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  1. AFP Rice: Nordkorea und Iran müssen nicht ewig Feinde sein
    US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice hat Nordkorea und dem Iran in Aussicht gestellt, von Washington nicht für ewig zur „Achse des Bösen“ gezählt zu werden. Mehr »

  2. Basler Zeitung Weiter Differenzen über Sanktionen gegen den Iran
    Israel hat am Donnerstag seine umstrittenen Pläne für einen Ausbau von Siedlungen in der Umgebung Jerusalems gestoppt. Paris. sda/dpa/baz.

  3. EJP – European Parliament president denounces human rights violations in Iran 
    BRUSSELS —The President of the European Parliament denounced human rights violations in Iran, mentioning especially the recent arrests of students in Tehran.
    In a statement released on Tuesday, Hans-Gert Poettering said he was informed by MEPs from the European Parliament-Iran delegation, who visited Tehran last week, that a series of arrests took place in Iran, aimed in particular at students who were planning a demonstration on the occasion of the „Iranian students‘ day“ on December 7th.
    „A list of 28 names of arrested students, whose whereabouts are still unknown, was given to our delegation by their families, with the plea that Parliament intervenes and asks for their immediate liberation,“ Poettering added.
    He said the list was transmitted to the leader of the Iranian Majlis (parliament) delegation, who undertook to raise this issue with the Iranian authorities, as well as to the EU presidency representation in Tehran.

    1. ACHGUTMilliarden für die Mullahs
      Für Ende dieses Jahres plant die Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung (OMV) ein 22-Milliarden- Euro-Geschä ft mit dem Iran ; entsprechende Vorverträge wurden bereits im April geschlossen. Kommt der Deal tatsächlich zustande, würde er nicht nur einen massiven Ausbau bereits bestehender wirtschaftlicher Beziehungen zwischen der Alpenrepublik und den Mullahs bedeuten, sondern Österreich und Europa endgültig zu strategischen Partnern und Komplizen des Regimes in Teheran machen. Doch gegen diese Allianz regt sich Protest: Die Wiener Initiative Stop the Bomb unternimmt Aktivitäten, die auch international für Aufmerksamkeit sorgen.
      http://lizaswelt. blogspot. com/2007/ 12/multi- milliarden- fr-die-mullahs. html

    2. Die Jüdische – Österreich als Türöffner für die Mullahs
      Der geplante Milliardendeal der OMV mit dem Iran würde Österreich zum langfristigen strategischen Partner des Mullahregimes in Teheran machen.

  4. presstv – OMV under pressure over Iran deal
    Austrian Energy giant OMV have come under pressure to cancel a multi-billion euro gas agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Under the agreement, signed in April, OMV would participate in the development of Iranian gas and oil fields along the Persian Gulf.
    A Vienna-based organization has launched a campaign, calling for OMV to cancel the 22-billion-euro deal with Iran.
    The OMV deal enjoys broad support from Austrian politicians. A Spokesman for Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer said the government ‚will not actively intervene‘ in the economic activities of a private company.

  5. AP Buschehr geht nach russischen Angaben erst Ende 2008 ans Netz
    Moskau (AP) Das mit russischer Hilfe gebaute iranische Atomkraftwerk Buschehr geht frühestens Ende kommenden Jahres ans Netz. Mehr »

  6. RIA Novosti – Russlands Atomkooperation mit Iran fördert Atomwaffen-Entwickl ung – israelischer Minister
    RISHON LE ZION (Israel), 20. Dezember . Die Atombrennstoff- Lieferungen aus Russland und der Bau des Kernkraftwerkes Bushehr vergrößern das Wissen der iranischen Spezialisten über Atomenergie, was Iran der Umsetzung militaristischer Bestrebungen näher bringt.
    Das sagte der israelische Minister für strategische Planungen, Avigdor Liebermann, in einem Treffen mit Botschaftern der Länder der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) und des Baltikums.
    Am vergangenen Sonntag hatte Russland mit der Lieferung von Atombrennstoff an das iranische Atomkraftwerk Bushehr begonnen, das mit russischer Unterstützung gebaut wird. Die Lieferung erfolgt entsprechend dem russisch-iranischen Regierungsabkommen unter IAEO-Kontrolle.
    Zuvor äußerte der Berater des Unternehmensprä sidenten der russischen staatlichen Korporation TWEL, Michail Solonin, der Atombrennstoff für Bushehr werde beim Niveau der Urananreicherung nicht über dem in Iran bereits erreichten liegen.

