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  1. Die Presse – Türkei: Erdogan gesteht Iran indirekt Recht auf Kernwaffen zu – „Diejenigen, die dem Iran verbieten, Atomwaffen herzustellen, sollten ebenfalls keine Kernwaffen besitzen.“ Erdogans Äußerungen stellen einen Wandel der offiziellen Haltung Ankaras dar.
    ISTANBUL/TEHERAN (keet.). Wenn etwas der türkischen Regierung derzeit vorzüglich von der Hand geht, dann ist es die Außenpolitik. Doch am Wochenende patzte ausgerechnet der Chef, und das auch noch in der sensiblen Frage der iranischen Atompolitik. In einer Rede vor der angesehenen Brookings Institution, einem den Demokraten nahestehenden Think Tank der USA, sagte Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan: „Diejenigen, die dem Iran verbieten, Atomwaffen herzustellen, sollten ebenfalls keine Kernwaffen besitzen.“ Da die Nuklearmächte ihre Waffen aber nicht gleich verschrotten werden, heißt das, dass auch der Iran das Recht auf Atomwaffen haben soll.

    1. n-tv – Erstes Kernkraftwerk fertig – Iran will AKW 2009 starten 
      Der Iran will 2009 sein erstes Atomkraftwerk in Betrieb nehmen. „Die Abnahme-Phase des Buschehr-Atomkraftwerks hat begonnen“, erklärte ein Sprecher der iranischen Atomenergie-Behörde der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur Irna. „Wir hoffen, dass das Kraftwerk 2009, wie mit dem russischen Partner vereinbart, in Betrieb genommen werden kann.“  
      Russland und die Islamische Republik hatten 1995 den Bau des AKW im Südwesten des Landes vereinbart. Das verantwortliche Unternehmen Atomstroyexport hatte im September angekündigt, zwischen Dezember und Februar würden die letzten technischen Arbeiten begonnen. 

    2. HA’ARETZ Iran aims to launch nuclear plant in 2009
      Russia has already delivered nuclear fuel under a $1 billion contract to build Bushehr plant in southwest Iran.

  2. JP Iran wants Bushehr nuclear power plant operational in 2009
    Iran’s atomic energy spokesman quoted as saying commissioning stage of Bushehr began as per agreement with Russian party.

  3. JP Iranian blogger arrested as Israeli spy
    Hossein Derakhshan had told ‚Post‘ on his trips here that he sought to ‚humanize‘ Iranian-Israel relations

    1. HA’ARETZ Iranian blogger who visited Israel arrested for spying
      Iranian news site cites ‚credible sources‘ saying Hossein Derakhshan admitted to spying for Israel. 

  4. HA’ARETZ MI Chief: U.S. can halt Iran nuclear program with dialogue
    Barack Obama’s election as U.S. president and the world financial crisis present an opportunity to halt the Iranian nuclear drive through diplomacy, Military Intelligence head Amos Yadlin said Monday.
    Iran, for example, has been stung by lower global oil prices in recent months.
    Obama’s election also sets the stage to apply international pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear aspirations, Yadlin said. He stressed that he is not opposed to direct talks between the United States and Iran, saying that „dialogue is not appeasement.“

    In order to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb, the Israeli army is preparing itself for a possible military strike on Iran. „We are ready to do whatever is demanded of us,“ Israeli Air Force Major General Ido Nehushtan tells SPIEGEL in an exclusive interview.
    SPIEGEL: What does the Iranian nuclear program mean for the Israeli Air Force?
    Nehushtan: The Iranian regime ist not only a problem for the Air Force or the State of Israel. It is a problem for the entire free world. It is shameful that 70 years after the Reichskristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) there are still heads of state who call for the destruction of our people. History teaches us that we have to take those announcements seriously. And we take them very seriously.

  6.  Iran druckt antisemitisches Machwerk – Karl Pfeifer 
    Das 1920 veröffentlichte antisemitische Buch des amerikanischen Industriellen Henry Ford Der Internationale Jude wurde jetzt im Iran nachgedruckt, auf der Internationalen Buchmesse Interliber in Zagreb ausgestellt und für US $ 9 zum Verkauf angeboten.  
    Nach einem Protest der Israelischen Botschaft wurde es entfernt. „Es war nichts als eine Provokation, eine überflüssige (Publikation)“, erklärte der Direktor der Messe Jaksa Depolo der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.*
    Der 1933 in die USA geflüchtete deutsche Schriftsteller Oskar Maria Graf erinnert sich in seiner Autobiographie im Winter 1920/21 Adolf Hitler in einer Münchner Kneipe getroffen zu haben, der von Ford schwärmte: „Da“, sagte er und hielt mir Henry Fords Buch Der Internationale Jude hin: „Das müssen Sie lesen. Es gibt auch ehrliche Amerikaner, die ganz so denken wie wir. Ford ist der größte Automobilfabrikant in Amerika und reiner Arier…. Lesen Sie das einmal…“
    Ford war auch der einzige Amerikaner, der in „Mein Kampf“ zitiert wird. Ganz in Anlehnung an Ford notierte Hitler: „Die Juden sind es, die die Börsenkräfte der Amerikanischen Union kontrollieren“.
    Manche glauben das bis heute.

