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  1. WELT – Al-Baradei warnt Iran will definitiv die Atomwaffentechnologie
    (61) Von Borzou Daraghi 14. Dezember 2008, 15:54 Uhr
    Der Chef der Atomenergiebehörde ist sicher: Selbst wenn der Iran in naher Zukunft keine Atombombe bauen will – die Fähigkeit dazu will sich der Staat auf jeden Fall sichern. Dadurch erhoffe sich Teheran mehr Einfluss, sagt Mohamed al-Baradei. Im Interview erklärt er zudem, warum die USA ihren Umgang mit dem Iran ändern sollten.
    WELT ONLINE: In den letzten Jahren hat der Iran stets im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde gestanden. War die Iran-Politik der internationalen Gemeinschaft ein Erfolg oder ein Misserfolg?
    Mohamed al-Baradei: Bisher war sie ein Misserfolg. Eigentlich haben wir uns keinen Zentimeter bewegt, außer dass wir einige Resolutionen des Sicherheitsrates angenommen und Sanktionen verhängt haben, die tatsächlich zu einer Verhärtung der iranischen Position geführt haben, auch bei den Iranern, die das Regime nicht mögen. Aussicht auf Erfolg besteht erst, wenn die Parteien – und damit meine ich die USA und den Iran – sich an den Verhandlungstisch setzen und über Missstände zu sprechen beginnen, die bis 1953 zurückreichen (damals half der CIA den iranischen Premier Mohammed Mossadegh zu stürzen, d. Red.). Für den Iran geht es um Sicherheit und einen Machtkampf mit den USA im Nahen Osten.

  2. HA’ARETZBarak: Iran could attack U.S. with atom bomb
    Defense Minister explains Iran could load nuke on ship, fit it with GPS and sail into North America coast.

  3. RIA Novosti – Russland und Iran verhandeln über Kauf von Luftabwehr-Raketensystemen
    MOSKAU, 17. Dezember (RIA Novosti). Russland plant nicht nur den Ausbau der militärtechnischen Zusammenarbeit, sondern verhandelt mit Iran zudem über die Lieferung von Luftabwehr-Raketensystemen. (Russlands mobile Flugabwehr-Raketensysteme – Fotos)
    „Die militärtechnische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Russland und Iran übt einen positiven Einfluss auf die Stabilität in dieser Region aus. Wir werden diese Zusammenarbeit weiterhin entwickeln. Davon hängt die Sicherheit der Region in bedeutendem Maße ab“, sagte Alexander Fomin, Erster Vizedirektor der russischen Behörde für militärtechnische Zusammenarbeit, am Mittwoch zu RIA Novosti.

  4. RIA Novosti – Westen und Araber beraten über Iran
    MOSKAU, 17. Dezember (Maria Appakowa, RIA Novosti). Erstmals haben Nahost- und Golf-Staaten auf so hoher Ebene an einem Gespräch mit dem Westen über Iran teilgenommen.
    Das offenbarte ein Treffen zwischen Vertretern der ständigen Sicherheitsratsmitglieder und Deutschlands sowie ihren Kollegen von Bahrein, Ägypten, Jordanien, Kuwait, Irak, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Saudi-Arabien, das von der US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice diese Woche in New York organisiert wurde.
    Die US-Außenamtschefin betonte, dass die Diskussion nicht den Versuch darstellte, eine gemeinsame Strategie gegenüber Iran zu erarbeiten. Es stellt sich jedoch die berechtigte Frage, warum sie dann stattgefunden hat.
  5. AFP – Türkei und Iran bombardieren PKK-Stellungen im Nordirak
    Erbil (AFP) — Türkische Kampfflugzeuge und iranische Artillerie haben Ziele im Nordirak bombardiert. Die Angriffe hätten in einigen Dörfern große Schäden verursacht, sagte Dschabbar Jawar, der Sprecher der Peschmerga-Einheiten irakischer Kurden. Viele Bewohner befänden sich auf der Flucht. Am zweiten Tag in Folge flog die türkische Luftwaffe Angriffe auf Stellungen der verbotenen Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) im Kandil-Gebirge. Das teilte die türkische Armee in einer Erklärung auf ihrer Internetseite mit. Über mögliche Opfer machte sie keine Angaben.
    In der Erklärung der türkischen Armee heißt es lediglich, die Flugzeuge hätten ihre Mission erfolgreich abgeschlossen und seien ohne Probleme zurückgekehrt. Zudem habe die Armee Vorsichtsmaßnahmen getroffen, um die Zivilbevölkerung nicht zu gefährden

