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  1. YNET US offers Iran hope of ’normal ties‘
    Secretary of State Rice at Davos conference (Photo: AFP)

    1. HA’ARETZ Rice offers normal relations to Iran if it gives up nuclear work
      U.S. Sec. of State: Issue can be solved diplomatically; Tehran vows to follow nuclear path despite sanctions.

  2. DPA  Demonstrators urge sanctions on Iran before Berlin meeting – Update
    Berlin – Iranian activists held a demonstration in central Berlin Tuesday to protest against the Islamic government in Tehran as foreign ministers of the five permanent Security Council members and Germany gathered to hold talks on Iran’s nuclear programme. „Sanctions against the mullahs,“ a spokesman for the around 100 demonstrators present shouted into a megaphone, as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived for the talks.
    The demonstrators, watched over by a strong police presence outside the German Foreign Ministry, held up placards calling for „No Nukes to the Mullahs“ and „Support for the Women’s Movement.“ 

  3. JUEDISCHE Protest gegen OMV bei Gaskonferenz  Michaela Berger 
    Zu Beginn der „European Gas Conference 2008“ fanden sich, neben den internationalen Teilnehmer der von der ÖMV (Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung) mit veranstalteten Tagung ca. 15 Personen, die gegen den geplanten Milliarden-Deal der OMV mit dem iranischen Mullah-Regime protestierten, ein. 
    Schilder „Mit GasKammernleugnern aus dem Iran zur Endlösung der Judenfrage“, Transparent und Flugblätter „Stop the bomb“ sollten die Aufmerksamkeit der Tagungsteilnehmern erwecken.
    „Wir werden es nicht lautlos hinnehmen, wenn die OMV ein Geschäft mit einem Regime abschließt, das Israel vernichten will und die eigene Bevölkerung auf brutale Weise unterdrückt.

  4. STERNIran/ Mullahs wollen Matthäus
    Bayern-Trainer ist er nicht geworden, dafür hat Lothar Matthäus jetzt ein neues Jobangebot: Der iranische Fußballverband will den Rekordnationalspieler als Nationalcoach verpflichten. Auch ein anderer Deutscher steht ganz oben auf der persischen Wunschliste.
    Ein Deutscher soll es auf jeden Fall sein. Der iranische Fußballverband sucht dringend einen Trainer für die Nationalmannschaft und hat dabei ein klares Anforderungsprofil erstellt. Erstes Merkmal: Der künftige Lenker der iranischen Auswahl soll aus dem Land Beckenbauers kommen. Offensichtlich genießen deutsche Trainer in der Welt immer noch einen erstklassigen Ruf. Dass der Wunschkandidat ausgerechnet Lothar Matthäus heißt, ist wenig überraschend. Der Rekordnationalspieler war in Serbien, Österreich und Ungarn Trainer. Er hat also genügend internationale Erfahrung und genießt als Weltmeister und zweifacher Weltfußballer des Jahres höchste Anerkennung – zumindest im Ausland, wo man dem Kolumnisten der „Sportbild“ offensichtlich mehr zutraut als in Deutschland.

    1. WELT ONLINE Bushs Nahost-Hoffnungen
      September verspielt hat und dem nächsten Präsidenten eine polarisierte Wählerschaft hinterlässt; dazu ein Militär, das zögert, gegen den Iran vorzugehen, …
    2. THE JERUSALEM POST ‚Israel will have to stop Iran‘
      „The questions come to Israel, whether it will use military force to stop Iran,“ former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said Tuesday.
      Speaking at the eighth Herzliya Conference, in a special session devoted to the Iranian nuclear race, Bolton said: „The United States used to have a policy on Iran and recently there was a new push to create a new policy [sic] but sadly, due to the direction American policy is going, it seems that for the next few years the United States will be a bystander to the process.“