  7. juedische.atMilitärgeheimdienstchef: Gute Gelegenheit für Druck auf den Iran
    Der Leiter des israelischen Militärgeheimdienstes, General Amos Yadlin, bewertet die gegenwärtige internationale Konstellation als günstig für verstärkten Druck auf den Iran. 
    In einer Rede an der Tel Aviver Universität legte er dar, dass die Wahl Barack Obamas zum nächsten US-Präsidenten eine Gelegenheit biete, die Islamische Republik auf diplomatischem Wege zum Stopp ihres Atomprogramms zu bewegen, zumal das Land durch die globale Wirtschaftskrise geschwächt und damit besonders anfällig für Sanktionen sei.

  8. EJP Jewish group expresses concern about visit of Iranian delegation in European Parliament 
    by: Yossi Lempkowicz Updated: 16/Nov/2008 19:04
    BRUSSELS —A Jewish advocacy organization has expressed concern about the recent visit of a delegation from Iran’s parliament to the European Parliament in Brussels.
    The delegation of five MPs from the Majlis, the Iranian parliament, visited the European Parliament on November 4 and 5 as part of a meeting with the EU Assembly’s delegation for relations of Iran.
    In a statement, the B’nai B’rith International EU affairs office said the delegation „represents a government which poses a threat to Middle East stability by attempting to acquire nuclear weapons and actively supporting terrorism around the globe.“

    1. die-tagespost.deObama gräbt den Mullahs das Wasser ab – Von Behrouz Khosrozadeh    
      Der moderate Kurs des künftigen US-Präsidenten bringt den ideologischen Antiamerikanismus Irans in arge Bedrängnis – Davon könnten die Reformer profitieren
      Dennis Ross, früher Clintons und jetzt Obamas Nahostberater, sagte kürzlich, dass der Iran für Obama das schwerwiegendste außenpolitische Problem mit höchster Priorität darstelle. Barack Obama weiß genau, dass die Konflikte im Nahen Osten miteinander verknüpft sind. Er hat in seinem Wahlkampf versprochen, die US-Soldaten binnen 15 Monaten aus dem Irak abzuziehen. Obamas Administration muss somit innerhalb von einem Jahr die notwendige Ruhe als Voraussetzung für einen reibungslosen Rückzug schaffen.

    2. THE JERUSALEM POST Analysis: Obama faces tough questions on Iran – BARRY SCHWEID / AP ,
      After years of suspense and suspicion, Iran still denies it is trying to make a nuclear bomb. Analysts foresee the Iranians‘ success in a few years at most, but they disagree widely over a likely timetable.
      President-elect Obama says Iranian efforts to develop nuclear weapons are unacceptable. At a postelection news conference, Obama said, „We have to mount an international effort to prevent that from happening.“
      Senior diplomats from the United States, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany are meeting Thursday in Paris to discuss efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program with sanctions, but Russian and Chinese reluctance has stymied efforts for a unified stance.
      In dealing with Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Obama faces questions that include whether to keep a US military threat on the table, whether to temper or increase economic sanctions on Tehran and whether to offer economic and diplomatic concessions to Iran, directly or indirectly, in exchange for a verifiable suspension of suspicious nuclear activity.

    3. THE JERUSALEM POST Analysis: How Obama should reach out to Ayatollah Khamenei  Meir Javedanfar , THE JERUSALEM POST
      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s congratulatory letter to Barack Obama has increased the likelihood that the two sides will approach each other and start negotiations sometime in the future.
      However, one must not overlook the fact that Ahmadinejad isn’t the most powerful man in Iran – Ayatollah Ali Khameini is, and Obama should approach him, instead of Ahmadinejad or whoever Iran’s next president happens to be, because Iran’s foreign and nuclear policy are determined by the Supreme Leader.

    4. – Iranische Führung erörtert Obama-Sieg in den USA
      Teheran (dpa) – Die iranische Führung erwartet vom künftigen US- Präsidenten Barack Obama eine wesentliche Änderung der bilateralen Beziehungen. Entsprechend solle der Sieg Obamas und der Einfluss auf die Beziehungen zwischen Teheran und Washington in einer Sonderkonferenz erörtert werden, berichtet der Nachrichtendienst Press TV in Teheran. Erstmals seit der islamischen Revolution 1979 hatte Teheran vor kurzem eine Annäherung gewagt, als Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad nach den Wahlen Obama zu seinem Sieg gratulierte.

  9. FTD – Nach US-Wahl Iran plant „Obama-Konferenz“
    Zu den vielen Ländern, die sich vom nächsten US-Präsidenten verbesserte Beziehungen erhoffen, gehört auch der Iran. Nun will Teheran in einer Konferenz seine künftigen Beziehungen zum „Großen Satan“ USA erörternAuf der Sonderkonferenz solle der Sieg Obamas bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen und der Einfluss auf die Beziehungen zwischen Teheran und Washington erörtert werden, berichtete am Montag der Nachrichtendienst Press TV in Teheran. Ein genaues Datum für die Konferenz wurde nicht genannt. Erst vor kurzem hatte das iranische Außenministerium mitgeteilt, dass es positiv auf eine neue Politik Washingtons reagieren wolle, sofern Obama dabei seinen Wahlkampfslogan „Yes we can“ (Ja, wir schaffen es) umsetze.

