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  1. JP JPOST.COM VIDEO  Brainwashing hatred

    Iranian toddlers taught about martyrdom in wake of Gaza op. (MEMRI).

  2. PMW –  Iranian reformist daily: Hamas hiding forces in nurseries and hospitals
    An Iranian reformist daily newspaper has criticized Hamas „for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals.“ This is reported in today’s Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam. The Palestinian daily adds that in response the Iranian government has closed the newspaper. 
    The following is the story in today’s Al-Ayyam:
    Headline: „Iran closes a reformist newspaper, for publishing a report criticizing Hamas“
    „The Iranian news agency „Irna“ reported yesterday, that the Iranian Culture Ministry has closed the reformist daily newspaper „Karjo Zaran“, because it published a report that included criticism of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).
    On December 30 the paper published a statement of a reformist student organization, that has criticized Hamas for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals. The statement was published whilst the Iranian government expresses a unified stands against Israel, and Tehran is overwhelmed by demonstrations against Israel.“
     [Al-Ayyam, Jan. 1, 2009]

    1. 20minuten – Iran und Irak vereinbaren Projekte
      Der Iran will die Beziehungen zum Nachbarland Irak intensivieren. Die regionale Zusammenarbeit werde Sicherheit in die Region bringen. …

    2. Handelsblatt – Iraks Premier Al-Maliki besucht Iran
      Der irakische Regierungschef Nuri al-Maliki ist nach Teheran gereist und hat dort Gespräche mit dem iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad geführt. …

  3. Deutsche Welle – Iran will Beziehungen zu Irak stärken
    TEHERAN: Der Iran will nach den Worten seines Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad die Beziehungen zum Nachbarland Irak intensivieren. …

  4. (Pressemitteilung) – Iranischer Top-Diplomat zu Gesprächen mit Hamas in Syrien
    Der Iran ist ein enger Verbündeter und Financier der Hamas. Israel verdächtigt Teheran, der Hamas neben Millionen Dollar auch modernere Raketen für den …

  5. HA’ARETZ ANALYSIS / Israel must prepare to turn its military might from Gaza to Iran

  6. Persian Football – Iran Vierter in FIFA Futsal Ranking
    Iran kletterte, verglichen mit der FIFA Rangliste von 2007, um zwei Plätze nach oben und schloss zu dem Trio Brasilien, Spanien und Italien auf. …

  7. leader.irBotschaft des geehrten Führers zu unfassbaren Massakern an Bürgern von Gaza (2008/12/28 – 14:04)
    Das geehrte Oberhaupt der Islamischen Revolution hat in Bezug auf die Massaker an den unterdrückten Bürgern von Gaza durch die zionistischen Verbrecher die Zusammenarbeit der Bush-Administration mit den zionistischen Wölfen verurteilt. Das Schweigen und die Ignorierung durch internationale Gremien und einige arabische Staaten bilde dafür eine Grundlage. Ayatollah ol Ozma Khamenei ordnete für den morgigen Montag allgemeine Staatstrauer für alle palästinensischen Kämpfer und Bewohner des Gazastreifens an. Er rief alle Nichtmuslime und frei denkenden Muslime, Geistliche und Intellektuelle sowie die Medien in den islamischen Ländern auf, ihrer äußerst schwierigen Pflicht zur Bekämpfung der Verbrechen, die vom Zionismus ausgehen, nachzukommen.
    Die Botschaft des geehrten Revolutionsoberhauptes:
    Im Namen Gottes, des Barmherzigen und Erbarmenden
    Wir kommen von Gott und werden zu ihm zurückkehren,
    die unfassbaren Verbrechen des zionistischen Regimes in Gaza und die Ermordung von hunderten von unschuldigen Männern, Frauen und Kindern zeigten nochmals das blutrünstige Wesen der Zionisten, die sich hinter ihren tückischen Barrikaden der letzten Jahre hervor getraut haben. Damit läutet erneut ein Alarmsignal hinsichtlich dieser kriegstreibenden Glaubensgegner (Kair-Harbi) im Herzen der islamischen Länder.