    3. COMMENTARY Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands – Norman Podhoretz
      Up until a fairly short time ago, scarcely anyone dissented from the assessment offered with „high confidence“ by the National Intelligence Estimate [NIE] of 2005 that Iran was „determined to develop nuclear weapons.“ Correlatively, no one believed the protestations of the mullahs ruling Iran that their nuclear program was designed strictly for peaceful uses.
      The reason for this near-universal consensus was that Iran, with its vast reserves of oil and natural gas, had no need for nuclear energy, and that in any case, the very nature of its program contradicted the protestations.
      Here is how Time magazine put it as early as March 2003—long before, be it noted, the radical Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had replaced the putatively moderate Mohamed Khatami as president:

    4. THE JERUSALEM POST – ‚Iran cannot be stopped militarily‘
      Haviv Rettig , THE JERUSALEM POST  Jan. 22, 2008
      „A military option doesn’t exist. You can only delay“ Iranian nuclear armament through military means, according to Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, speaking to journalists Tuesday on the sidelines of the Herzliya Conference.
      Asked if the world could live with a nuclear Iran, he replied with the question, „Can you stop it? The only way we can be certain of succeeding is an agreement with Iran that’s verifiable. Military options won’t do the trick.“
  5. HAARETZ Bolton: Chance Bush will attack Iran is ‚close to zero‘  By Yuval Azoulay and Haaretz Service
    Tags: Iran, Nuclear Program, Israel
    Former U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton said on Tuesday that there is almost no chance that U.S. President George W. Bush will approve a military strike on Iran before he leaves office in January 2009.
    „It’s close to zero percent chance that the Bush Administration will authorize military action against Iran before leaving office,“ he said.
    Bolton addressed the Herzliya Conference of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, as part of a panel discussion on Iran’s nuclear program.
    He said the recent American intelligence assessment, according to which Iran halted its nuclear program in 2003, was a politically-motivated report intended to restrict the Bush Administration’s room to maneuver. 

  6. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Website: In Response to an Israeli Attack, Iran Can, With Syria’s Help, Wipe Out Half of Israel
    Following reports on Israel’s January 17, 2008 test of the Jericho III missile, which has a range of 4,500 km, the Iranian website Tabnak, which is affiliated with Iranian Expediency Council secretary and former Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander Mohsen Rezai, wrote that the missile’s addition to Israel’s arsenal does not change the balance of power between Israel and Iran.  
    The website stated that in the event of a conflict with Israel, Iran would use its strategic alliance with Syria to fire missiles at Israel from Syrian territory.
    [1] It also hinted that, in addition to assistance from Syria, any attack by Israel would also bring retaliation by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah. 

    1. Spiegel Online Powers Agree on ‚Watered Down‘ New Sanctions
      A member of an Iranian exile opposition group makes her position clear during a protest in Berlin. When the US National Intelligence Estimate asserted in …

    2. TLZ Kontrolle unabdingbar 
      Das Signal an die Regierung Ahmadinedschad heißt: Die Gruppe der Sechs lässt sich nicht so auseinanderdividieren, wie es das Mullah-Regime anstrebt. Russland und China sitzen mit am Tisch, wenn es darum geht, das iranische Nuklearprogramm zu verhindern. Das dürfte für Beunruhigung in Teheran sorgen.
      Auch wenn der Stern des einst populären Präsidenten im eigenen Land sinkt: Der Machtzuwachs Irans und dessen atomare Drohgebärden beobachten auch die Nachbarn mit größtem Unbehagen. Doch die Araber setzen auf Dialog statt auf Sanktionen – wohl auch in dem Wissen, dass den Iran zuletzt vor allem strategische Fehler der Bush-Regierung im Nachbarland Irak und in Afghanistan erstarken ließen. Und das massive US-Aufrüstungsprojekt in der Region, das nach den Plänen Washingtons Iran isolieren und klein halten sollte? Jede demonstrative Wortmeldung aus Teheran zeigt, dass das Konzept nur zum Teil aufgegangen ist.