  10. THE JERUSALEM POST ‚Iran will have nukes within two years‘  Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST
    With Iran less than two years away from acquiring nuclear capability, a combined strategy of political isolation, increased economic sanctions and the threat of military action as a last resort is the best way to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear weapons, former chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Moshe Ya’alon said Monday.
    He said warily that President-elect Barack Obama’s readiness for tough diplomacy could be constructive, provided it advanced that three-pronged strategy.
    „It’s a matter of a couple [of] years, one to two years, not more than that, until Iran is capable of coming out with nuclear capability,“ Ya’alon told a gathering of North American Jewish leaders in Jerusalem.
    The former military chief is on the verge of entering politics, and has been touted as a possible future defense minister in a government led by Likud opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu.

  11. – Local community highlight persecution in Iran
    Monday, 17 November 2008, 2:04 pm
    Press Release: Baha’i Wellington 
    17 November 2008
    Local community highlight severe persecution in Iran
    Wellington’s local Baha’i community is hosting a public forum on Thursday to highlight the persecution of members of the Baha’i Faith in Iran.
    Baha’i persecution by the Iranian government has been severe over the last two decades. The Iranian government has ordered Baha’is to be prohibited from attending university in Iran, and the death penalty for anyone who converts from Islam to the Baha’i Faith.

  12. strategypage.comCut Them Off At The Bank
    November 16, 2008: Economic problems are getting worse. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where much of Iran’s foreign trade is handled, local banks are refusing to do business with the 10,000 Iranian trading firms based there. This has caused delays and cancellations of Iranian imports (over $9 billion worth from the UAE last year) and exports. This is being felt by the rule elite in Iran. There, the large extended families of the clerical leadership live the good life, and the goodies come in via the UAE. The sudden shortages of iPods, flat screen TVs, automobiles and bling in general, has been noticed in Iran, and is not appreciated.

  13. THE JERUSALEM POST Miliband: Iran is feeling the impact of sanctions  David Horovitz and Tovah Lazaroff ,
    Iran is clearly feeling the effect of economic sanctions imposed by the international community over its nuclear program, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.
    „Sanctions are clearly having an impact on the Iranian economy,“ Miliband said, „as is the global economic situation.“
    „All nuclear proliferation is dangerous,“ but such proliferation in the Middle East is „especially dangerous,“ Miliband added, speaking at the end of the first day of a visit to the region that will also take him to Syria and Lebanon.
    Iran, he noted, was facing five UN resolutions demanding that it halt uranium enrichment, and was in conflict with the IAEA over its nuclear program.
    „All diplomatic means“ were being pursued to bring home to the Iranians the seriousness of the issue, said Miliband, without elaborating as to what might ensue if diplomatic and economic pressure failed to deter Teheran.

  14. AFP – Russia minister says Moscow against new Iran sanctions
    MOSCOW  — Russia is against fresh sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear programme as demanded by some Western powers, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov said on Friday.
    „Russia is against the sanctions pushed forward by some of the six“ powers involved in negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear programme, the Interfax news agency quoted him as saying.
    „The Western countries are for the sanctions. China like Russia did not back it,“ he added, a day after a meeting in Paris over the issue.
    The political directors from China, Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States along with France and a representative for EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana Thursday reaffirmed their twin-track approach of dialogue and sanctions.

  15. AFP – Iran MPs urge Islamic response to Gaza crisis
    TEHRAN (AFP) — Iranian MPs denounced „the crisis in Gaza“ and asked Islamic organisations to respond to „cries“ from Gaza’s people, Iran’s labour news agency ILNA reported on Sunday.
    In a declaration supported by 217 members of the Conservative dominated 290-seat parliament, the MPs condemned „the deteriorating situation and a great humanitarian tragedy“ in Gaza.
    „In recent days, the disastrous situation in Gaza has worsened and a great humanitarian tragedy is on the verge of taking place“, the declaration said.
    „In addition to savage killings, lack of water, electricity (and) health services have placed the population in the worst conditions,“ it said.

  16. – ATOMDEAL Iraner fordert Schadensersatz von Siemens  Von Jörg Schmitt
    Siemens droht ein peinliches Schiedsverfahren vor der Internationalen Handelskammer. Ein iranischer Geschäftsmann fordert von dem Konzern 75 Millionen Euro Schadensersatz. Hintergrund sind offene Provisionszahlungen beim Bau des Kernkraftwerks Buschehr.
    Hamburg – Der Siemens-Konzern und sein früherer Vorstandschef Heinrich von Pierer werden von der Vergangenheit eingeholt: Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen verklagte ein früherer iranischer Geschäftspartner Ende Juli 2008 das Unternehmen vor dem Schiedsgericht der Internationalen Handelskammer (ICC) in Paris auf Schadensersatz in Höhe von rund 75 Millionen Euro plus Zinsen.