  6. NZZ Online – Irans Marine rüstet sich für den Guerillakrieg
    Die iranische Kriegsmarine hat Anfang Dezember erneut Seemanöver veranstaltet. Darin geht es implizit um einen Kleinkrieg im Golf gegen die Amerikaner. …

  7. FOCUS Online – Iran: UN-Sicherheitsrat will weiter Druck auf Iran ausüben
    Im Atomstreit um den Iran hat die sogenannte Sechsergruppe aus den fünf ständigen Mitgliedern des UN-Sicherheitsrats und Deutschland Entschlossenheit …

  8. ACHGUT Eine Frage an Frau Amirpur   15.12.2008   21:07 
    Was steht auf dem Transparent, das auf dem oberen Bild zu sehen ist?
    Haribo macht Kinder froh!
    Die Partei hat immer Recht!
    Hat jemand meine Frau gesehen?
    Israel muss vernichtet werden!

    1. WZ Online     Auch Fragen über BZÖ und FPÖ an Bundespräsident Fischer  Israel kritisiert Iran-Connection der OMV 
      Großes Interesse von Holocaust-Überlebenden an Fischer-Vortrag.
      Wirtschaftsbeziehungen auf „vorläufigem Höhepunkt“.
      Jerusalem. Die derzeit äußert guten Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Österreich werden aus israelischer Sicht durch den Gas-Deal der OMV mit dem Iran getrübt. Auf kritische Fragen muss sich Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer bei seinem am Sonntag begonnenen Staatsbesuch in Israel auch wegen des guten Abschneidens von FPÖ und BZÖ bei den jüngsten Nationalratswahlen einstellen.

    2. APA Unverständnis in Israel über OMV-Deal mit Iran
      Jerusalem  – Die derzeit äußert guten Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Österreich werden aus israelischer Sicht durch den Gas-Deal der OMV mit dem Iran getrübt. Auf kritische Fragen muss sich Bundespräsident Fischer bei seinem am Sonntag begonnenen Staatsbesuch in Israel auch wegen des guten Abschneidens von FPÖ und BZÖ bei den jüngsten Nationalratswahlen einstellen.
      Zudem sind Holocaust-Überlebende und deren Nachkommen noch nicht völlig mit den von Österreich geleisteten Restitutionszahlungen zufrieden. Von diplomatischer Seite wird positiv auf den regen Besuchsaustausch zwischen Österreich und Israel verwiesen. Seit dem Besuch von Bundeskanzler Gusenbauer im Herbst 2007 hatten Außenministerin Plassnik und Verteidigungsminister Darabos Israel besucht.

  9. OMV-Deal mit Iran: Israel artikuliert Unverständnis  Vorvertrag zu Erdgasförderungprojekt aus 2007 mit Iran weiter diplomatisches Thema
    Die derzeit äussert guten Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Österreich werden aus israelischer Sicht durch den Gas-Deal der OMV mit dem Iran getrübt. Das berichtet die APA vom derzeitigen Staatsbesuch von Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer in Israel.

  10. WSJVIDEO: Germany Loves Iran
    12/12/2008 Europe editorial writer Daniel Schwammenthal says that despite international sanctions, German trade with Iran is increasing.

  11. AFP – Germany wants new sanctions against Iran: report
    BERLIN  — Germany wants further sanctions to be imposed against Iran, hitting the banking and transport sectors, according to the weekly Der Spiegel to be published Monday.
    The magazine says Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s chief-of-staff Volker Stanzel suggested new measures to his French and British counterparts on Thursday.
    The Europeans would try to reach agreement on extending sanctions on Tehran with the incoming US administration of Barack Obama, as well as Russia and China, which would not require a UN Security Council vote.