  7. Gulf Daily News Guinea seeks oil help from Tehran
    CONAKRY: Guinea has asked for Iran’s help to obtain supplies of oil products as the West African state feels the squeeze of high prices for energy imports …

    1. wienweb – Atomprogramm wird fortgesetzt
      Im Atomstreit bleibt der Iran weiter hart. Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad kündigte am Sonntag im Fernsehen an, sein Land werde das Atomprogramm „mit Vollgas“ fortsetzen.
      Weder finanzielle noch militärische Sanktionen würden den Iran davon abhalten, betonte Ahmadinedschad. Auch die Pläne zur Urananreicherung will er weiter verfolgen. Eine dritte UN-Resolution gegen sein Land hält er für unwahrscheinlich.
      Dabei verwies Ahmadinedschad auf den jüngsten Bericht der US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste. Daraus ging hervor, dass der Iran seit 2004 nicht mehr an einer Atombombe arbeitet

    2. AKI – Iran: Ex-president calls on Tehran to persist with uranium enrichment
      Tehran, 18 Dec.  – The reformist former president of Iran, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has called on Iranian officials to keep up the pace of the country’s nuclear programme and „not suspend uranium enrichment“.
      „We do not have to yield even a centimetre as far as the nuclear programme is concerned,“ said Rafsanjani, who is the current president of the Assembly of Experts, one of the powerful cleric-run bodies that dominates the country’s politics in Iran.
      Rafsanjani is seen as a pragmatist and as a political adversary of Iran’s current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
      Speaking on Tuesday in Khorramabad in central Iran, Rafsanjani said that „every step backwards and concession on the nuclear issue strengthens the enemies of the Islamic Republic and will allow them to dictate to us other impositions. „

  8. Fars News Agency – Iran Rejects Suspension of Uranium Enrichment
    TEHRAN – Iran on Tuesday reiterated its rejection of suspending uranium enrichment.
    Deputy Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Mohammad Saeedi said that some people said Iran no longer needs to enrich its uranium after the delivery of the nuclear fuel, but the notion about Iran’s suspension of uranium enrichment was an „outdated analysis.“
    „The issue of the nuclear fuel has nothing to do with the issue of Iran’s uranium enrichment activities,“ he said, adding that delivery of the nuclear fuel was a „success“ for the Iranian nation after a long time.
    He noted that Iran should adopt a policy that enables the country to produce at least part of the nuclear fuel it needs.
    Tehran has decided to build a new 360-megawatt nuclear power plant in Darkhowein in southwestern Khuzestan province, Saeedi said, adding that Iran would seek to build more medium-sized nuclear power plants in the future.

    1. WELT ONLINE Ahmadinedschad steinigt in Mekka den Teufel
      Im weißen Umhang ist der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad nur einer von Millionen muslimischen Pilgern. Wie alle anderen absolviert er die … 

    2. AFP Iranians hope Ahmadinejad hajj will help Arab ties
      An Iranian demonstration during the hajj in 1987 led to Tehran and Riyadh severing diplomatic relations. Security forces tried to break up the protest and …

    3. Times Online Ahmadinejad is first Iranian leader to perform the haj
      In 1987 during an Iranian demonstration at the pilgrimage, security forces tried to break up the protest and more than 400 people, including 275 Iranians …

  9. EuroNews Ahmadinedschad zu Hadsch in Mekka
    Der Schiit Mahmud Ahmadinedschad reiste auf Einladung des sunnitisch-konserva tiven saudi-arabischen Königshauses nach Mekka. Das gilt als hoch symbolisch, …

  10. Kleine Zeitung Ahmadinejad bei König Abdullah von Saudi-Arabien
    König Abdullah von Saudi-Arabien ist in der Zeltstadt Mina nahe der heiligen Stadt Mekka mit dem iranischen Präsidenten Ahmadinejad zusammengekommen.