    3. FRANKEN Misstrauen  Den Druck aufrecht erhalten, aber den Gesprächsfaden nicht abreißen lassen.
      Friedrich Rauer zum Iran-Treffen in Berlin
      Nach einem Anfang Dezember bekannt gewordenen Bericht des US-Geheimdienstes hat die iranische Führung ihr geheimes Atomwaffenprogramm bereits 2003 aufgegeben. Das Misstrauen der Weltgemeinschaft in die Pläne des Mullah-Regimes bleibt dennoch groß. Nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil Teheran trotz russischer Atombrennstoff-Lieferungen zur zivilen Nutzung der Kernkraft auf die Urananreicherung im eigenen Land nicht verzichten will. Damit bleibt der Gottesstaat weiter unter dem Generalverdacht, atomar aufrüsten zu wollen.

    4. Die Presse Atomstreit: Vetomächte einigen sich auf Resolution gegen Iran
      … dass die EU einseitig härtere Strafmaßnahmen gegen den Iran verhängt. Bei einer Tagung von Sicherheitsexperten in Israel meinte unterdessen der frühere … 
    5. THE JERUSALEM POST  – ‚New Iran resolution not harsh‘
      Associated Press , Jan. 23, 2008
      The new draft UN resolution on Iran over its disputed nuclear program does not call for any harsh sanctions, but encourages other countries to be vigilant, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday.
      Speaking at a news conference the day after the draft was approved by the five permanent Security Council members and Germany, Lavrov said it „does not foresee any harsh sanctions.“
      „It calls for countries to be vigilant while maintaining trade and economic and transport and other ties with Iran so that they are not used for the transfer of forbidden nuclear material,“ he said.
      These terms „will be enforced until the International Atomic Energy Agency’s concerns are resolved,“ Lavrov said, referring to the UN’s nuclear monitoring agency.

    6. THE JERUSALEM POST Top EU official: I back Iran sanctions
      Tovah Lazaroff , THE JERUSALEM POST  Jan. 23, 2008
      Senior EU official Franco Frattini took a tough stance on Iran Tuesday, telling The Jerusalem Post, „I support severe [Security Council] sanctions“ if Teheran does not halt its uranium enrichment program within a month.
      Europe „cannot leave Israel alone“ in its efforts to thwart Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear bomb, and it should have the diplomatic support of the international community in that pursuit, said Frattini, EU commissioner for justice, freedom and security, and a former Italian foreign minister.
      He remained convinced of the dangers to Europe and to global security caused by the Iranian nuclear program, he said, despite the US National Intelligence Estimate report released last month that concluded that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003.
  7. derstandard Iran-Resolution: Anpassung an das Mögliche
    Die neue Sanktionsrunde ist, auch wenn sie bescheiden ausfällt, ein diplomatischer Erfolg der USA – und zugleich eine Anpassung der US-Diplomatie an das Mögliche
    Laut China ist der nukleare Streit mit dem Iran, der am Dienstag die Außenminister der fünf ständigen UNO-Sicherheitsratsmitglieder in Berlin zusammenführte, in einer „kritischen Phase“: Allerdings ist heute damit etwas anderes gemeint als bis Anfang Dezember 2007, als ein US-Geheimdienstbericht „mit hoher Sicherheit“ verkündete, dass der Iran sein Atomwaffenprogramm im Jahr 2003 eingestellt habe. Seitdem hat sich nicht nur die inneramerikanische und die internationale Akzeptanz eines möglichen US-Militärschlags gegen den Iran mehr oder weniger in Luft aufgelöst. Auch die Bereitschaft für eine nächste – signifikante – Sanktionsrunde im Sicherheitsrat ist fast null: Und die vom deutschen Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier am Dienstagabend verkündetete Einigung auf eine neue „kleine“ Runde bestätigt das eher, als es ihm widerspricht: keine neuen Wirtschaftssanktionen, sondern Reiseverbote und Kontensperren iranischer Militärs, die in Waffenprogramme verwickelt sein könnten.