  12. THE JERUSALEM POST – ‚Iran influence over Hamas is growing‘  Yaakov Katz , THE JERUSALEM POST
    Iran’s influence over Hamas has increased in recent months and Teheran is playing a key role in the terror group’s decision-making process regarding whether to extend the cease-fire with Israel that will expire on Friday, defense officials said Monday.
    According to the officials, Egypt – which for years was the main address for dealings with Hamas – has lost its authority over the terror group and is being replaced in part by Iran. The Gaza issue has been a source of contention between Teheran and Cairo in recent weeks.
    As an example of Egypt’s decline, the official noted that in November, Hamas rejected an Egyptian request to come to Cairo for talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

  13. Ein normales Land, freundliche Menschen und ordentliche Geschäfte  Ein deutscher Mittelständler aus dem Schwarzwald wird in seinen wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten eingeschränkt. Dabei möchte Helmut Weisser „den Leuten gerne helfen“, in einem „Land, das bis auf einige Auswüchse ganz normal“ sei, in dem „freundliche Menschen“ leben würden, denn schließlich sind „wir dort immer gut behandelt worden“ und es ist ein „Land, in dem man auch ordentliche Geschäfte machen kann“…  Von Elisabeth Kübler
    Die Firma Weisser ist ein Zulieferbetrieb für die – richtig: iranische – Automobilindustrie. Neben der globalen Finanzkrise sei nun auch die deutsche Sanktionspolitik gegen den Iran an möglichen Einbußen des Unternehmens schuld.
    Deutschland als Büttel amerikanischer Sanktionspolitik und Doppelmoral? Das ARD-Magazin Panorama klärte uns Donnerstag nachts (11.12.08) auf. Die Anmoderation hätte genügt: zynische Bemerkungen zu der militärischen Lage der amerikanischen Truppen im Irak, ein Einspieler mit einfachen Hauptsätzen George W. Bushs auf Texanisch und Angela Merkels Verpflichtung einer klaren Haltung gegen das iranische Regime – interessanterweise trieb die ARD hier einen Ausschnitt der Rede Merkels in der israelischen Knesset auf, die Umrisse der israelischen Fahne waren klar zu erkennen. Zu Mahmud Ahmadinedshad fielen Anja Reschke nicht näher definierte Menschenrechtsverletzungen und das Nuklearprogramm ein, während sie den USA „Angriffsdrohungen“ gegen den Iran unterstellte.

  14. Iranian Propaganda TV Increases its Reach – Press TV sends a shocking response to an invited guest.
    We were disappointed to see that the Iranian state funded Press TV has multiplied its potential audience after launching December 1, 2008 on the UK’s mainstream Sky satellite service. While Press TV claims to offer a „straight, unbiased news agenda, mixed with analytical shows and a wide range of guests reflecting diverse views,“ it is impossible to reconcile this with the reality.
    After all, this is the same Press TV that published Nicholas Kollerstrom’s outrageous piece of Holocaust denial, The Walls of Auschwitz: A Review of the Chemical Studies and frequently features Lady Michelle Renouf, a neo-Nazi and supporter of Holocaust denier David Irving. (See Renouf in her own words.)
    HonestReporting was contacted by Press TV in September 2008 asking for assistance in recommending panelists for a debate show. Pointing out Press TV’s promotion of Holocaust denial and the genocidal intentions towards Israel of the station’s Iranian backers, we politely told Press TV that we had no intention of helping its credibility. We also urged other organizations not to cooperate.

  15. Übersetzungsfehler? Wohl kaum….!!!
    Ahmadinejad: Israel knows end is near  President Ahmadinejad has often been criticized for his sharp condemnation of Israeli crimes against Palestinians.
    Iran’s president says Israel is aware that it no longer possesses the essential motive, integrity and philosophy to prolong its existence.
    „The Palestinians have seen an increase in Israeli crimes because the Israeli regime is aware that it has reached the end of the line,“ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday.
    Tel Aviv placed the Gaza Strip under a blockade after the democratically-elected Palestinian government, Hamas, took control of the coastal area in mid-June 2007.
    The blockade has created a wretched life situation for some 1.5 million Palestinians who live in the strip, according to the UN Human Rights Council.

