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When David Levison, a reservist serving in Golani's infantry battalion, made the decision to let his hair grow during the COVID-19 closures when barbershops were inaccessible, he never envisioned the circumstances that would lead him to bid farewell to his Samson-like locks nearly four years later. It happened amid the chaos of a war raging in Gaza, as he embarked on a brief rest, still clad in his uniform, even before he could return to the comforts of home.
law student and purported adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was executed in Zahedan prison in southeastern Iran last month for allegedly spying for Israel, London-based opposition news network Iran International reported on Monday.
The first residents of the desolated southern Israeli town of Kfar Aza, located near the Gaza border, have returned home three months after their community was devastated by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.
The couple, Eilat Cohen and Shahar Shnorman, told Hebrew-language media they “decided to return because we don’t like being refugees.”
In the complex geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, the Red Sea has emerged as a critical arena of strategic competition, with Iran’s actions at the center of regional tensions. Tehran’s involvement, mainly through its backing of the Houthi rebels in Yemen, has raised significant concerns about regional stability and security.

Observing Shabbat in the Gaza Strip
Since the beginning of the war and particularly since the IDF’s ground operation inside the Gaza Strip, soldiers fighting in the region have repeatedly had to observe Shabbat away from home. This includes soldiers from the Golani Brigade's 12th Battalion, who conducted a Friday evening Kiddush in Khan Younis, as well as soldiers from the 5th Reserve Division who were documented welcoming Shabbat in Khuzaʽa.

Iran’s armed forces have showcased a new arsenal of deadly naval weaponry as fears of a regional conflagration pitting the State of Israel against the Tehran regime and its regional allies intensify.
The main vessel on display at an unveiling ceremony on Sunday in the port city of Bandar Abbas was a cutting edge missile corvette, described by industry outlet Defence Blog as a “futuristic missile boat equipped to accommodate various drones and speedboats.”
The first residents of the desolated southern Israeli town of Kfar Aza, located near the Gaza border, have returned home three months after their community was devastated by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.
The couple, Eilat Cohen and Shahar Shnorman, told Hebrew-language media they “decided to return because we don’t like being refugees.”
Arab media outlets reported that three airstrikes targeted southern Lebanon's Ayta al-Sha'ab area on Sunday night. The reports claimed Israel conducted the bombings, which the IDF has since confirmed.
The area struck is a known stronghold of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which Israel has bombed in the past. More recently, Hezbollah and Israel have exchanged drone and rocket attacks amid the terror organization's expanded targeting of Israel's northern border in cooperation with Hamas in Gaza.
In dieser Woche sorgte die „Tagesschau“-Reporterin Hanna Resch gleich zweimal für Aufsehen. Beim ersten Mal verhaspelte sie sich während eines O-Tons aus Israel.
Moderator Jens Riewa hatte sie nach der aktuellen politischen Situation gefragt. Sie erwähnte Israels „rechtsradikale Regierung“ – und geriet dann ins Stocken, musste sich sammeln, schließlich bog der charmante Moderator Jens Riewa das Interview ab, mit dem freundlichen Hinweis, es sei alles angekommen.
Eilat ist in den Wintermonaten ein beliebtes Ziel ausländischer Touristen, die Sonne tanken wollen. Mit lediglich drei Regentagen und Temperaturen über 20 Grad in den Monaten Dezember bis Februar ist diese israelische Stadt am Roten Meer dafür tatsächlich ideal. Zu jüdischen Feiertagen und in den Sommerferien ist sie hingegen beliebtes Reiseziel israelischer Urlauber. Deshalb darf nicht verwundern, dass das kleine Städtchen mehr Hotelzimmer zählt als Tel Aviv und fast an die Hotelkapazitäten von Jerusalem herankommt.


On Saturday evening, exactly three weeks since the October 7 massacre in which at least 1,400 Israeli citizens were brutally murdered by the terrorist organization Hamas, and at least 230 men, women, elderly, children and babies were kidnapped, luxury real estate developer Mohamed Hadid published a post comparing Israel to the Nazis.

Zoff in der Ampel: Ministerin Paus will Projekte fördern, die sich für Demokratie einsetzen. Doch könnte es sein, dass Geld vor allem an Vereine fließt, die den Grünen nahestehen?

JTA — Israel’s Ministry of National Security is urging parents to report any pro-Palestinian harassment their children experience on the video game platform Roblox.
As Israel’s war with Hamas is set to enter its fourth week, rallies and protests in support of both Israelis and Palestinians have been held everywhere from the White House to college campuses to the streets of Europe.
An imam in Colorado taught children this week that the Jews are an untrustworthy people who "lie and break their contract." The imam, believed to be Umar Mitchell, said that the ancestors of today's Jews killed the prophets God sent to them and "even tried to kill Jesus." He said that not all Jews are like this, but that most are, except for "a couple of them." One reason, he said, that "we keep losing in Palestine" is that "we keep allowing [the Jews] to trick us." The imam said it isn't hate speech for the children to hear this, but rather told them "it's important for you guys to know about this."
CDU-Außenpolitiker Armin Laschet hat sich irritiert darüber gezeigt, dass sich Vertreter der LGBTQ-Szene in Deutschland pro-palästinensischen Demonstrationen anschließen. Der „Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung“ (NOZ) sagte Laschet: „Dass bei einer pro-palästinensischen Demonstration ,Queers for Palestine‘ mitlaufen, dafür fehlt mir jedes Verständnis. Man möchte sich nicht vorstellen, was mit einem Menschen aus der LGBTQ-Szene, der sich nur eine Stunde im Herrschaftsgebiet der Hamas aufhalten würde, passieren würde.“ Das Hamas-Regime sei ein Scharia-Staat. Man würde „es nicht überleben, mit einer Regenbogenfahne durch Gaza zu laufen“. „Diese Leute kritisieren hier Menschen dafür, dass sie den Genderstern nicht setzen, demonstrieren aber für die Islamisten in Gaza. Man kann die Besatzungspolitik Israels kritisieren, aber es ist das einzige Land in der Region, wo Diversität und Demokratie gelebt werden“, sagte Laschet der NOZ.
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