    1. Monsters and Iran’s Ahmadinejad telephones Egyptian president over Gaza
      The Islamic Revolution in Iran had severed its ties with Cairo to protest its hosting of the ousted Shah of Iran and the signing of the peace treaty with …


    2. Reuters Deutschland Erster direkter Kontakt zwischen Präsidenten Ägyptens und Irans
      … dass Israel seine Blockade des Gazastreifens schnell aufheben solle. Der Iran hatte nach der Islamischen Revolution 1979 die diplomatischen Beziehungen …

  8. Tirol Online Ahmadinejad und Mubarak sprachen über Gaza- und Libanon-Krisen
    Der Iran hatte nach der islamischen Revolution 1979 die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Ägypten wegen dessen Separatfriedens mit Israel abgebrochen.

  9. RIA Novosti Iran bereit zu eigenen Gaslieferungen über geplante Nabucco-Pipeline
    Die Bauarbeiten und der Betrieb der Rohrleitung übernimmt das internationale Konsortium mit der österreichischen Erdöl- und Erdgasgesellschaft OMV an der …

  10. JP – Iranian TV challenges Ted Koppel
    Claims Iranian children do mean it when they chant „Death to America.“

  11. IHT Waiting to hear from America  By Azadeh Pourzand
    When people say the United States should talk to Iran, I want to tell them my story.
    My parents are considered serious threats to the Islamic Republic of Iran. My mother, Mehrangiz Kar, a prominent women’s rights activist and lawyer, was imprisoned in 2000. After two months in solitary confinement, she was found guilty of criticizing the regime and supporting the reform movement.
    My father, Siamak Pourzand, a 76-year-old journalist, was kidnapped in 2001, held in unknown prisons and treated violently. His crime, too, was criticizing the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    I was 16 when I came to the United States. Already traumatized by my mother’s imprisonment, I had to face the ordeal of my father’s disappearance.

  12. RIA Novosti Iran setzt Abschiebung von afghanischen Flüchtlingen fort
    Trotz des von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad verhängten Moratoriums, verfolgen die iranischen Behörden weiterhin die Ausweisung von afghanischen …
  13. WZ- Ahmadinejad allein zu Haus  Eigene Partei distanziert sich von Irans Präsidenten.
     Sechsergruppe berät im Atomstreit.
    Teheran/Berlin. (dpa/afp/reuters) Noch vor zweieinhalb Jahren wurde er als Robin Hood der Armen und Protagonist für soziale Gerechtigkeit gefeiert. Doch viel zu feiern hat der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadineja^^^^rzeit nicht mehr. Nicht zuletzt wegen der internationalen Sanktionen, mit denen der Iran von der Entwicklung eines Atomwaffenprogramms abgehalten werden soll, führten seine Wirtschaftsreformen nicht zu den erhofften Ergebnissen.
    Die Inflationsrate ist offiziell auf fast 20 Prozent gestiegen – inoffiziell beträgt sie gar weit mehr als 30 Prozent – und die Immobilienpreise sind doppelt so hoch wie noch Mitte 2005. „Fazit nach fast 30 Monaten: Die Armen wurden noch ärmer und die Reichen noch reicher“, sagt ein iranischer Ex-Abgeordneter. 


    1. FR Kritik von allen Seiten  Ahmadinedschad – allein zu Hause
      Teheran (dpa) – Noch vor zweieinhalb Jahren wurde er als Robin Hood der Armen und Protagonist für soziale Gerechtigkeit gefeiert. Doch viel zu feiern hat der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinedschad derzeit nicht mehr. Nicht zuletzt wegen der internationalen Sanktionen, mit denen der Iran von der Entwicklung eines Atomwaffenprogramms abgehalten werden soll, führten seine Wirtschaftsreformen nicht zu den erhofften Ergebnissen. Die Inflationsrate ist offiziell auf fast 20 Prozent gestiegen – inoffiziell gar weit über 30 Prozent – und die Immobilienpreise sind doppelt so hoch wie noch Mitte 2005. „Fazit nach fast 30 Monaten: Die Armen wurden noch ärmer und die Reichen noch reicher“, sagt ein ehemaliger iranischer Abgeordneter.