    Hintergrund ist ein Vier-Milliarden-Euro-Vertrag zwischen Siemens und der damaligen iranischen Schah-Regierung aus dem Jahr 1974 über den Bau des Kernkraftwerks Buschehr. Von Pierer war anfangs als Kaufmann für das Projekt mit verantwortlich. 

  17. The Weekly Standard – Defining Jew-Hatred Down – By Matthias Küntzel
    It is a topsy-turvy world: At the United Nations—an organization born out of the struggle against Nazi Germany and intended to embody the lessons of the Holocaust—a head of state openly spouts anti-Semitic propaganda in an address before the General Assembly. Granted, he takes the trouble to denounce „Zionists“ and avoid the word „Jew,“ but this dodge is transparent to any student of the Nazis. His speech is greeted with acclaim, and neither the U.N. secretary general nor any Western head of government bothers to object. The media are mostly silent.
    It happened on September 23, and the speaker was Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A familiar figure at the U.N., Ahmadinejad has a history of using his turn at the rostrum to sermonize about his yearning for the return of the Shia messiah. This time, he went further, drawing inspiration also from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
    The Zionists, he told the assembly, are the eternal enemy of „the dignity, integrity and rights of the American and European people“ (this is the English translation of his remarks on the U.N. website). Although they are few in number, the Zionists „have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the United States in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner.“

  18. Frage von
    Sehr geehrte Frau Präsidentin, Frau Pau,
    warum haben Sie den Aufruf „Stopp the Bomb“ unterschrieben? Wollen Sie wirklich den „Iran auslöschen“? Der Verein Arbeiterfotografie hat heute dazu eine Rundmail versandt und Herr N. Peach hatte einen Beitrag im Tagesspiegel. Ich bin verwirrt.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Antwort von Petra Pau 

    1. – Iran: Schwer bewaffnetes Freundschaftsangebot
      Der Iran hat eine neue Boden-Boden-Rakete getestet, die angeblich nur defensiven und präventiven Zwecken dienen soll. Dennoch erwartet Teheran von der künftigen US-Regierung eine Verbesserung der bilateralen Beziehungen.
      Die iranische Sajil-RaketeEine in der vergangenen Woche getestete iranische Rakete vom Typ Sejil stellt nach Ministeriumsangaben in Teheran keine Bedrohung für ein anderes Land dar. Die neue Boden-Boden-Rakete diene lediglich Verteidigungszwecken, bekräftigte der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Hassan Ghaschghawi, am Montag vor Journalisten. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den Test der neuen Generation von Sejil-Raketen am vergangenen Mittwoch als erfolgreich bezeichnet.

    2. Kleine Zeitung Iran testete neue Rakete zu Verteidigungszwecken
      Eine in der vergangenen Woche getestete iranische Rakete vom Typ Sejil stellt nach Ministeriumsangaben in Teheran keine Bedrohung für ein anderes Land dar. …

    3. janes.comNew missile marks ’significant leap‘ for Iran capabilities
      Iran announced on 12 November that it had test-fired a new medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) with a stated range of 2,000 km.
      The missile, a two-stage solid-fuel system known as Sajil, was launched from a site in western Iran near the Iraq border towards a target 800 km away, according to Western intelligence sources. As Jane’s went to press it was still unknown whether the launch was completely successful, although it appeared that the separation marking the two stages did occur.
      „This is a whole new missile,“ Uzi Rubin, former director of Israel’s Ballistic Missile Defence Organisation, told Jane’s . „Unlike other Iranian missiles, the Sajil bears no resemblance to any North Korean, Russian, Chinese or Pakistani [missile technology]. It demonstrates a significant leap in Iran’s missile capabilities.

  19. AP – Iran tests precision missile able to reach Europe – By ALI AKBAR DAREINI –
    TEHRAN, Iran  — Iran said it successfully test-fired a new generation of long range surface-to-surface missile on Wednesday — one that could easily strike as far away as southeastern Europe with greater precision than earlier models.
    The Sajjil is a solid fuel high-speed missile with a range of about 1,200 miles, Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammed Najjar said on state television. At that range, it could easily strike Iran’s arch-foe Israel and go as far as southeastern Europe.
    Solid-fuel missiles are more accurate than the liquid fuel missiles of similar range currently possessed by Iran. The country has had a solid-fuel missile with a shorter range — the Fateh, able to fly 120 miles — for several years.
    The Islamic Republic News Agency said the test was conducted Wednesday, and television showed the missile being fired from a desert launching pad.

  20. JP ‚Iranians train Syrians to fight Sunnis‘
    Kuwaiti paper: Revolutionary Guards train Hizbullah to annihilate Sunni armed cells. (The Media Line)

    1. YNET Olmert: Prevent nuclear Iran
      PM tells UJC conference in Jerusalem Islamic Republic has not terminated its pursuit of nuclear weapons, free world must make concerted effort to stop project; urges continued support of Jewish programs in Israel
      Full Story . . .  