    1. Iranian President in Saudi: Oppose US bullying
      Ahmadinejad‘ visit has been revival since an Iranian demonstration during the Hajj in July 1987 brought relations between Tehran and Riyadh to the all-time …

  11. WELT ONLINE Iran: Ahmadinedschad im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik
     von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE
    In einem Fernsehinterview erklärte Ahmadinedschad die Ursachen der Inflation und der Teuerungsrate im Iran. Seitdem steht der iranische Präsident im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik. Das Majless, das islamistische Parlament des Iran, will ihn anhören.
    Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad gab bei einem Sonderprogramm des iranischen Staatsfernsehen zum ersten Mal zu, dass die iranische Wirtschaft unter einer hohen Teuerungsrate, Inflation und der Senkung des Geldwerts leide, berichtete die Exil-online- Zeitung Rooz.
    Der Präsident selbst wollte keine Verantwortung für die wirtschaftlichen Probleme übernehmen, gestand aber ein, dass die Wirtschaftsplä ne der Regierung eindeutig gescheitert seien. Er versprach, dass die Staatsbürokratie schlanker, die Geldmenge reduziert und die ausländischen Devisen teurer werden würden, damit es der iranischen Wirtschaft in Zukunft besser gehe. Der Präsident hob hervor, dass die Regierung sich bemüht habe, die Kapitalinvestitione n zu fördern. Immerhin seien diese seit seiner Machtübernahme um rund drei Milliarden Dollar gestiegen. Er beklagte, dass gleichzeitig die Preise für Fleisch und Hülsenfrüchte um 36 Prozent gestiegen seien. Transportpreise hätten sich vervierfacht. Besonders problematisch sei der Anstieg der Weizenpreise.
    Deutschland sei auf Platz 1, wenn es um Importe von Maschinen gehe, und China besetze den ersten Platz beim Import von Konsumwaren. Dabei seien die Preise der importierten Waren gestiegen. 

  12. A nervous Iranian regime „lashes out“ against the population
    Concerned that widespread dissatisfaction among the people may give rise to increasingly prominent forms of protest and anti-government demonstrations, …

  13. Africasia Iran set to free three jailed students: lawyer
    In the most recent protest on December 9, hundreds of Iranian students demonstrated at Tehran University, damaging the main entrance to the campus and …

  14. NZZ Online Iran zeigt eine TV-Serie über den Holocaust
    Und im vergangenen Jahr berief Ahmadinejad eine «Holocaust-Konferenz» ein, die beweisen sollte, dass … ber. Aus Teheran hören wir regelmässig extrem …

  15. haGalil onLine Olmert warnt vor atomarem Iran
    Israel unterstützt insofern die Verschärfung der wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen gegen den Iran und seine fortgesetzte Isolierung, bis er die Bedingungen des … 

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGFrom MEMRI TV: Iranian TV Reporters on Board New Submarines
  17. MEMRIBLOG Iran’s First Interest-Free Bank Inaugurated

    The first Iranian Mehr Interest-Free Bank was inaugurated across the country in the presence of the Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

    Bank Melli Iran (BMI) is to render services of the newly inaugurated bank in 2,700 branches throughout the country.

    The new bank will make a great change in the country’s banking system that would allow customers to open bank accounts and get loans, interest free, the Iranian president said.

    Source: Fars News Agency, Iran, December 17, 2007

    Click Here, to View Post on the MEMRI Economic Blog.


  18. In speeches in Saudi Arabia during his Hajj pilgrimage, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that the goal of Islam was to establish a global government.

    He said that Iran was opposed to the American hegemony in the world, and would continue to fight it by all means.

    He added, „The Palestinians must continue the armed struggle against Israel to complete victory.“

    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 20, 2007


  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG„Kayhan“ Editor Shariatmadari: Russia’s Demand For Uranium Enrichment Freeze „Insulting“

    In an interview with the conservative Iranian news agency Mehr, Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the Iranian daily Kayhan which is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said that Russia’s demand that Iran freeze its uranium enrichment in exchange for transferring nuclear fuel is „illegal, insulting, and like blackmail.“

    Shariatmadari added that under its agreement with Iran, Russia was obligated to transfer the fuel, but that the transfer was taking place only after significant delay.

    A report by Iran’s Majlis Strategic Research Center stated that Russia’s behavior with the U.S. shows that it is willing to sacrifice its relations with Iran in order to realize its goals, and recommends preparing „a package of incentives and threats that will levy a high price from Russia for its collaboration with America.