    1. Islamic Republic News Agency MPs stage rally in protest to Zionists‘ crimes
      Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) was closed Wednesday morning so that the MPs could attend rallies to protest the recent Zionists‘ brutality in …
    2. Islamic Republic News Agency MPs voice Iran’s support for Palestinians resistance movement
      The statement was issued at the end of the MPs‘ rallies in protest at the Zionists‘ recent brutality in the Gaza Strip. The statement said the only solution …

  14. Iranian MPs to rally against Israel’s crimes
    22 (MNA) – Iranian PMs are to hold a demonstration in Tehran on Wednesday to condemn Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. 

  15. Monsters and Most reformist candidates rejected for Iran elections (Roundup)
    The Reformists‘ Coalition will however protest against all rejections and also brief the press accordingly, he added. More than 7000 candidates had …

  16. NYTIMES Radical Left, Iran’s Last Legal Dissidents, Until Now  – By NAZILA FATHI
    TEHRAN — In early December, a surprising scene unfolded at Tehran University: 500 Marxist students held aloft portraits of Che Guevara to protest President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s policies. Smaller groups of Marxist students held similar protests in several other cities.
    Political protest has been harshly suppressed under the current Iranian government, especially dissent linked to the West. But the radical left, despite its antireligious and antigovernment message, has been permitted relative freedom. This may be, analysts say, because, like the government, it rejects the liberal reform movement and attacks the West.

  17. NCR Solidarität mit dem iranischen Volk – eine Erfüllung des „Traumes von Dr. King“ – Aus Anlass des Martin Luther King Tages
    „Ungerechtigkeit irgendwo ist eine Bedrohung der Gerechtigkeit überall.“
    aus dem Brief Dr. Kinfs im Gefängnis in Birmingham am 16. April 1963
    NWRI – Die vom Iranischen Widerstand gewählte Präsidentin, Maryam Rajavi, sandte ihre Grüße anlässlich des Martin Luther King Tages zu allen friedliebenden Menschen in der ganzen Welt, vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten.
    Frau Rajavi ehrte das Andenken an einen Mann, der sich für Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und Freundschaft unter schwierigen und ungerechten Bedingungen einsetzte.

  18. NCR Der religiöse Faschismus weitet seine Maßnahmen aus     
    – Unvorhergesehene Hinrichtungen, Ermordung politischer Gefangener, Gliedamputationen bei Gefangenen und Ermordung von verwundeten Häftlingen
    – Maryam Rajavi appelliert an den UN Generalsekretär, den Sicherheitsrat und andere kompetente internationale Organisationen, die Barbarei des iranischen Regimes zu verurteilen
    NWRI – Maryam Rajavi, die vom iranischen Widerstand gewählte Präsidentin, appelliert an den UN Generalsekretär, den UN Sicherheitsrat und die Hohe Kommissarin der UN für Menschenrechte, dringend Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um gegen die grausamen und beispiellosen Menschenrechtsverletzungen des Mullahregimes in den letzten Wochen vorzugehen.
    In den ersten drei Wochen des Neuen Jahres richtete das iranische Regime mindestens 23 Gefangene hin, ermordete einen Studenten in Sanandaj (im Nordwesten), richtete in Khoy (im Norden) einen anderen verwundeten Gefangenen auf eine Krankentrage hin, amputierte bei fünf Gefangenen in Zahedan Gliedmaße, verurteilte zwei Jugendliche in Shiraz damit, in einem Sack von einem Felsen gestoßen zu werden. Hinzu kommen hunderte anderer grausamer Verbrechen aus Angst vor Volksaufständen von Menschen, die in miserablen Bedingungen leben: Armut, steil nach oben steigende Preise, Korruption und Unterdrückung in der Regierung, fügte Rajavi hinzu.