    2. JP Olmert to GA: US must take the lead against a nuclear Iran
      Cites „weakening affinity“ of Diaspora youth and falling Jewish birthrates as existential threats equal to Iran, terror, financial crisis.

  21. SN Iranisches Atomprogramm: Israel fordert stärkere Gegenmaßnahmen
    Israels scheidender Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert hat stärkere internationale Initiativen im Atomstreit mit dem Iran gefordert. Unter der Führung der USA müsste die internationale Gemeinschaft ihre Kräfte bündeln.

    Der israelische Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert. Foto: dpa
    „Wir müssen unsere Maßnahmen ausweiten, um den Iran daran zu hindern, seine hinterhältigen Ziele zu erreichen“, sagte er am Sonntag. Der Iran dürfe nicht zu einer Atommacht werden, sagte Olmert. „Israel kann sich das nicht leisten … die freie Welt darf das nicht zulassen.“
    Der Westen wirft dem Iran vor, unter dem Deckmantel eines zivilen Nuklearprogramms heimlich an einer Atombombe zu arbeiten. Die Regierung in Teheran weist die Vorwürfe zurück. Israel sieht das iranische Atomprogramm als Bedrohung für seine Existenz.

  22. honestlyconcerned.infoImplications of a Nuclear Iran for the World Economy – Options for the G20 leaders meeting in Washington 
    While high-level foreign ministry officials from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia – and Germany failed on Thursday in Paris to strengthen sanctions against Iran,[1] [2] leaders from the G20 developed and emerging countries may be more successful at a gathering Friday and Saturday in Washington [3] and find an avenue outside the U.N. to isolate the Iranian regime — from cutting off loan guarantees and expanding financial sanctions, to banning the export of refined petroleum to Iran.
    The Washington meetings fall a few days after Iran said it test-fired a new generation of long range surface-to-surface missiles capable of striking Israel and southeastern Europe with greater precision. The test was another violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions by Iran. [4] [5] [6] Late last month, the chief of the U.N.’s atomic watchdog told the U.N. General Assembly that Iran is continuing to block his agency from verifying whether the nation has any ambitions for nuclear weaponry [7]. The gas centrifuge uranium enrichment plants in Natanz are spinning and the construction of a heavy water reactor at Arak continues.

  23. Wiener Zeitung – Affärenserie im Iran schwächt Ahmadinejad
    Teheran. Eine Serie von Affären schwächt die Regierung des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmajinejad: Das Parlament in Teheran hat nur mit knapper Mehrheit …

    1. ReutersAhmadinedschad-Vize wegen Koran-Tanzes im Iran unter Druck
      Teheran  – Ein Vize-Präsident des iranischen Staatschefs Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist wegen eines Koran-Tanzes in die Kritik geraten.
      Der für Kultur- und Tourismusfragen zuständige Esfandiar Rahim Maschaie soll laut Medienberichten vom Sonntag Gastgeber eines Festes gewesen sein, bei dem Frauen während eines Tanzes das Heilige Buch des Islam in Händen hielten. Ein hoher Geistlicher beschrieb die Feier als „schändlich“. Eine Gruppe von Klerikern, die auch im Parlament in Teheran sitzen, forderte Ahmadinedschad auf, rechtlich gegen die Verantwortlichen vorzugehen, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Insa meldete.

    2. – Unter Druck Vorwurf „Beleidigung des Korans“ gegen Irans Vize
      Teheran, 16. November 2008  Der iranische Vizepräsident ließ bei einer Zeremonie das Heilige Buch auf einem Tablett hereintragen, das löste heftigen Protest unter Klerikern aus.
       © ReutersDer iranische Vizepräsident Esfandiar Rahim Mashaee ist wegen angeblicher „Beleidigung des Korans“ in die Kritik geraten. Bei einer Zeremonie in Teheran am vergangenen Wochenende, bei der für ausländisches Kapital in der Tourismusbranche geworben werden sollte, brachten ein Dutzend Mädchen in traditioneller Kleidung tanzend das Heilige Buch auf einem Tablett zu dem Eröffnungsredner.
      Kleriker fordern Entlassung des Vize-Präsidenten

    3. YNETIran vice-president under fire over Koran ‚dance‘
      Aide to Ahmadinejad assailed for hosting ceremony where women in traditional dress carried in the Koran to music. Head of the Islamic Coalition Front calls ceremony ‚Violation of the holy book’s sanctity‘
      Reuters Published:  11.16.08, 19:00 / Israel News 
      An aide to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has come under fire for attending a ceremony that involved actions deemed insulting to the Koran, a row that has given fuel to the Iranian president’s opponents before next year’s election.

