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Honestly Concerned e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein - mit Juden
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Years ago, I sat in a conference room with Ashraf al-Ajrami, who served as the minister of Prisoners Affairs for the Palestinian Authority (PA). Ajrami, I was told, was a moderate Palestinian politician whose goal was to push for a way that Israelis and Palestinians could coexist. Ajrami addressed a room of journalists and explained how, to him, the only real push to end Israel’s military occupation was coming from the Israeli Left and from NGOs like B’tselem (who have presented inaccurate information in the past).

Die heilige Stadt Jerusalem. Virtueller Video-Spaziergang in den Straßen der Altstadt. Die Wintersaison in Israel. Eine angenehme Winteratmosphäre.
Winter, Freitag,
13:00, 13°C / 55.4°F

It has been more than 15 years since the US and EU-designated terror group Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, throwing Palestinians with whom they disagreed from rooftops in the process.
Some in the West know already that Hamas and its leaders are Islamist terrorists that seek to destroy everything the West and Israel stand for: democratic values, freedom of speech and the press, and of course, LGBTQ and women’s rights. Sadly, not enough of the world has paid attention to the plight of Gazans at the hands of Hamas.

Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Minister met on Monday with a Hungarian minister and asked him to halt European funding to anti-Israel Palestinian organizations. Chikli met with the Hungarian churches, minorities and civil affairs minister Miklos Soltesz.
Chikli requested that the Hungarian government helps in combating the European Union's assistance to anti-Israel Palestinian organizations and thanked the Hungarian government for its unwavering support for the State of Israel. Rabbi Shlomó Köves, Chief Rabbi of the Hungarian Jewish Association (EMIH) participated in the meeting and accompanied Soltesz during his visit.
KYIV, Ukraine—The European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, is refusing to give up on efforts to rescue the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, even as Tehran cracks down on protesters at home and helps Russia in its war against Ukraine.
On a secure train returning from an EU leaders trip to Kyiv, Mr. Borrell told The Wall Street Journal that critics of his efforts to revive the pact perhaps “don’t value enough” the dangers of a nuclear Iran.
Iran unveiled what it said was its first underground air force base on Tuesday, with the head of the Islamic Republic’s military saying the site would be among those used to launch a response to any potential strikes by Israel or others.
“Any attack on Iran from our enemies, including Israel, will see a response from our many air force bases including Eagle 44,” Iran’s armed forces’ Chief of Staff Mohammad Bagheri told IRNA, according to the Reuters news agency.
A delegation of dozens of Israeli doctors, medics, rescue operators and psychotrauma specialists took off for southern Turkey on Tuesday afternoon to assist in rescue operations already underway after a devastating earthquake and smaller aftershocks struck the area, killing thousands of people and leaving many more homeless in the heart of winter.
Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) slammed the Biden administration Friday for giving the Palestinians more aid in the wake of Palestinian terror attacks in Jerusalem that killed seven people.
“I am deeply concerned that the Biden administration is signing-off on hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, which are being used to help finance violence against Israel,” Jackson said in a statement. “The recent terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli families are a deeply disturbing example of the devastation caused by Biden’s failed foreign policy. Biden is actively stabbing our greatest ally in the back and Democrats are ecstatic.”
Der Sender berichtete am Freitag, Siemens habe Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge an die Türkei trotz einer damit verbundenen Verpflichtungserklärung zum Israel-Boykott verkauft. Die Islamische Entwicklungsbank in Saudi-Arabien habe der Staatsbahn den Kauf der Züge finanziert und die strikte Einhaltung der Boykottvorgaben der Arabischen Liga und der Afrikanischen Union gefordert.