  19. RaghidaDergham.Com The Arab Moderates Locked Between Two Options: the US and Iran
    The US president’s recent comments about Iran and Lebanon didn’t have much of an impact on most Arab leaders and segments of public opinion. This is due to the declining confidence in the US as a whole, and not just in George W. Bush. In fact, finding it difficult to believe US vows and Bush’s promises is nothing new. Rather, this is the customary reputation the US has built throughout various administrations and under various presidents. However, we should examine the dangers of this reputation during the no-war-no-stability period, which has followed America’s intent on spreading chaos and polarization in the region.
  20. IRANMANIA – Iran urges developing Jihad culture
    The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on the Muslim community to promote the Jihad culture against global hegemony, PressTV reported.  
    During a meeting with the Algerian Minister of War Veterans Mohamed Cherif Abbas, President Ahmadinejad said domineering world powers have always targeted the pillars of stability, unity and dignity of nations.
    However, they have found themselves trapped in a quagmire in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Sudan, Lebanon and South America, Ahmadinejad added .
  21. Iranian – Iran-India trade at $9 billion
    Iran’s Minister of Economy and Finance has said that the value of trade between Iran and India currently stands at about nine billion dollars.
    Davoud Danesh-Jafari noted that if Iranian and Indian banks became more active they could play an important role in increasing the volume of trade between the two countries.
    „Iran and India are currently working on a lot of bilaterally agreed projects. Once these projects are finalized the volume of trade between the two countries is sure to increase considerably,“ Danesh-Jafari added.
  22. The China-Russia-Iran Axis  By Jamie Glazov
    Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Steve Schippert, co-founder of the Center for Threat Awareness and managing editor for
    FP: We’ve gathered here today to discuss the Iran-Russia-China alignment. I think a good place to start is with Russia sending nuclear fuel to Iran. What do you make of this development?
    Schippert: The 11-shipment Russian supply underway of 80 tons of enriched uranium nuclear fuel for the Russian-built 1,000 megawatt light water reactor is a sweeping Iranian victory and troubling in several respects. From a strategic view flying by at 20,000 feet, it is indicative of Iran and Russia’s deepening common alignment against the United States. It’s an alignment – an allied partnership beyond nuclear cooperation – that also includes China.
  23. FNA – US Remains Major Market for Iranian Carpet
    TEHRAN – Half of Iran’s hand-woven carpet exports are destined for the US, head of the National Center for Iranian Carpet said here on Sunday.
    Speaking to reporters during a press conference, Morteza Faraji dismissed rumors about a US embargo on Iranian carpets, and said Iran’s exports to the US market still continued.
    „This center, in collaboration with other governmental and private bodies involved in the carpet industry, is thinking of new strategies for continued export of carpets to the US market in case such sanctions are imposed (on Iran),“ he added.
  24. ISNAIran’s parliament representatives‘ statement in rally against Gaza Strip catastrophe Service: Foreign Policy
    Service: Foreign Policy
    TEHRAN, Jan. 23 (ISNA)-Iran’s parliament members rally in protest to the Zionist regime’s crimes ended by reading a statement in which they emphasized their support for Palestinians.
    The statement asserts:
    1-Iranians respect the martyrs who died for the freedom of Qods and call for all resistance movements‘ vigilance and unity;
    2-The only way for ending the Middle East crisis is abolishing imperialism and Zionism in this region and holding a free referendum in Palestine;
    3-Iran supports Haniyeh’s government and asks all Islamic countries not to allow foreigners‘ ploys bear fruit in the region;
  25. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian MPs Write To Parliaments Worldwide On Israel’s Crimes; Ahmadinejad Phones Arab Leaders To Urge OIC Meeting 
    The Tehran Times reported that 200 Iranian MPs wrote a letter on January 21 condemning Israel’s recent actions in the Gaza Strip, and to „urge the world parliament speakers and lawmakers to condemn such organized crimes.“The letter read in part: „Under the meaningful silence of the United Nations and human rights organizations, the occupying regime of Israel has acted against the international law, 1949 Geneva Conventions, and 1977 Additional Protocols and has continued massive attacks on Palestine’s occupied territories… Where are the vigilant consciences of the world? Where are peace-lovers and human-lovers to prevent the slaughter of the oppressed men, women, and children? Where are the alleged supporters of human rights? Why does not the U.N. Security Council take serious measures against this issue?“ Also on January 21, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad telephoned Saudi, Syrian, Algerian, Qatari, and Malaysian leaders to insist that it is necessary for the Organization of the Islamic Conference to hold an emergency meeting on the matter.In addition, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said, on January 21, that Iran is prepared to host such an OIC meeting on the matter.