    1. Israelis not pleased with Obama’s ’nuclear umbrella‘ offer
      Media reports last week suggested that US President-elect Barack Obama will offer Israel a „nuclear umbrella“ to deter an Iranian nuclear strike. Israelis reacted to the news with skepticism and alarm.
      Alarm because, if true, the reports indicate that Obama is preparing to reconcile himself and the US under his rule to a nuclear-armed Iran. Even the suggestion that that is true undermines already ineffective diplomatic efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear program.
      It further confirms for Iranians that the US and its allies will not intervene militarily to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.

    2. What if… the Israelis were to bomb Iran?  Sultan Al Qassemi
      8:15PM GMT Baghdad, Monday, February 29, 2010, almost 15 months in the future, and Israel has attacked Iran’s nuclear facilties. What might the consequences be…
      The shutting down by Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard of all maritime traffic crossing the Straits of Hormuz, through which 17 million barrels of oil or nearly 25 per cent of world supplies flow each day, signalled a further escalating of tensions in the Middle East that sent the price of oil up by $163 to $228 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange this morning.

  16. ynetnews.comOlmert on Iran: We must learn from history
    Prime minister tells visiting Austrian president that ‚we must not allow situation in which leader of a country carries speech on UN stage in which he calls for destruction of another country and receives a round of applause‘
    Roni Sofer Published:  12.15.08, 18:34 / Israel News
    „We must learn from history and certainly not allow a situation in which a leader of a country carries a speech on a UN stage in which he calls for the destruction of another country, and receives a round of applause,“ Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday.

    1. Sarkozy vergrault Ahmadinedschad
      Hintergrund waren Äusserungen des französischen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy über seinen iranischen Kollegen Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Sarkozy hatte erklärt

    2. Südtirol Online Iran sagt kurzfristig Teilnahme an Afghanistan-Konferenz ab
      Sarkozy hatte erklärt, dass er Ahmadinedschad wegen seiner Israel-Feindschaft weder die Hand reichen noch mit ihm an einem Tisch sitzen wolle. Der Iran …

  17. AFP Iran nimmt doch nicht an Afghanistan-Konferenz in Paris teil
    Sarkozy hatte angekündigt, dass er dem iranischen Staatschef Mahmud Ahmadinedschad wegen dessen israelfeindlicher Äußerungen nicht die Hand schütteln werde.

  18. Khaleej Times OnlineIran trying to dominate Mideast: Egypt 
    CAIRO – Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit lashed out at the Iranian government on Sunday, accusing the regime of trying to dominate the Middle East.
    Abul Gheit’s statement signaled an escalation in a simmering diplomatic dispute between the two countries, which have both vied for a dominant role in the region.
    „The Iranians are trying to spread and impose their specific ideology on the region, and they are using some of the Palestinians… for Iranian purposes,“ he said, in an apparent reference to the Hamas.
    Earlier on Sunday, the foreign ministry rebuked former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani for criticising Egypt’s refusal to permanently open its Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip.
    Rafah is the only crossing into Gaza not controlled by Israel, which imposed a blockade on the impoverished Palestinian coastal strip after Hamas violently seized power there last year.

    1. FT Arab nations aim for regular talks on Gulf security amid Iran fears  By Roula Khalaf in Manama
      Arab states anxious about a change in US policy towards Iran are meeting world powers this week, in an attempt to establish a regular channel of communication over Gulf security that would survive into the next US administration.
      According to a senior Gulf official, foreign ministers from several Arab states will meet the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in New York tomorrow for a rare discussion about Iran.

  19. ISNA – Tehran, Yerevan sign MoU with 71 articles
    TEHRAN, Dec. 15 -Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced Iran and Armenia have inked a Memorandum of Understanding with 71 articles.
    Energy, oil, gas, petrochemistry, environment, commerce, banking, transportation, industry, agriculture, tourism, culture, health, science and training are the fields they have agreed to cooperate on.
    According to Mottaki in his joint press conference with Armenian Energy and Natural Resources Minister Armen Movsisyan on Monday energy, electricity generation, gas pipeline and transportation are the domains in which the two countries have took big steps.