  24. ZEIT online, Tagesspiegel‚Beleidigung des Korans“: Mullahs setzen Irans Vizepräsident unter Druck
    Es ist ein Vorwurf, dem sich der Vizepräsident eines islamischen Staates ungerne aussetzt. Doch Esfandiar Rahim Maschaje steht in der Schusslinie von konservativen Geistlichen: Er soll den Koran beleidigt haben.
    Der iranische Vizepräsident Esfandiar Rahim Maschaje ist wegen angeblicher „Beleidigung des Korans“ in die Kritik geraten. Bei einer Zeremonie in Teheran am vergangenen Wochenende, bei der für ausländisches Kapital in der Tourismusbranche geworben werden sollte, brachten ein Dutzend Mädchen in traditioneller Kleidung tanzend das Heilige Buch auf einem Tablett zu dem Eröffnungsredner, wie iranische Medien am Sonntag berichteten.
    Offizielle Zeremonien beginnen im Iran häufig mit der Rezitation von Koranversen, doch Maschaje, der auch für den Bereich Tourismus zuständig ist, werde von konservativen Geistlichen dafür kritisiert, dass die Mädchen dabei tanzten. Einige Abgeordnete hätten bereits Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad aufgefordert, seinen Vizepräsidenten zu entlassen, hieß es weiter.

  25. – Iran: Vierter iranischer Marinestützpunkt im Persischen Golf eröffnet
    Der Iran hat laut der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur IRNA einen vierten Militärstützpunkt im Persischen Golf eröffnet.
    Die iranische Revolutionsgarde hat laut einem Bericht der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur IRNA vom Montag einen neuen Marinestützpunkt am Persischen Golf eröffnet.
    Es ist der vierte derartige Stützpunkt in der Wasserstraße. Er befindet sich dem Bericht zufolge in der Hafenstadt Assalujeh. Die Elitetruppe ist seit September für die Verteidigung der iranischen Golfküste zuständig. Vor dem Hintergrund des Streits um das iranische Atomprogramm hatte der Kommandeur der Garde im Juni im Fall eines Angriffs seitens Israels oder der USA mit einer Schließung der für Öltransporte wichtigen Straße von Hormus im Persischen Golf gedroht.

    1. JPIran opens fourth navy base in Gulf
      Islamic Revolutionary Guards strategically positioned base opposite US base in Bahrain. (The Media Line)

  26. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Sets Up New Military-Government Joint Staff – In Response To Sanctions
    Iran’s joint staff deputy announced, on November 14, the creation of a workgroup comprising ‎members of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s administration and those of the Joint Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, to be led by Saeed Jalili.‎
    The announcement of the creation of this „workgroup“ came just after joint staff chairman Hassan ‎Firuzabadi issued a warning to critics of the current ‎Iranian administration, while announcing his categorical support and that of the staff ‎under his command for the current ninth administration.‎
    In an exclusive interview with two state-run news agencies, IRNA and Fars, Gen. Said ‎Mojaradi announced the creation of a joint workgroup, comprising members of the ninth ‎administration and those from the armed forces, labeling it a „political-security“ body.
    Mojaradi, whose position was announced as deputy for planning and projects of the Joint ‎Staff of the Armed Forces, stressed that „one of the main reasons for the establishment of ‎this joint military-government workgroup was a response to the extensive U.N. Security ‎Council sanctions, and particularly the military sanctions against the Islamic Republic.“ ‎He further said that one of „the focuses of the joint staff of the armed forces was the ‎management of the economic sanctions, along with other efforts such as cultural ‎invasion, which called for a more serious focus on thoughtful and centralized planning.“‎
    Source: Rooz, Iran, November 15, 2008

  27. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Rooz Columnist On New Iranian Security Agencies: Change in Iran’s Security Structure?‎ 

    In his column today in the online Iranian journal Rooz, columnist Hossein Bastani called Iran’s new security agencies (see „
    Iran Sets Up New Military-Government Joint Staff – In Response To Sanctions„) „changes in the structure of the security machinery of the state“ and said that they, as well as Tehran’s newly declared Security Implementation Council, were „parallel“ to „the most important parts“ of Iran’s security councils.‎
    He wrote, „It is ‎not clear why must the same individuals be gathered in another council and at a different location ‎to make decisions over the same ‚political-security‘ matters,'“ and added, „It must be noted that the two new councils whose creation was announced are not merely ‎advisory bodies whose creation and scope of jurisdiction and mission did not need legislative ‎provisions: These government bodies are planned to make policy and decisions over the most ‎sensitive security issues in the Islamic Republic of Iran, ranging from crushing domestic security ‎threats to circumventing international sanctions from abroad.“‎
    He concludes by asking, „On what ‎Majlis laws have these councils been created and which laws have identified their ‎responsibilities, budget and authority? Which legal entities are entrusted with overseeing their ‎activities and decisions? Is it even possible for Majlis representative, for example, to know what ‎is going on in these bodies?… One wonders what activities could these two new parallel government bodies be expected to ‎perform that views existing government structures – even with their weak legal and supervisory ‎tools – to be obstacles…“‎
    Source: Rooz, Iran, November 18, 2008

  28. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Lawmaker: Ahmadinejad Has Given Most Green Lights ‎To U.S. Of Any Iranian Administration 

    In an interview with the online daily Rooz, Ghodratollah Alikhani, a Majlis lawmaker critical of the administration of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ‎discussed Ahmadinejad’s letter of congratulations to U.S. president-elect Barack Obama.
    In the interview, Alikhani stated that no Iranian ‎administration since Iran’s 1979 revolution has flashed as many green lights to the U.S. as Ahmadinejad’s has, and that it seemed that Ahmadinejad really wants Iran-U.S. relations.