    Source: Mehr, Iran, December 19, 2007; Aftab-e Yazd, Iran, December 19, 2007


  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG„Kayhan“ Changes Editorial Tune About Nuclear Cooperation With Russia

    Mahdi Mohammedi, member of the editorial staff of the Iranian daily Kayhan, which is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, today reconsidered praise he expressed yesterday for Russia as „Iran’s sure partner“ following Russia’s agreement to transfer the nuclear fuel to Iran.

    In today’s Kayhan editorial, Mohammedi wrote that this transfer of nuclear fuel did not erase the residue of the past with regard to Russia’s behavior towards Iran, and that there was room for pessimism and caution towards Russia.

    Source: Kayhan, Iran, December 18 and 19, 2007


  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Why Egypt Wants To Reinstate Relations With Iran

    An article posted by the Iranian news agency ISNA on the current attempts to reinstate Iran-Egypt relations stated, „The Egyptian government understands very well the need to fight the U.S., and therefore it is natural for it to choose Iran as a model of attaining this goal.“

    Source: ISNA, Iran, December 19, 2007


  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Fourth Iran-Russia Joint Military Cooperation Commission To Meet In Tehran

    Russia’s Defense Minister Mikhail Dmitriev is to arrive in Tehran tomorrow, December 19, for the fourth meeting of the Iran-Russia joint military cooperation commission.

    Dmitriev will be accompanied by a high ranking military and technical delegation.

    The top defense envoys of the two countries will study ways to expand bilateral military ties in new areas and also look at conditions for implementing agreements from previous meetings.

    Source: ISNA, Iran, December 17, 2007


  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Calls Nuclear Fuel Delivery „Great Achievement“

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council Undersecretary for International Affairs Javad Vaeedi yesterday, December 17, hailed the delivery to Iran of the first batch of nuclear fuel from Russia as a great achievement for Iran and as a failure for the U.S.-led propaganda against Iran’s nuclear programs.

    Vaeedi told Channel 2 of Iran’s state-run TV that the U.S. and Russia had signed an agreement in 1996 to halt Moscow’s nuclear cooperation with Iran, including delivery of nuclear fuel to Iran’s first nuclear power plant at Bushehr.

    He added, „But when Putin ascended to power, that agreement was annulled, and Russia entered serious cooperation with Iran.“

    He said that the delayed delivery of nuclear fuel to Bushehr was the result of the U.S.’s psychological warfare against Iran, and said, „The delivery of the fuel to Iran means that Iran has qualified for the pursuit of its peaceful nuclear activities, and that the required grounds have been paved for international confidence in Iran’s peaceful nuclear programs.“

    See also „Senior Iranian Official: We Won’t Stop Uranium Enrichment.“

    Source: Fars, Iran, December 18, 2007


  24. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG „Disavowal of Pagans“ Ceremony Begins, Includes Chants Of „Death To America, Death To Israel“

    The Disavowal of Pagans ritual, in the sacred desert of Arafat, 12 miles from Mecca, began today.

    It was attended by a huge group of Iranian pilgrims, who chanted „Death to Israel.“ „Death to America,“ „Allah is beyond description, “ and „There is no god but Allah“ in unison as they gathered for a day of prayer and meditation.

    The ceremony was attended by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri.

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s message to the Hajj pilgrims was read by Reyshahri during the ceremony. (See „Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Issues Message Marking Hajj.“)

    A resolution will be issued by the pilgrims at the end of the ceremony.

    Source:, Iran, December 18, 2007

    See also „Iranian Pilgrims in Mecca Shout ‘Death to America, the Great Satan‘ At Anti-American Rally,“ Channel 1, Iranian TV and Al-‘Alam TV, January 9, 2006.

  25. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Rafsanjani: Unity Between Seminaries, Universities Will Thwart U.S. Plots

    Iranian Expediency Council chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said today that solidarity between Iran’s seminaries and universities would neutralize the American conspiracies in the Middle East.

    Rafsanjani was speaking at a seminar on „Unity between Seminary and University“ in Khorramabad, in Lorestan province.

    He added that Washington deals aggressively with Tehran because of its Islamic nature and that Iran’s huge energy resources, distinguished geographical location, and talented people are other reasons for U.S. hostility towards it.