  20. Reuters – Australian firm to build zinc plant in Iran-report
    TEHRAN, Dec 12 – Iran has reached an initial agreement for Australia’s Union Resources Ltd (UCL.AX: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) to build a zinc production plant worth $1.2 billion in central Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported on Friday.
    The deal was reached between the Australian firm and Mineral Products Procurement and Production Co., an affiliate of Iran’s state-owned Mines and Mineral Industries Development and Renovation Organization, according to the IRNA report.

  21. Ecuador plans to buy weapons from Iran
    Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa says Quito may buy weapons from Iran to enable the tightening of security on its border with Colombia.
    „We have a very serious problem on the northern border with Colombia, an irresponsible government that does not take care of its border,“ AFP quoted Correa as saying on Saturday.
    „We need to equip ourselves… Iran can supply us and help us with credit,“ the president explained.
    Correa, heading a high-ranking delegation, paid an official visit to Tehran earlier this month after he received an invitation from his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

  22. Tehran Times We won’t pressure Iran: PGCC chief
    Persian Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdulrahman al-Attiyah has rebuffed U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates‘ demand that PGCC countries begin pressuring Iran.
    During a recent trip to Bahrain, Gates urged regional Arab countries to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Fars News Agency reported on Sunday.
    Iran is a neighboring country and shares Islamic principles and ideals with the countries of the region, al-Attiyah stated.

  23. Hillary and Iran’s „Achilles Heel“ – By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
    An op-ed by Orde Kittrie in the Wall Street Journal highlights Iran’s „economic Achilles‘ heel“ — its „extraordinary heavy dependence on imported gasoline.“ Since more than half of Iran’s gasoline imports flow through Dubai, his call to action could pose the first test of Hillary’s independence from her husband’s business interests.
    Kittrie reports that Iran is purchasing nearly all of its gasoline from five companies: Vitrol (Swiss), Trafigura (Swiss/Dutch), Total (French), British Petroleum, and Reliance Industries (Indian). He notes that should this supply be curtailed „the Iranians could replace only some of what they needed from other suppliers — and at a significantly higher price.“ Neither Russia nor China could help because „both are themselves also heavily dependent on imports of the type of gasoline Iran needs.“

  24. Heise Newsticker Prominentester iranischer Blogger inhaftiert
    In der jüngsten Zeit entdeckte der prominenteste iranische Exilblogger zunehmend Sympathien für Ahmadinedschad und die islamische Republik Iran und machte …

    1. Reuters Nobel laureate urges Iran to release „Blogfather“
      LONDON  – Iranian Nobel peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi called on Monday for the release of a pioneering Iranian blogger, who is reported to have been arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel.
      Hossein Derakhshan, nicknamed „the Blogfather,“ is credited with launching a blogging revolution in Iran with his Internet diaries, in both English and Farsi, which have in the past been critical of the Tehran government.
      Canadian news reports have quoted a friend of Derakhshan, who is Iranian-Canadian, as saying he was arrested on November 1 during a visit to Iran. Other reports say he has been charged with spying for Israel.

  25. CASTOLLUXIrans YouTube-Generation
    Irans Universitäten sind einmal mehr Schauplatz der Schlacht um die Zukunft des Landes. Im digitalen Zeitalter sind wir in der Lage, einen flüchtigen Blick in die iranische Wirklichkeit zu werfen.
    Videobeiträge der jüngsten Studentenproteste in Teheran, Shiraz und Hamedan sind überall im Internet zu sehen. (Bild rechts, Quellen: AP/Die Presse) Insbesondere der Video-Clip über einen Studenten (Siehe weiter unten), der gegenüber einem hochrangigen Regierungsmitglied scharfe Kritik übt, offenbart eine bemerkenswerte Entschlossenheit, das Regime herauszufordern.