  26. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Bloggers Protest Against Arrests of Students 
    Dozens of bloggers inside and outside Iran have announced that January 30 is to be a day of solidarity with the dozens of Iranian students arrested since December 2007. It was reported that senior Iranian judiciary officials have released no information on the arrests, except for claiming that they had to do with „disturbing the peace.“ The bloggers are also planning to protest against the continued detention of the three Amir Kabir University students whose bail was posted nearly a month ago (see
    „Bail Posted For Three Iranian Students Sentenced For Defaming Sanctity Of Islam – But They’re Still In Prison“).

  27. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Reformists Prevented From Running For Parliament 
    The online daily Rooz reports that according to unofficial information, Iran’s Guardian Council has rejected the candidacies of most of the reformist hopefuls for the 2008 parliamentary elections. Among those rejected were former MP Ali Akhbar Mohtashemi-Pour and Mustafa Haj-Zadeh, and also Hashem Aghajari, the intellectual who was once sentenced to death. The reformist camp announced that it would wait for the release of the official list of names of those approved to run in preliminary elections on January 23 before responding. At the same time, Mohtashemi-Pour warned in a speech marking the Ashura holiday, „No regime can continue to exist by means of lies, fraud, inciting internal disagreement, and removing rivals at any price.“

  28. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran, Iraq To Discuss Algiers Agreement 
    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini has stated that Iran and Iraq would be holding talks February 19-20 on the 1975 Algiers agreement. The two countries are to negotiate the dredging of the Arvand River within the framework of the agreement, signed by both in 1975, which concerns the border between the two countries and the division of the Arvand Rud (Shatt Al-Arab) waterway. Hosseini added that normalization of diplomatic Tehran-Cairo relations is being pursued at various levels (see
    Report: Iran-Egypt Diplomatic Relations To Be Established) .

  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Gov’t Spokesman: Iran-Russia Ties „Very Good, Growing“  
    Iranian government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said today, January 22, that Iran-Russia ties are „very good and growing.“ Elham told reporters during his weekly press briefing that Russia’s delivery of the nuclear fuel for the Bushehr plant has been a turning point in Tehran-Moscow bilateral cooperation. „According to the agreement reached between the two sides and the two sides‘ undertakings, the commitments are being fulfilled,“ he added. The fifth nuclear fuel shipment from Russia for Bushehr nuclear power plant arrived in Iran this morning.  

  30. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Daily: Jordan’s King Serves America, Not His Own People 
    An article in the Iranian daily Resalat stated that Jordan’s King Abdallah was flawed in his analysis of the situation in the Middle East and that since he came to the throne „he is making an effort to present himself as one of the executors of American and Zionist policy in the Middle East.“ The article said that the king was repressing civil demands for public welfare and political freedom in his country, because the real aim of his government was to secure American interests in the region.

  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Ahmadinejad: The World Needs The „Hidden Imam“ 
    In a speech inaugurating Iran’s National Center for Globalization Studies, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that the center’s goal was „to spread anticipation and love for the Hidden Imam“ who is expected to save the community of Shi’ite believers and the world. Ahmadinejad called the universal rule of the Hidden Imam humanity’s most important need.The new center, established recently on Ahmadinejad’s instructions, replaced former president Mohammad Khatami’s Center for Dialogue of Civilizations, which has been disbanded.

  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG „Jomhouri-e Eslami“: The Palestinian People Will Continue Armed Struggle Until Israel is Eliminated 
    In an editorial, the Iranian daily Jomhouri-e Eslami wrote: „Despite the extremely grave crimes of the Israelis and the Americans… it is the Palestinian people that will triumph in the end, and it will continue in its armed struggle until Israel is eliminated.:The paper added: „These days are showing that Gaza is becoming the apex of the Palestinian armed struggle, that will, with God’s help, lead to the final victory of the Palestinians.“

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