    Source:, Iran, December 18, 2007


  26. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Issues Message Marking Hajj

    In his message marking the Hajj, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reminded the pilgrims that this was „where Muhammad raised the flag of monotheism,“ and that the prevailing spirit of the believers‘ Hajj was disavowal from infidels and aversion to idols and idolaters and that it was on this basis that Muslims „have to plan our lives and futures.“

    He added that today the treacherous enemies of the Muslim ummah were the „organizers of the hegemonic centers and expansionist and aggressive powers“ that considered the Islamic awakening to be „a great threat to their illegitimate interests and their oppressive domination over the Muslim world.“

    He also called on all Muslim nations to form a united Islamic front against this invading enemy, to „muster all the elements of power within themselves and properly strengthen the Muslim ummah.“

    He stressed that „disunity and conflict among the parts of the Muslim umah are dangerous diseases which must be treated.“

    He stated that Iran had named this the year of Islamic solidarity, „due to the awareness of the intensified plots hatched in order to sow the seeds of discord among our brothers.“

    He concluded by saying, „The future belongs to the Muslim ummah“ and expressing his hope that „the Divine aid and the blessing of Hazrat Al-Mahdi, May God hasten His arrival, will be with you in this great aim.“

    Source:, Iran, December 18, 2007


  27. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGCriticism In Iran: What Happened To Oil Revenues?

    In an interview with the conservative news agency Fars, Hossein Mar’ashi, an associate of Expediency Council chairman Hashemi Rafsanjani, who is considered the No. 2 man in the regime, criticized the economic policy of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stating, „Ahmadinejad is not serving Iran in anything.“

    Reformist MP Qadartallah Alikhani said that Ahmadinejad‘ s government dealt in disseminating slogans, and had not utilized the $150 billion in revenues from the oil industry in the past two and a half years for the good of the people.

    The Iranian economic daily Jahan-e San’at stated, „The people have the right to know what happened to the oil revenues that they were promised would reach their dining tables.“

    Dissident journalist ‚Isa Saharkhiz said that Ahmadinejad‘ s economic policy had caused those who would invest in Iran to flee.

    Source: Fars, Iran, December 14, 2007; Jahan-e San’at, Iran, December 17, 2007; Rooz, Iran, December 18, 2007


  28. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Holds Large-Scale Naval Maneuvers

    On December 16, the navy of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) launched four days of naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf.

    Senior naval forces official Ali Razmjou said that one of the aims of the maneuvers was to test advanced means of warfare.

    The maneuvers involved hundreds of units, naval equipment including rocket launchers, and planes dropping torpedoes, and air, commando, and diving units, and included naval and air firing and the laying of underwater mines.

    Razmjou stated that the message of the maneuvers for the Gulf states was one of peace and friendship.

    Source: Al-Qabas, Kuwait, December 17, 2007; Fars, Iran, December 18, 2007


  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Activists In Communiqué: Freeze On Sanctions In Exchange For Freeze On Uranium Enrichment

    In Iran, 333 activists, journalists, and academics have issued a communiqué calling on Iran’s leadership to accept the proposal under which sanctions against Iran would be frozen in exchange for an Iranian freeze on uranium enrichment.

    The disseminators of the communiqué noted that they opposed an increase in economic sanctions and the outbreak of military conflict in the region.

    Source: Rooz, Iran, December 18, 2007


  30. In a speech to students, IRGC theoretician Hassan Abbasi, who heads Iran’s Doctrinal Center for National Security of the IRGC under the IRGC, said that the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad „doesn’t know what it’s doing“ and likened it to „a speeding minibus with its headlights off.“

    He said that the dissatisfaction in society in Iran, and the economic pressures, were more dangerous than an attack by the U.S..

    The speech was posted on a private Iranian blog, and quoted on the Iranian website Tabnak, which is identified with Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezai.

    Source; Tabnak, Iran, December 14, 2007


  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Promises To Launch Second Space Research Rocket

    Iran’s Aerospace Research Center director Mohammad Ibrahimi has declared that following the success of the first launch last year of the Kawash („Research“) research satellite rocket, Iran was now working on preparations for a second launch.

    He said that the rocket was in the experimental and research stage, and that it would be launched at „an appropriate time.“

    Source: Mehr, Iran, December 16, 2007


  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Forms New Guerilla Unit – Karbala Battle Brigades

    As part of recent structural changes in Iran’s armed forces, senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officials and Basij forces have announced the establishment of the Karbala Battle Brigades.