  26. Middle East Forum – Dissident Watch: Mehdi Kazemi by Andrew M. Hollin Middle East Quarterly Fall 2008
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s September 24, 2007 speech at Columbia University largely resonated with the audience, perhaps in reaction to university president Lee Bollinger’s stern introduction.[1] Of all Ahmadinejad’s assertions, only his declaration that „in Iran, we don’t have homosexuals“[2] was met with widespread disbelief.
    Columbia students may have laughed, but Ahmadinejad’s statement should cause more chills than chuckles when considered from the perspective of Iranian citizens. The regime has executed more than 4,000 homosexuals since the 1979 revolution, but Ahmadinejad has further accelerated regime persecution of homosexuals.[3] On January 10, 2008, for example, a judge sentenced two men convicted of homosexual acts to be executed by „throwing them into a river from [great] height.“

  27. IPS SPECIAL SERIES: Is a U.S.-Iran Deal on the Middle East Possible?  By Gareth Porter*
    TEHRAN, Dec 15  – Would a negotiated agreement between Iran and the Barack Obama administration be feasible if Obama sent the right signals? The answer one gets from Iranian officials and think tank analysts is, „Yes, but…“
    The Iranian national security establishment has long salivated over the prospect of an agreement with Washington. But there’s a big difference between Iranian and U.S. ideas of what such an accord would look like.
    Washington is fixated on what it would take to get Iran to agree to stop enriching uranium. On the other hand, Iranians interviewed here indicate that an agreement would only be possible if it represented a fundamental change in the U.S.-Iran relationship. Iranian officials and analysts see the problem of U.S.-Iranian relations as a seamless web of issues on which agreement must be reached as a whole. And in addition to the bilateral issues of normal diplomatic and economic relations, they see a new U.S.-Iranian understanding on the Middle East as essential.

  28. CNN – Iranian to be blinded with acid for doing same to woman
    TEHRAN, Iran  — An Iranian woman, blinded by a jilted stalker who threw acid in her face, has persuaded a court to sentence him to be blinded with acid himself under Islamic law demanding an eye for an eye.
    Ameneh Bahrami refused to accept „blood money.“ She insisted instead that her attacker suffer a fate similar to her own „so people like him would realize they do not have the right to throw acid in girls‘ faces,“ she told the Tehran Provincial Court.
    Her attacker, a 27-year-old man identified in court papers as Majid, admitted throwing acid in her face in November 2004, blinding and disfiguring her. He said he loved her and insisted she loved him as well.
    He has until early this week to appeal the sentence.

  29. XinhuaHezbollah chief receives honorary doctorate from Iranian university  
    TEHRAN, Dec. 14  — Lebanon’s Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah received an honorary doctorate from an Iranian university in Isfahan, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Sunday. 
    Nasrallah was granted the degree „in the field of political science, as a part of the events to mark the university’s 300th birthday,“ the report said.

  30. JP Sen. Bond: Offering ‚carrots‘ to Iran a mistake
    Republican senator insists that US-Israel intelligence cooperation is better than ever.

  31. JP Teheran Stock Exchange hits 5-year low
    Index falls to 8,974, dropping below the symbolic 9,000 level for the first time since 2003.


  32. JP Engaging Iran is the means, not the solution
    The offer to negotiate must be preceded by strong economic measures and military threats.


  33. JP The Region: Vienna, Vienna
    Austria, one of the few European countries openly against Iran sanctions, is about to hold a UNSC seat.

  34. YNET  Iran to send relief ship to Gaza  Islamic Republic’s Red Crescent organization says consignment of 1,000 tons of wheat, sugar, rice and medical supplies to be sent to Hamas-controlled territory next week  AFP Published:  12.10.08, 17:38 / Israel News 
    Iran’s Red Crescent announced on Wednesday that it is sending a relief ship to the Gaza Strip, in the face of an Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory.