  8. Iran and Hamas do Christmas – By Caroline B. Glick 
    Both Iran and its Hamas proxy in Gaza have been busy this Christmas week showing Christendom just what they think of it. But no one seemed to have noticed.
    On Tuesday Hamas legislators marked the Christmas season by passing a Sharia criminal code for the Palestinian Authority. Among other things, the code legalizes crucifixion.
    Hamas’s endorsement of nailing enemies of Islam to crosses came at the same time as it renewed its jihad. Here too, Hamas wanted to make sure that Christians didn’t neglected as its fighters launched missiles at Jewish day care centers and schools. So on Wednesday Hamas lobbed a mortar at Erez crossing point into Israel just as a group of Gazan Christians were standing on line waiting to travel to Bethlehem for Christmas.

  9. presstv.irUS Prof. to Iran: Let me prosecute Israel
    A US professor has offered the Iranian President a plan according to which he would open a legal case against Israel.
    Francis Anthony Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois told Fars news agency on Wednesday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had received his plan for filing a lawsuit against Israel.
    According to US professor, 1.5 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are subjected to gradual genocide which is supported by the US and the EU and this would provide him with a legal basis for his case.
    Iranian Judiciary Spokesman Alireza Jamshidi on Tuesday announced that Tehran had set up a tribunal to bring the perpetrators of the Gaza offensive to justice.

  10. JPTeheran students riot at Jordan embassy
    Hard-liners clash with police at Gaza protest until Khamenei rep calls for end of demonstration.

  11.  Irritierende Bilder aus dem Iran
    Wird KSV-Schwergewichtler David Musulbes gesperrt, weil er kürzlich im Iran gerungen hat?
    Als ob’s der KSV Aalen nicht schon schwer genug hätte, stellt sich jetzt auch noch die Frage, ob Schwergewichtler David Musulbes überhaupt ringen darf. Er hat kürzlich im Iran gekämpft. Doch Musulbes hat versichert, dass es nur ein Showkampf war.
    bernd Müller
    Er ist es: KSV-Schwergewichtler David Musulbes, wie er sich an einem Schreibtisch abstützt, vor sich ein Blatt Papier, auf dem er zu unterschreiben scheint. Das Foto, das eine Vertragunterzeichnung zeigen soll, ist auf der Internetseite des Iranischen Ringervebands zu sehen. Es ist nicht das einzige Bild von Musulbes, das im Iran ins Netz gestellt worden ist. Ein anderes zeigt ihn als Ringer auf der Matte. Was das alles zu bedeuten hat, steht möglicherweise daneben. Aber die arabischen Schriftzeichen bringen deutsche Leser nicht weiter.
    Fest steht:

  12. ZEIT ONLINE Interview Erich Rutemöller „Die iranische Liga ist hochprofessionell“
    Herr Rutemöller, Sie sind noch gar nicht im Iran? Nein, nein. Ich fliege erst am 3. Januar rüber. Bestimmt nicht als iranischer Nationaltrainer, …

  13. – Fact Sheets #63: The Failure of Iran Sanctions – (December 9, 2008)
    The entire world seems to agree that Iran should not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. The principal tactics that have been adopted to prevent Iran from creating a bomb are economic and political sanctions imposed by individual countries and internationally, as a result of the the UN’s adoption of Security Council Resolution 1737. The chief of the world’s nuclear weapons watchdog organization now admits, however, that five years of effort to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions have been a failure. 

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khamenei Decrees: Israel is Kafer-e-Harbi; Iranian Martyrdom Seekers Await Khameini’s Orders; Iranian Student Organizations Threaten to Take Over Egyptian, Jordanian Diplomatic Representations
    Khamenei: Jihad Against Israel
    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has issued a decree to act against Israel, which he calls „an infidel that should be warred against“ (Kafer-e-Harbi ) because of the „slaughter of the Palestinian Muslims“ and the „plunder of Islamic lands“. He stated: „All Palestinian fighters and all believers in the Islamic world must help the defenseless [Palestinian] women, children, and people in Gaza. Anyone who dies in this legitimate and sacred defense is a shahid [martyr].“ [1]
    The Iranian Martyrdom-Seekers Movement
    On December 30, 2008, a senior Student Basij movement official, Mohammad Hassan Alaghemand, announced the establishment in Iran of an organization of martyrdom-seekers, called the „Brigades of the Forces of God’s Prophet Muhammad – The Quds Esteshhad Units,“ sponsored by all the prominent student organizations in the country. Alaghemand invited students wishing to join to register at Student Basij offices across the country, or online at