    The brigades are armed with light and semi-heavy weapons and explosives.

    The reformist daily Rooz reported that these forces participated in the Basij maneuvers in November 2007, during which they were also equipped with shoulder-launched missiles.

    IRGC Commander Mohammad Ja’fari warned that the forces, which are designated for special operations and guerilla warfare, will be equipped with the newest equipment and will be deployed on the country’s borders.

    Source: Rooz, Iran, December 17, 2007


  33. In a December 13 speech to the newly formed Islamic Iran Development and Justice Party, with which he is identified, Iranian Expediency Council secretary Mohsen Rezai hinted at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad‘ s arrogance, saying „Perhaps some people who see themselves as above [Iranian Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei.“

    On the U.S. NIE report on Iran’s nuclear program, Rezai said that it was the insight and guidance of Khamenei, who outlines Iran’s foreign policy, that removed the „grave danger“ that had faced Iran when „the enemy planes were already on the runway.“

    Source: Norooz, Iran, December 15, 2007



  34. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGRafsanjani In Eid Al-Adha Sermon: Americans Suffer Most From Bush’s „Axis of Evil“ Statement; U.S. To Blame For Daily Crimes Worldwide; Iran Favors Peace, Tranquility

    Iranian Expediency Council Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani told worshippers today at Eid Al-Adha prayers: „Ever since the U.S. president started speaking of the axis of evil, Americans have suffered the most damage. Americans raise their military budget annually. Their war casualties are high and they have many physical and psychological war disabled. This has turned into a disaster for them.“
    He added that the Americans are involved in daily crimes worldwide: „Every day, we witness crimes in some parts, in which Americans are present.“ Referring to the U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf and Middle East, he said: „The crimes show that the U.S. presence in the region has resulted in more violence, sabotage, and problems, though Americans entered the region with different claims.“
    In his second sermon, he stressed that Iran is the party that is acting responsibly, and „is not after tension and sabotage and favors peace, calm and tranquility. “ He also advised the West to choose a right path in dealing with Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, saying, „The path chosen by the West against Iran is wrong,“ and added that although the hostilities have inflicted costs and damage on Iran, the Americans have not benefited from them.
    Source: IRNA, December 21, 2007

  35. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Films, TV Soon In Latin America
    Iranian Radio and Television Organization chief Ezatollah Zarghami has said that Iranian films and television shows will soon be broadcast in Latin American countries.
    Zarghmi, who is concluding his trip to Venezuela, added that this trip had strengthened Iran’s cultural cooperation with Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.
    Zarghami said that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega had expressed satisfaction over the launch of the launching of Iranian programming.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, December 21, 2007

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Ambassador To Japan: Iran Won’t Seek Nuclear Technology From Pyongyang; China Will Be Superpower; Next U.S. Pres Must Adopt Multilateral Policy
    Iran’s ambassador to Japan Mohsen Tala’i has said that it is time for the U.S. to change its behavior towards Iran.
    Speaking to the Japanese newspaper Sunki, Tala’i said that the recent U.S. NIE report proved that the U.S. had been wrong about Iran’s purported development of nuclear weapons.
    With regard to Iran’s relations with North Korea, he said that Tehran-Pyongyang ties are limited, and that Iran would never seek to obtain nuclear technology from North Korea.
    He added that Iran’s ties with Russia would depend on whether Moscow regulates its policy toward Iran as a rival or as a partner. But, he said, Russia is one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council and Iran won’t and can’t underestimate its importance. Japan, he added, is downplaying Russia’s significance, probably because it is close to another permanent member of the UN Security Council.
    Tala’i also noted that China would be a superpower hereafter.
    Iran’s envoy to Japan also said that the next U.S. president should adopt a multilateral policy, and in that case China and Russia would be more influential powers.
    He said that Japan is the largest importer of Iran’s oil, and that expanding relations with it was high on Tehran’s agenda.
    Source: Mehr, Iran, December 19, 2007

  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIRGC Navy Holds Second, Third Stages of Maneuvers In Persian Gulf