    Source: Rooz, Iran, November 15, 2008

  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Tehran-Based Human Rights Center Releases Quarterly Report 
    The Tehran-based Center for the Defense of Human Rights has announced the release of its quarterly report on human rights violations in Iran.‎
    The report, whose two parts dealt with political-civil rights, and social, economic and cultural rights, emphasized that the range of personal freedoms in Iran was shrinking daily, that Iran’s 30% inflation had made living conditions harsher and restricted opportunities for social and cultural activities ‎that differed from government policies.
    It said that the ‎lowest income groups, such as government workers, teachers and general workers, have ‎become more vulnerable and that their efforts to obtain their professional and social rights ‎are interpreted as acts against the security of the state and consequently crushed. ‎
    The report called on the state to „realistically understand the developments ‎in Iranian society, review its failed economic, political, social and cultural policies, ‎refrain from invading personal rights and freedoms, and the public rights of people, ‎refrain from creating a police-driven atmosphere, be conscious of the dangers and threats ‎facing the country, and enact a wise foreign policy that is free from tension and yet ‎sensitive to the national image of the government and the public.“
    Source: Rooz, Iran, November 15, 2008

  30. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Al-Sistani: Any Agreement Must Secure Iraqi Sovereignty 

    Senior Iraqi Shi’ite cleric Ali Al-Sistani announced today the conditions necessary for signing any pact with other countries.
    The announcement, which was issued by Al-Sistani’s office, read, „Any agreement should end the presence of foreign forces, bring out Iraq from U.N. Chapter 7, preserve Iraqis‘ benefits, respect Iraq’s sovereignty, secure the country’s security and stability, and also be accepted by all Iraqi people, tribes and officials.“
    The announcement added, „Iraqi MPs are representatives of the Iraqi people. They have a great responsibility in this regard and are responsible to God and the people.“
    Source: IRIBnews, Iran, November 18, 2008

  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – IRGC Navy Commander: Navy Ready To Repel Any Threat 
    The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) navy, Rear Admiral Morteza Saffari, said yesterday that the forces under his command were ready to repel any threat in the Persian Gulf.
    He said, „The (IRGC Navy) forces‘ preparedness to confront any sort of probable threat posed by enemies in Persian Gulf has increased,“ and added that the delivery of navy military equipment to the IRGC Navy by Iran’s Defense Ministry had been expedited and that „we are totally prepared.“
    „Taking a look at the Persian Gulf, we see that the highest level of foreign naval movements and the presence of the U.S. Fifth Fleet in the region take place near Asalouyeh,“ he said, adding that the combat readiness of the Tharallah navy base must be increased by building up the Iranian forces‘ combat preparedness, in the face of the insecure atmosphere that foreigners have created in the Persian Gulf.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 17, 2008

  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Army Chief Cautions Against Any Aggression Towards Iran 
    Iranian Army commander Maj.-Gen. Ata’ollah Salehi said today that any possible violation or aggression against Iranian territory would be seriously countered.
    Addressing a group of army commanders and personnel, he said that Iran was fully aware of the conspiracies of the bullying powers.
    Praising the skills and valuable experiences of Army personnel, he said that committed and skilled manpower is a significant characteristic of the Army.
    He reiterated that Islamic Iran had attained self-sufficiency in all scientific, military and cultural fields.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 18, 2008

  33. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Larijani: U.S. Part Of Axis Of Evil In Afghanistan, Iraq; Interfaith Dialogue – For New Front Against Iran 

    Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said yesterday that the day the U.S. and its allies arrived in Afghanistan and Iraq, they chanted slogans on suppressing axis of evil, but that they had achieved nothing except for becoming an axis of evil for those countries‘ peoples.
    Larijani was speaking at a commemoration service for 6,000 Qom Province martyrs.
    He reiterated, „Among the countries in the region, only Iran voiced its objection about the occupation of Iraq, launched a campaign against the illegal act, and revealed facts. But unfortunately some Islamic countries remained totally indifferent towards the sensitive issue.“
    Larijani went on to strongly criticize some leaders of Islamic countries who recently attended the Interfaith Dialogue Conference in New York, saying, „Unfortunately, some Arabic countries were the initiators of that conference, and they talked to the head of the Zionist regime there.“
    „These people (leaders of Islamic countries) who raised their cups there to the health of the head of the Zionist regime should beware not to lose consciousness when they get drunken,“ Larijani said (see also „
    Condemnation In Syria For Saudi King At Interfaith Dialogue Conference„).
    He reiterated, „The real theme of the story behind organizing that conference was shaking hands with the Zionist regime and preparing for more effective confrontation against Islamic awareness and the late Imam Khomeini’s path… they sat at negotiation table with the Zionist regime just in order to establish a new front against Iran!“
    Source: Fars, Iran, November 18, 2008

  34. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Navy Tightens Grip On Persian Gulf 

    Iran is upgrading a Persian Gulf naval base in order to tighten its grip on the Gulf.
    The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has upgraded the Asalouyeh naval base to a naval region, inaugurating its fourth naval base along the waterway.
    Click Here To View The Full Post.