  15. MEMRI 

    Iranian Student Organization: Hamas a Terrorist Group

    15 – Year – Old Iraqi Would – Be Suicide Bomber Tells Her Story
    Source: IRNA ( Iran ), January 1, 2009; Fars, Kayhan ( Iran ), December 31, 2008; Kargozaran ( Iran ), December 30, 2008. Your donation helps keep our …

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Rafsanjani In Iran Friday Sermon: Israeli Tanks Can’t Break Gaza Resistance 

    In his Friday sermon in Tehran, interim Friday prayer leader Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who is Expediency Council chairman, said that Tel Aviv was suffering from delusions of grandeur, and that Israeli tanks cannot break Gaza’s resistance.
    He said, „Israel thinks it is more powerful than Arab states and other regional countries, while it has no weapon but the weapon of brutality.“
    Rafsanjani told a crowd of worshipers that Israel and its supporters have made a very serious mistake and that of course the mainstream principal of the Zionist regime measures is terror. The nature of Israeli leaders is based on terror, he added, because they have no way to convince others and they have no rights to defend, he said.
    Saying that both logic and public opinion back Palestinians‘ rights, Rafsanjani said, „Israel has aided the formation of an army for Hamas, with millions of soldiers across the world, with its seven days of attacks against Gazans.“
    Stating that Hamas’s newly-developed home-made rockets are capable of destroying Israeli tanks and hit targets deep in the southern parts of the occupied territories, Rafsanjani said that Israel is covered with fear and has no peace of mind.
    He called Israel’s attack against the Gaza Strip a „grave mistake,“ and warned against any Israeli ground incursion into the strip, which he said would be repelled by Palestinian resistance.
    Source: Press TV, Iran, January 2, 2009

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Zionists Belong To Front Of Evil; Moses Would Have Punished Them

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Zionists belong to the front of evil.
    Ahmadinejad made the comments during a provincial trip to Sistan-Balochistan.
    He added that the murder of Gazans on the sidelines of the New Year shows that the Zionists have no human values.
    „Is the murder of defenseless children and women deemed to be a value? They say they are defending values of a free world, so where is this free world?“
    The remarks came to put under question statements that Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was quoted as making, to wit, „Israel is in the front line of the free world and is being attacked because we represent the values of the free world.“
    Ahmadinejad added, „A Zionist and killer minority have gathered together, do whatever they want and laud their measures themselves.“
    He added that most of the U.S. and Europe disagrees with the Zionist’s crimes.
    Also during the trip, Ahmadinejad said in a December 31 interview that the Israeli echelons pretend to be the followers of the Prophet Moses but have proved with their violent attacks on Gaza that they have no moral values.
    „These minority of criminals and thieves are liars because they represent themselves as followers of the prophet. If Moses had been present today, he would first punish the Zionists for their conduct, which is even worse than that of the Pharaoh,“ he said.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, January 2, 2009; Fars, Iran, January 1, 2009

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Students: If Our Demands Aren’t Met, We’ll Go To Gaza On Our Own
    Students from the Sistan-Balochistan province, in southeastern Iran, have demanded that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to present, „at this historic moment,“ the difference between the Iranian Islamic regime – the hope of the oppressed peoples in the world – and the Arab regimes that seek conciliation with Israel.
    They called on Ahmadinejad to pressure OPEC to launch an oil boycott of Israel, to act to send forces from Islamic countries to Gaza, to freeze relations with the „criminal collaborator“ Egypt, and to boycott companies supporting Israel.
    The students threatened that if their demand was not met they would go to Gaza on their own.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 1, 2009