    The navy of the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has carried out the second and third stages of the „Courage 86“ maneuvers, in an area of 7,000 nautical miles in the Persian Gulf (see „Iran Holds Large-Scale Naval Maneuvers“)
    IRGC Navy Brig-Gen Ali Razmjou said that the second exercise included pre-emptive defensive and psychological operations, air defense, mine planting operation, night tracking and destroying of vessels of a hypothetical enemy, and parachuting frogmen from helicopters into the sea
    The third stage included chemical defense, shooting targets at sea, intercepting vessels of a hypothetical enemy, and capturing hypothetical targets, he said.
    Several hundred vessels, missile launchers, destroyers, and mine planters have been involved in the IRGC naval exercises this week.
    Razmjou said that the exercises focused on non-conventional defense and on a new mission to protect territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, the Iranian islands, and coastal area.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 21, 2007

  38. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGAhmadinejad, Saudi King Call Iran-Saudi Ties Cordial; Ahmadinejad: My Hajj Participation Promulgates Solidarity Among Islamic Countries

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Saudi King Abdullah met in Mena, Saudi Arabia to emphasize further cooperation between Tehran and Riyadh.
    The two said that strengthening ties between Tehran and Riyadh, the two poles of the Islamic world, prevents enemies from dividing the Muslim nations.
    King Abdullah said Ahmadinejad‘ s recent participation in the GCC conference was „a first and significant step en route to expanding regional cooperation, “ and Ahmadinejad invited the king to officially visit to Iran.
    Also in Mena, at a ceremony for Eid Al-Adha, Ahmadinejad called Tehran-Riyadh relations „friendly,“ and added that his participation in the Hajj promulgated a message of increased solidarity and brotherhood among Islamic countries.
    He added that the Hajj pilgrimage provided an opportunity for Muslim officials to exchange views about the heavy responsibility of Islamic governments and statesmen.
    Sources: Fars, Iran, December 20, 2007; ISNA, Iran, December 21, 2007

  39. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGAhmadinejad To Hizbullah’s Mecca Rep: Unyielding Palestinian Resistance Heralds Powerful Victory Against Zionist Regime; Hizbullah Leader Nasrallah „Brother“

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the Palestinian nation’s unyielding resistance heralds a powerful Palestinian victory nation against the Zionist regime.
    He said, „We are waiting for the day to witness the flag of arrogance being pulled down.“
    President Ahmadinejad made the remark December 18 at a meeting with Sheikh Mohammad Yazbak, Hizbullah High Council member and head of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Movement, Hizbullah’s representative office in Mecca.
    He added that he hoped that the Palestinian nation would continue the path of resistance until it achieved complete victory against the Zionist occupiers, and called for more support from the world’s Muslims to help liberate the Palestinians from their critical situation in the occupied lands.
    „God willing, the flag of monotheism and Muslim glory will be hoisted and the ground will be paved for the expulsion of the enemies from the occupied lands,“ he added.
    Ahmadinejad also called Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah a brother and a beloved hero to Muslim nations, and asked Yazbek to convey his warmest regards to him and to all Hizbullah members.
    President Ahmadinejad arrived in Saudi Arabia on December 17 for the Hajj.
    Source:, Fars, Iran, December 20, 2007

  40. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Police Commander: Adulterated Crack In Iran „Manifestation Of U.S. Onslaught Against Our Youth“
    Iranian Police Brig. Sid Issa Dara’ie has said that combating narcotics trafficking and sales in Iran is a very tough job, adding, „The new generation of ‚crack‘ on the market is another manifestation of the huge U.S. huge onslaught against our youth.“
    He pointed out that before the U.S. entered Afghanistan, that country’s annual narcotics production was around 4,000 metric tons, but that it has since increased to 8,200 tons
    He added, „It is obvious that the main U.S. target in this respect is Iran, since the enemy intends to push the Iranian youth generation towards total annihilation. „
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 21, 2007

  41. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGRafsanjani: Christians Must Not Allow Insult To Islam, Muhammad
    Iranian Assembly of Experts head and Expediency Council chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani told worshipers at Eid Al-Adha prayers in Tehran today that the world’s Christians and Christian leaders must not allow certain groups to insult Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
    He said, „I call on all Christians, especially Christian ulema, to take commonalities of the divine religions into consideration, “ he urged.
    He added that the Koran had invited the divine religions to cooperate with Muslims on commonalities, and insisted that the followers of the divine religions are more alike than they are different.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 21, 2007

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