalem occupying army has entered Gaza.
    How Olmert views the Holocaust story.

    Kayhan, 5.7.2006



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