  35. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGPresidents Of U.S. Universities Visiting Iran Criticize U.S. Gov’t 
    The Iranian news agency Mehr reports that American university presidents visiting Iran criticized the U.S. government’s restrictions on Iranian students.
    The criticism came during a meeting between the American academicians and Iran’s science minister.
    Following is a list of the university presidents, as it appeared on the Mehr website:
    1-Prof. Robert M. Berdahl – president of the Association of American Universities
    2-Prof. David J. Skorton – president of Cornell University
    3- Prof. David. W. Leeborn – president of Rice University
    4-Prof. J. Bernard.Machen – president of Florida University
    5-Prof. C. D. Mote – president of Maryland University
    6-Prof. Larry Vanderhoef – president of California University
    7-Prof. Jared L. Cohon – president of Carnegie Mellon University.
    (See also „Iranian News Agency Releases List Of U.S. Profs To Visit Iran In November“ .) 
    Source: Mehr, Iran, November 15, 2008

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Deputy FM: No To Renewing Relations With U.S. 
    Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali Hosseini has dismissed the possibility of renewing relations with the U.S.
    He criticized the U.S.’s „instrumental“ foreign policy and stated that it had ceased to be a world power.
    Source: Tehran Times, Iran, November 17, 2008

  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Rafsanjani: The Country’s Economy Is Run By Slogans; Privatization Is Coming 
    During an economic conference, Hashemi Rafsanjani stated that the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was running an economy of „slogans“ and that the justice that Ahmadinejad had promised would not be obtained by expanding poverty but by advancing prosperity.
    He added that the 20-year economic program would give economic security to Iran’s citizens if it was carried out properly, and promised to implement privatization in Iran.
    Ahmadinejad, on his part, called for the determined and rapid implementation of privatization in Iran.
    Source: Tehran Times, Iran, November 17, 2008

  38. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran: We Did Not Arrest 10 British Spies Near Pakistan Border 
    The Iranian news agency Fars is denying Western media reports that 10 British spies were arrested near the Iran-Pakistan border.

  39. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Basij Special Airborne Units On Parade In Tehran 
    To mark Basij Week, November 20-27 in Iran, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander Mohammad Rasolallah said that special airborne units, units for „innovative warfare,“ and Basij naval forces would be displayed in a November 24 parade in Tehran.
    Click Here To View Full Post

  40. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Rap Artist Arrested In Iran
    The Iranian daily Etemad reported that the Iranian rapper Emir Tanloo was arrested upon his return to Iran from the U.S.
    Source: Etemad, Iran, November 17, 2008

  41. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: No Obstacle To Expanding Cooperation With Turkey 
    At a meeting with Turkish Energy Minister Hilmi Guler, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that there was no obstacle to Tehran expanding cooperation with Ankara.
    Guler is currently visiting Tehran to discuss a gas deal.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 17, 2008

  42. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Fire At Tehran Refinery 
    The Iranian website Tabnak reports that a fire broke out in the northern control unit of Tehran’s refinery.
    Source: Tabnak, Iran, November 17, 2008

  43. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian VP: Relations With Algeria Reach New Phase 
    Iranian vice president Parviz Davoudi said during a visit to Algeria that the relations between the two countries had entered „a new phase.“
    He added that cooperation could be expected in the areas of energy, industry, banking, and more.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 17, 2008

  44. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Students In Tehran Protest Against Qatari Steps Towards Normalization With Israel
    The Iranian news agency Shihab News reports that Iranian students demonstrated in front of the Qatari Embassy in Tehran, to protest against Qatari steps towards normalization with Israel.
    The protestors carried placards, some of which read „No Compromise, No Submission,“ „Fight Until Destruction,“ „Muslims Should Be United,“ and „Zionist Regime Should Be Wiped Off the World Map.“
    Sources: Shihab News, IRNA, Iran, November 15, 2008

  45. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – 12 Iranians Sentenced To Death In Yemen 
    Yemen authorities have sentenced to death 12 Iranian nationals on charges of drug-trafficking.
    The 12 Iranians are denying any involvement in the affair.
    Source: Shihab News, Iran, November 15, 2008

  46. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad’s Spiritual Mentor Fears Anti-Islamic Coup 
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-e Yazdi has warned of a conspiracy aimed at toppling the regime, by elements in Iran who are under anti-Islamic cultural influence.
    Source: Etemad, Iran, November 15, 2008

  47. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon: Iran-Lebanon Military Cooperation Expected
    Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammed Reza Sheybani called Lebanese President Michel Suleiman’s upcoming Iran visit „historic.“
    The visit is to take place November 24-25.
    He noted that under the Iran-Lebanon cooperation protocol, „all types of military cooperation are possible.“
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 15, 2008

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