  35. YNET No time to hesitate

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Photo: Reuters)
    Given Iranian vitriol, nuclear progress, Israel has no choice but to strike now, Robert Onley says

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGAhmadinejad: Iran Will Never Recognize Israel, Ready To Hold Talks With Those Urging End To Zionism

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that Iran will never recognize Israel, and that it is ready to hold talks with those urging an end to Israeli crimes, occupation, aggression, ideology and Zionism.
    Addressing a large crowd in the city of Ahvaz, Khozestan, Ahmadinejad said, „Whoever is to talk with the Iranian nation should know that Iranians will never recognize the Zionist regime.“
    Commenting on recent remarks by one of the European leaders [French President Nicolas Sarkozy who said that he would not shake Ahmadinejad’s hand because he had called to destroy Israel], Ahmadinejad said, „This respectful man who tries to mimic superpowers speaks like Pharaoh when he stands behind the podium.
    He continued, „He is for a while keeping to say that he would not shake hand or hold talks with those who say the Zionist regime should be disappeared. I would tell this man that you are making conditions for talks while no Iranian has ever asked or will ever ask to shake hand or hold talks with you. All who are to talk with Iranian nation should notice that Iranians would never recognize Israel. They should also notice that they would talk to a people who call for an end to Israeli crimes, aggression, occupation, ideology, and the basic of Zionism.“
    Referring to the current global financial crisis, the president said the crisis would soon „turn into a great political and social problem and would collapse their palace of tyranny.“
    He added, addressing „those who are to hold talk with Iran,“ that the „Iranian nation is neither in favor of suppression, nor in favor of hegemony and it would never give up its absolute [i.e. nuclear] rights.“
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 16, 2008

  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Fars Praises Bush Shoe-Thrower
    The Iranian news agency Fars has praised the „brave“ act by Iraqi journalist Muntasir Al-Zeidi, who threw a shoe at U.S. President Bush.
    Fars said that this had made Al-Zeidi a symbol in the history of the Muslims and of the oppressed of the world, and that his act was in line with the desire of the nations that have for years longed for symbolic retaliation against the „Great Satan.“
    Source: Fars, Iran, December 16, 2008

  38. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran: We’ve Produced Aerial Micro-Drones
    The director of the Aerospace Faculty at Iran’s Amir Kabir University, Mahmoud Mani, said that Iranian aerospace experts had, together with Iran’s national aerospace organization, successfully produced „micro drones“ – unmanned aerial vehicles that will send its operators intelligence in real time from enemy territory.
    Source: Fars, Press TV, Iran, December 14, 2008

  39. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Senior Iranian Official: Iranian Engineers To Replace Russian Experts At Bushehr
    Iranian Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee chairman Ala Al-Boroujerdi has said that hundreds of Russia-trained Iranians will replace the Russian experts at the Bushehr nuclear reactor.
    He estimated that the reactor would become operational before March 2010.
    Source: Fars, Iran, December 16, 2008

  40. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran to Upgrade Missile Production Unit
    A senior Iranian military officer has said that the Iranian government is set to upgrade its missile production division, in an effort to boost the country’s defense capabilities.
    Brig.-Gen. Mehdi Farahi, who heads the Aerospace Organization in the Defense Ministry, said on December 15 that the entire structure of the organization will be renewed, along with its policies.
    „The reforms are intended to promote efficiency and help fulfill the requirements of the country’s Armed Forces,“ Farahi said.
    The organization has been actively manufacturing rocket artillery systems to help Iran’s military self-sufficiency campaign directed at enhancing the country’s defense capabilities in the face of war threats.
    It has also been responsible for developing Iran’s surface-to-surface Sejil missile, the long-range Shahab-3 ballistic missile which has a range of up to 2,000 km, and the Zilzal and Fateh missiles.
    Source: Fars, Iran, December 16, 2008

  41. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – A First: 5+1, Nine Arab Countries Agree On Iran
    At the end of a meeting in New York last night, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced that the 5+1 countries and nine Arab countries – the GCC members as well as Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan – would continue to consult regarding Iran’s nuclear dossier and its interference in Middle East affairs.
    A diplomatic source present at the meeting said that the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council had raised the possibility of additional sanctions on Iran, and that the 5+1 had stressed that Iran would be prevented from attaining regional hegemony at the expense of other countries.
    Iran’s ambassador to the U.N. said in response that the Gulf countries‘ real concern is the Americans, not Iran.
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London; Tabnak, Iran, December 17, 2008

  42. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Opposition Party Leader Calls To Renew Iran-U.S. Relations
    Chairman of the Iranian oppositionist Etemad-e Meli party Mehdi Karroubi, who is running for president, has called for dialogue and reconciliation with the U.S., stating that relations with it are essential.
    He said that he was willing to talk with any country except Israel.
    Source: Press TV, Iran, December 15, 2008

