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Wer erinnert sich nicht an die Bilder des kleinen verschleppten israelischen Jungen, der von palästinensischen Kindern als Spielzeug missbraucht wird? Die Hamas hat ein neues Propagandavideo dieses Jungen veröffentlicht. Könnt…

IDF troops who engaged in fierce combat with Hamas terrorists for control over an operations base in the Gaza Strip were met with a disturbing tactic: roughly 100 women and children were pushed forward by Hamas to act as a human barrier.
Soldiers of the Givati Infantry Brigade encountered the shocking scenario during the battle for the base of Hamas’s elite Force 17 near Jabaliya in the Gaza Strip. "We stand ready to face more instances of such cynical and brutal use of civilians," an IDF officer said.
Palestinian political activist and terrorist supporter Ahed Tamimi called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post on Monday, according to Israeli media. "We are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities from Hebron to Jenin - we will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke," she wrote on social media. "We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we are waiting for you."

Israel doesn't owe a biased world any explanation for defending itself against murderers.

Die Deutsche Yarden Romann (36) ist eine von über 200 unschuldigen Menschen, die am 7. Oktober von der Terror-Organisation Hamas verschleppt worden sind. Um auf Yardens Schicksal aufmerksam zu machen, übernimmt Schauspielerin Iris Berben ihre Patenschaft – stellvertretend für alle Geiseln der Hamas.
Iris Berben erklärt: „Die Grausamkeit, die am 7. Oktober verübt worden ist, bricht einem das Herz und kein Wort wird diesem Verbrechen gerecht. Über 200 Geiseln der Hamas sind keine Statistik, keine anonyme Zahl. Es sind Menschen wie du und ich, die nach dem Aufwachen aus ihrem Leben gerissen worden sind. Man kann nur ahnen, was sie durchleiden müssen. Ihre sofortige Freilassung ist unverhandelbar. Doch bis dahin dürfen sie nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Über 200 Menschen wurden ihrer Freiheit und ihrer Gesundheit beraubt. Sie müssen sofort wieder freigelassen werden. Und daran möchte ich auf Bitten der Familie von Yarden erinnern.“...

On its face, the Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023, was beyond legal or ethical justification. Nonetheless, though Israel has every conceivable right to respond with military force, a significant segment of world public opinion is demanding greater “proportionality” between the precipitating Hamas crime and the necessary Israeli response to protect its citizens. But what precisely is meant by this inherently vague standard? As both an ethical and operational matter, how can anyone fairly assess the proportionality of Israel’s “Swords of Iron” response?
As an Australian Jew, the last thing I expect from the international community is sympathy for the State of Israel. While Israel has many supporters throughout the West, it’s impossible to escape the pervasive anti-Israel bias in the media’s framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"We spent Shabbat at the base, we woke up early in the morning as usual, like every other day, for 'dawn alert', we were half asleep inside the Wolf (a military personnel carrier) and we were listening in the communication to the forces. Around 6:20am we heard crazy booms, the alert sirens were not activated, and rockets were fired non-stop on the Kerem Shalom outpost. Meanwhile, we heard on the communication that terrorists were approaching the fence, as they were spotted by the military observers, the rockets had already fallen a few meters away from us, and the blast was terrible."
American singer-songwriter P!nk took to social media on Monday to speak out about the Israel-Hamas war, denouncing the terrorist organization and also calling out the violent protests taking place around the world as Israel continues its ground offense against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Just days after the esteemed medical journal BMJ published an article accusing Israel of an alleged airstrike on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, the Israeli response has arrived. A group of prominent Israeli researchers, led by Professor Ronny Geva, a brain researcher and psychologist, and Professor Alon Korngreen, head of the Brain Center at Bar-Ilan University, alongside other scholars such as Professor Hagai Levine, have issued a robust rebuttal to the article, calling out BMJ for spreading "fake news" and demanding a public apology.


BERLIN, Germany — A prominent member of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) will face trial for using a banned Nazi slogan in an election campaign, a court said on Wednesday.
Bjoern Hoecke, the AfD’s regional leader in Thuringia state, is accused of using the phrase “Alles fuer Deutschland” (“Everything for Germany”) during a campaign speech in May 2021.
A special committee assembled by the Netherlands to examine if the Dutch government owns Nazi-looted property in its national collections said it has identified dozens of items that will be returned to its rightful owners — mostly Jewish families — if possible.

