Auschwitz-Prozess: Joshua Kaufman darf vor Gericht nicht aussagen |

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9 Kommentare
  • Hildebrand Embke

    Meinen Ärger über die Entscheidung der Richterin kann ich gar nicht in passende Worte fassen. Es müsste ansonsten die übelste Beldigung werden, die man sich vorstellen kann – und die dann auch noch der Wahrheit entspricht!

  • Faith Schames

    Sacha Stawski, I didn’t understand any of the German, but I recognize the man in the photo. HIs name is Joshua Kaufman, and he lives here in Los Angeles. I’m a friend of his daughter. He’s an amazingly brave man!

  • Charlotte Danieli

    Yes, we read about his personal story in the weekly jewish newspaper! Amazing surviver! He needed as a child to carry 50 kg cement bags and mix the cement in the machine and if he/the victims where not fast enough with their work, they got throwen into the cement machine by themselves. He as well worked at this cement machines and needed to throw other victims into this machine and to bring the dead bodys out of the Crematorium! Each single surviver who is still alive should be heard if there is a prosecution against the still alive prepetrators.

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