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Jordanian Diplomats Have Left Iran
    According to official Iranian sources, all the Jordanian diplomats have left
    Iran, following an ultimatum given to the heads of the Egyptian and Jordanian embassies in Tehran to either condemn the Israeli offensive in Gaza or leave the country.
    Sources: Fars, Shahab News (Iran), December 31, 2008

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Foreign Ministry: U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia behind Baluchistan Bombing
    An Iranian foreign ministry source accused the U.S., Israel and especially Saudi Arabia of being behind the recent suicide bombing carried out by Jundallah in Baluchistan, in which 150 IRGC members were killed.
    Source: (Iran), December 31, 2008

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Martyrdom Movement Marches in Tehran
    Over 4,000 men and women of the Iranian martyrdom movement „Forces of Muhammad, Prophet of God – Martyrdom Brigades in Khamenei’s Service“ marched in Tehran wearing shrouds and military uniform.
    The march proceeded from the former U.S. embassy in Tehran to Tehran University, where the volunteers declared their willingness to set out for Gaza.
    In another demonstration in Tehran today (January 1, 2009), Basij members demanded to be sent to Gaza.
    Source: Fars (Iran), January 1, 2009

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Official Praises Pakistan for Refusing to Extradite Mumbai Terrorists
    In a December 29, 2008 meeting with the Pakistani ambassador to Iran, Kayhan editor Hussein Shariatmadari, an associate of Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, praised Pakistan for refusing to extradite to India detainees suspected of involvement in the Mumbai attacks.
    He added that the Mumbai attacks displayed „clear signs of American and Israeli involvement,“ and that Pakistan’s refusal reflects the independence of its government.
    Source: Kayhan (Iran), December 30, 2008.

  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Website: Representatives of Arab Countries Warn of Iranian Threat
    The Iranian website Ayandenews reports that, in a meeting with representatives of the 5+1 in New York, Arab officials called on the superpowers to restrain Iran.
    Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal, claimed that Iran posed severe danger to the region even without possessing nuclear energy, and criticized the incentives package offered to it by the 5+1.
    The Egyptian representative warned against shifting the regional power balance in favor of Iran, and the foreign ministers of the UAE and Bahrain said that Iran had expansionist aspirations, and that it was preventing the resolution of the crises in Lebanon and Palestine.
    Source:, December 31, 2008 

  24. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – In Iran, Bahai Citizen Executed; Two Sunni Clerics Arrested
    A Bahai citizen has been executed for sex crimes in Khorasan (north-eastern Iran); two Sunni mosque preachers were arrested on December 25, 2008 in the city of Javanroud in Kermanshah (western Iran).
    Sources: Tabnak (Iran), January 1, 2008; Iran (Iran), December 31, 2008

  25. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – PA Leaders: Hamas Refused to Continue Tahdiah on Orders from Iran
    PA President Mahmoud ‚Abbas condemned Hamas for disregarding the calls to continue the tahdiah and renew the dialogue with Fatah. Hamas, he said, did this out of narrow interests and in deference to foreign agendas, while accusing the Fatah of treason and heresy.
    PA Presidential Secretary-General Al-Tayeb ‚Abd Al-Rahim linked Hamas‘ refusal to the recent visit to Damascus by the Iranian FM, who called on Hamas to renew the resistance and prevent Egypt from playing a role in the Palestinian dialogue.
    Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), January 1, 2009

  26. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – US Professor Seeks to Prosecute Israel in Int’l Tribunal
    A U.S. professor has offered Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a plan according to which he would open a legal case against Israel.
    Francis Anthony Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, told the Fars news agency on December 31 that Ahmadinejad had received his plan for filing a lawsuit against Israel.
    According to Boyle, 1.5 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are subjected to gradual genocide which is supported by the U.S. and the E.U., and this would provide him with a legal basis for his case.
    Iranian Judiciary spokesman Alireza Jamshidi announced on December 30 that Tehran had set up a tribunal to bring the perpetrators of the Gaza offensive to justice.
    „Under Articles 8 and 146 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, all countries are legally entitled to launch an investigation into the crimes committed by Israel in Gaza because Israel has jeopardized peace and committed genocide in the coastal region,“ Jamshidi said.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 1, 2009

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