The University of Pennsylvania is preparing to host an event that will feature a gamut of anti-Zionist activists who have promoted antisemitic tropes and called for violence against Israel.
Set to take place on Sept. 22-24, the “Palestine Writes Literature Festival” is sponsored by the university’s Wolf Humanities Center — which is described on its social media as “Penn’s gateway to the humanities, where the public and academy celebrate their common stake in thinking the arts” — and Department of Cinema and Media Studies.

In der Affäre um ein antisemitisches Flugblatt aus Schülerzeiten hat Schauspielerin Iris Berben dem bayerischen Vizeregierungschef Hubert Aiwanger ein schäbiges Verhalten vorgeworfen. Aber auch bei Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) vermisst sie Haltung. Das Flugblatt sei "ein so unanständiges, gemeines und widerwärtiges Stück Papier" gewesen, sagte die 73-jährige Berben beim Ständehaus Treff der Rheinischen Post in Düsseldorf.

Stabwechsel zu Rosch Haschana. Mit Beginn des neuen jüdischen Jahres 5784, das Freitagabend anfängt, übernimmt Philipp Peyman Engel (40) die redaktionelle Verantwortung der Jüdischen Allgemeinen.
Engel folgt auf David Kauschke, der im Dezember 65 Jahre alt wird und die Wochenzeitung seit 2000 zuerst als Redakteur und seit 2011 als Chefredakteur geführt hat.

Former United States Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney PhD shared an invitation on her X account inviting her followers to a livestream entitled “CAN BLACK PEOPLE AND WHITE PEOPLE WORK TOGETHER DEFEAT OUR COMMON ENEMY?” with a Star of David under the word “ENEMY.”
(September 12, 2023 / JNS) A recent internal European Union paper denigrates Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, referring to his Jewish background and employing derogatory antisemitic themes, according to the European Jewish Association.
The European External Action Service (EEAS), the E.U.’s diplomatic service, sent out an Aug. 16 working paper titled “Ukraine territorial integrity—additional information.” According to the EJA, the paper identifies Abramovich’s faith, though it’s unrelated to the issues discussed, then belittles his attachment to that faith and finally claims he took orders from Russian President Vladimir Putin to undermine the Russian Jewish Congress.

München –Gab es in der City erneut einen antisemitischen Vorfall.
Passiert sein soll das Ganze auf der Demo von Linksextremen gegen die IAA am vergangenen Sonntag. Nach BILD-Informationen wurde Gerald Hetzel (26), Mitglied der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft (DIG), am Rande dieser Demo angeblich beleidigt, weil er – wohl als Pressevertreter – den Demonstrations-Zug filmen wollte.
Dabei soll der Student aus Passau angeblich als „Judenschwein“ angebrüllt worden sein. Nach BILD-Informationen ermittelt die Polizei – Abteilung Staatsschutz –, ob der Vorfall sich tatsächlich so abgespielt hat oder nicht.

A day and a half after the devastating earthquake in Morocco that claimed the lives of over 2,000 people, the Jewish community in Marrakesh was still assessing the damage. Fortunately, there were no fatalities among the Jews living in the ancient quarter of the city, but property was destroyed, including Jewish sites. The Old city where the Jewish Quarter is located, sustained much of the damage from the 7.2 magnitude quake.
Amal, who is a cleaner in the local synagogue said a wall nearly collapsed on top of her daughter. "She moved a split second earlier," she told Ynet. Another resident said they have nowhere to go. "We are on the street with no food. We have nothing and thus far, no help has arrived," she said.

An Israeli mother and daughter were assaulted in Hungary by individuals posing as subway conductors who also directed antisemitic slurs at them.
Tamar Hayardeni, a 48-year-old tour guide from Jerusalem, and her 65-year-old mother were allegedly assaulted in Budapest by individuals posing as subway conductors. Hayardeni stated that during the attack, one of the assailants made antisemitic gestures, mimicking a long nose and telling them to "Go to Israel."