  43. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Majlis Speaker To Visit Cairo
    Iranian Majlis chairman Ali Larijani is expected to visit Cairo soon for talks on advancing support for the Palestinians in Gaza.
    Iran-Egypt relations have deteriorated recently due to harsh Iranian criticism of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
    (See also
    „Calls in Iran to Topple Egyptian, Saudi Regimes“)
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 15, 2008

  44. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran To Boycott Islamic Troika In Cairo
    Iran will not send representatives to Cairo to the Islamic Troika conference on aid to the Gaza Strip, where representatives from Egypt, Iran, and Indonesia were to participate.
    An Iranian diplomat hinted that the reason for boycotting the conference is the tension prevailing recently between Iran and Egypt.
    (See also
    „Calls in Iran to Topple Egyptian, Saudi Regimes“)
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, December 16, 2008

  45. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman: VP Didn’t Meet With Americans
    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi has stated that Iranian Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaii did not meet with U.S. officials during his recent visit to New York.
    Mashaii twice made statements in favor of Iranian friendship with the American and Israeli peoples.
    „Iranian VP Arrives In NY“; „Iranian VP Reiterates: Iran Is A Friend Of The American And Israeli Peoples“).
    Source: IRNA, Iran, December 15, 2008

  46. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Demands Pakistan, Afghanistan Eliminate Jundallah
    An article in the IRGC weekly Sobh-e Sadeq stated that Iran would not stand for negligence by Pakistan and Afghanistan in their suppression of the anti-Iran Sunni organization Jundallah, which is operating in their territory.
    The article said that the price of the blood of the 16 Iranian security personnel recently executed by the organization was its elimination.
    (See also „
    Responses In Iran To Jundallah Execution Of Iranian Soldiers.“)
    Source: Sobh-e Sadeq, Iran, December 8, 2008

  47. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran To U.S.: Change Your Afghanistan Policy
    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has called on the U.S. to change its „failed“ policy on Afghanistan during the Paris talks this week.
    Mottaki said that Iran would make a series of proposals to this end if it were asked to do so.
    Iranian sources said that Mottaki would not go to Paris to protest French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s criticism of his Iranian counterpart Ahmadinejad.
    Sources; Tehran Times, Iran, Al-Watan, Syria, December 14, 2008

  48. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGSenior Iranian Army Officers Threaten To Strike U.S. Ships
    IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Aziz Jafari has threatened that the IRGC navy would sink the enemy forces in the Persian Gulf waters if Iran were to be attacked.
    He said, „The IRGC will strike fatal blows to the enemy’s warships, using the most advanced missiles it has… There is no way of escaping our swift boats.“
    Iranian army deputy commander Abdolrahim Moussavi said that the missile boats of the army’s navy could harm the enemy from a great distance.
    Source: Sobh-e Sadeq, Iran, December 8, 2008

  49. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Weekly: If Israel Attacks, We’ll Release ‚Ambassadors Of Death‘
    An article in the IRGC weekly Sobh-e Sadeq warned Israel that if it attacked Iran, the latter would release „its ambassadors of death“ to teach it a lesson.
    The article stated that Iran was concealing its security installations, and that Israel and the U.S. had no information about them, so that any attack on Iran would be to no avail.
    Source: Sobh-e Sadeq, Iran, December 8, 2008

  50. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Egypt Freezes New Iranian Investments
    The Egyptian Investments Ministry has decided to freeze new Iranian investments in Egypt.
    Currently, Iran is a partner in eight economic projects in Egypt valued at hundreds of millions of Egyptian pounds, and it is focusing most of its economic efforts at penetrating the areas of banking and the auto industry.
    Source: Al-Masryoon, Egypt, December 11, 2008

  51. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Senior Iranian Official: Saudi Arabia Isn’t Stopping Harassment Of Iranian Pilgrims
    Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri, pilgrimage affairs representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has stated that Saudi Arabia is not acting against Saudi extremists who continue to harass pilgrims from Iran.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, December 13, 2008

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