HC-Veranstaltungen und Aktionen

HC-Veranstaltungen und Aktionen

Ahmadinejad/Hitler cartoon launched

A pro-Israel media watchdog in Germany is featuring a cartoon showing Iran’s arab-parast president and Adolf Hitler playing soccer with a nuclear bomb. Sacha Stawski, president of Honestly Concerned, launched the cartoon Wednesday as part of a campaign during the 2006 World Cup to draw attention to the policies and statements of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel’s destruction.


Ahmadinejad/Hitler cartoon launched

A pro-Israel media watchdog in Germany is featuring a cartoon showing Iran’s arab-parast president and Adolf Hitler playing soccer with a nuclear bomb. Sacha Stawski, president of Honestly Concerned, launched the cartoon Wednesday as part of a campaign during the 2006 World Cup to draw attention to the policies and statements of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel’s destruction.


Iran team face mass protest

[…] ‚Aliabadi has not distanced himself in any way from the statements that his President has made,‘ said Sacha Stawski of pro-Israel group Honestly Concerned, who are helping to organise today’s rally. ‚It’s highly unlikely he thinks any differently. Until he distances himself from the regime we will protest against him.‘


Proteste gegen Irans Staatschef vor WM-Spiel in Nürnberg

Nürnberg/dpa. Mehr als 1000 Demonstranten haben am Sonntag vor dem WM-Spiel Iran-Mexiko in Nürnberg (18.00 Uhr) gegen die Politik des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad protestiert. Mehrere Redner forderten ein Einreiseverbot für den iranischen Staatschef. Sie erklärten, für Holocaust-Leugner gebe es keinen Platz in Deutschland. Der Deutschlandbesuch von Ahmadinedschads Stellvertreter, Mohammed Aliabadi, anlässlich der Fußball-WM sei eine «Schande für Deutschland». Die Polizei sprach von 1200 Kundgebungsteilnehmern, darunter viele deutsche Juden.