Kassel – Am Eröffnungswochenende der documenta fifteen schickte Lothar Röse einen Leserbrief an die HNA, in dem er mit Frank-Walter Steinmeier abrechnete. Der Buchhändler nannte die Rede des Bundespräsidenten, die der SPD-Politiker am 18. Juni in der documenta-Halle gehalten hatte, „skandalös“. Röse forderte Steinmeier auf, sich bei allen zu entschuldigen, „die für diese wundervolle Ausstellung arbeiten“.
JTA — Jewish leaders in Italy had strong words for the president of the country’s parliament after he published a post on Instagram honoring the history of the Italian Social Movement, or MSI, a neo-fascist party founded in the wake of World War II.
Ignazio La Russa, a senator from Cologno Monzese, a municipality in Milan, wrote alongside a picture of an MSI campaign poster: “In memory of my father, who was one of the founders of the Italian Social Movement in Sicily and who chose the path of free and democratic participation with the MSI throughout his life in defense of his ideas respectful of the Italian Constitution.”
Kanye West, Ye is the most to blame for the rise in antisemitism in the U.S. a report by the Wiesenthal Center, released on Thursday claims.
“[West]used his unparalleled social media influence to morph these historic tropes into a firestorm of real-time anti-Semitism—absorbed by millions, and inspiring acts of hate against Jews—living and dead,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean, Director Global Social Action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said in a press conference in Jerusalem.
Im möglicherweise letzten Prozess zur Aufarbeitung der nationalsozialistischen Massenmorde haben ein Nebenklagevertreter und die Verteidigung der verurteilten ehemalige Sekretärin im NS-Konzentrationslager Stutthof, Irmgard F., Revision eingelegt. „Das Urteil ist damit nicht rechtskräftig“, teilte das Landgericht Itzehoe am Mittwoch mit.

Der bayerische Antisemitismusbeauftragte Ludwig Spaenle fordert, dass der Kampf gegen Antisemitismus als Staatsziel in die bayerische Verfassung aufgenommen wird. "Ich hoffe, dass wir diese wichtige Frage im kommenden Jahr aufs Gleis setzen können", sagte Spaenle im Interview mit Bayern 2.

Brazil’s Jewish community has reacted furiously to comments made during a television interview in which a senior Jewish economist was described using antisemitic tropes.
The comments about Ilan Goldfajn — the recently elected president of the Inter-American Development Bank — were made during a discussion on the popular television show Jornal GGN. One of the participants, Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr — an economist and former International Monetary Fund official — argued that Goldfajn would be hostile to the newly installed left-wing government of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, citing his Jewishness as a key reason.
Ein hannoverscher Allgemeinmediziner (75), der bereits wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt ist, hat wieder damit begonnen, sich auf seiner Homepage mit fragwürdigen Thesen zur Tagespolitik zu äußern. Aus Sicht von Rebecca Seidler, Geschäftsführerin der Liberalen Jüdischen Gemeinde, verbreitet der Mediziner wieder klar antisemitische, frauenfeindliche und rassistische Ansichten.
Der 59 Jahre alte Jurist und Richter Thomas Kluger ist neuer Antisemitismusbeauftragter bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Naumburg. Er werde als zentraler justizinterner Ansprechpartner für Fragen zum jüdischen Leben und zu antisemitischen Straftaten sowie deren Einordnung zur Verfügung stehen, teilte das Justizministerium in Magdeburg mit. Kluger solle koordinieren und vernetzen. Ermittlungsverfahren werde er selbst nicht führen. In den vergangenen Tagen sei er bereits tätig geworden im Zusammenhang mit der Geiselnahme im Gefängnis Burg. Dort hatte der rechtsextreme und antisemitische Attentäter von Halle zwei Bedienstete zeitweise in seine Gewalt gebracht.
Offenbach – In auffälliger Häufigkeit schmieren Rechte ihre Nazi-Symbole und Parolen seit gut einem Jahr an Offenbacher Hauswände, Straßenlaternen, Warnbaken und sogar auf Autos. Jüngstes Beispiel: Im Stadtteil Bieber wurde die sogenannte Lebensrune an einen Verteilerkasten gesprüht.

(JTA) — For Jewish sports fans, 2022 was a year of very high highs and particularly low lows.
The fall was dominated by an antisemitism scandal involving Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving, who shared a link to an antisemitic film on Twitter and initially refused to apologize. Irving was suspended for eight games and brought increased attention to antisemitism, Black-Jewish relations and the Black Hebrew Israelite movement.