5 Media Misquotes That Tarnished Israel’s Image During the War | HonestReporting

There is a meme (a humorous image generally posted on social media) that has been widely shared online for years. It depicts a black-and-white image of 16th US President Abraham Lincoln upon which a superimposed quotation reads: “The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true.”
While it is clear to everyone that it is a fake Lincoln quote for the blindingly obvious reason that the internet was invented more than 100 years after his death, the same cannot be said of every false quotation.
Although most that appear online are the work of anonymous social media users, some of the world’s most trusted and influential media organizations have also been guilty of publishing dubious citations,
While it is clear to everyone that it is a fake Lincoln quote for the blindingly obvious reason that the internet was invented more than 100 years after his death, the same cannot be said of every false quotation.
Although most that appear online are the work of anonymous social media users, some of the world’s most trusted and influential media organizations have also been guilty of publishing dubious citations,
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