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  1. JP – Iran news – Analysis: Iran’s stake
    Hamas‘ performance gives little cause for celebration in Iranian-led camp.

  2. FOCUS Online – Israel: Iran fordert Öl-Embargo gegen Israel-Saudi-Arabien leht ab
    Der Iran hatte zuvor gefordert ein solches Embargo gegen Israel wegen der Eskalation im Gazastreifen zu verhängen, Die erdölexportierenden Länder im Nahen …

  3. Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran – Iran: Früherer IRGC Kommandeur ruft Syrien zum Krieg gegen Israel auf
    NWRI – Generalmajor Mohsen Rezaee, ein früherer Kommandeur der islamischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) und Minister des mächtigen Zweckdienlichkeitsrates des …

  4. Financial Times Deutschland – Hossein Kahor will erster Iraner im Weltcup sein
    Mit einem Geburtsgewicht von 9 Kilogramm kam er 1984 als schwerstes Baby des Iran auf die Welt. Bei Olympia 2006 in Turin war bereits ein Iraner im …

    1. – Iraner plant Start in Kitzbühel und Schladming
      Der 1984 als Sohn eines Bergbauern geborene Rennfahrer aus dem Iran will davor noch beim FIS-Riesentorlauf in Kirchberg und beim Slalom in Westendorf …

  5. 20minuten – Amy Winehouse auf Iranisch
    von Susanne Wille Nichts passiert im Iran, ohne dass das Regime darüber wacht. Selbst wenn Iranerinnen modisch den Aufstand proben, guckt der Ayatolla zu. …

  6. Die Jüdische – Raketenangriffe auf Israel – Iranische Unterstützung für die Hamas
    Der Iran unterstützt die Hamas seit Jahren mit Geld, Waffen und Know-how und betreibt darüber hinaus nun auch eine Kampagne gegen die israelische …

  7. Nachrichten aus Israel und dem Nahen Osten – Tausende iranische Studenten zum Kampf gegen Israel bereit
    TEHERAN (inn) – Im Iran haben fünf Studentengruppen zu Selbstmordanschlägen gegen Israel aufgerufen. Bislang hätten sich etwa 70.000 Freiwillige gemeldet. …

  8. domradio – nachrichten – EU-Parlamentarier warnen: Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Iran
    Die Grünen im Europaparlament haben vor Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Iran gewarnt. Die jüngste Schließung des „Zentrums der Verteidiger der Menschenrechte“ …

  9. ZEIT ONLINE Joschka Fischer: „Das ist der zweite israelisch-iranische Krieg“
    Dank der genialen Strategie der Regierung Bush wurde Iran in diese Position gehievt. Die Destabilisierung des Iraks und die Überantwortung weiter Teile des …

  10. ACHGUT – Hamas-Krise bedroht iranischen Messianismus   06.01.2009   11:21  
    After years of refusing to see Iran’s aggressive intentions, most sensible observers of things Middle Eastern now recognize that the most important terrorist organizations, from Islamic Jihad to Hezbollah and Hamas, are essentially Iranian proxies. Figaro this weekend carries a story bluntly headlined „Iran Behind Hamas‘ Grad Missiles,“ and flatly states that Hamas military commanders have been trained in Iran and Syria to use the deadliest missiles in their inventory.  The battle of Gaza is therefore the second between Israel and Iran in two and half years, the first being the 2006 conflict with Hezbollah. It follows that Iran could well lose this battle, and defeat is very dangerous to a regime like Tehran’s, which claims divine sanction for its actions and proclaims the imminent arrival of its messiah and of the triumph of global jihad.  If Allah is responsible for victory, what can be said about humiliating defeat? The mullahs are well aware of the stakes, as we can see in their
    recent behavior.

  11. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Urges OIC To Take Immediate Action On Gaza 

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has asked the Organization of the Islamic Conference to form a unified front against Israel.
    Khamenei said that the Zionist regime must be penalized for its crimes against the Palestinians.
    He added, „The Ummah is in dire need of solid determination, and the current critical times demand that politicians, ulema, and intellectuals shoulder their responsibilities.“
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 6, 2009

  12. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran, Bahrain Call To Use Oil As Weapon To End Gaza Fighting

    An IRGC commander has called on Islamic countries to use oil as a weapon to end the fighting in Gaza, echoing a similar call days earlier by lawmakers in Bahrain
    The demands by Brig.-Gen. Mir-Feysal Bagherzadeh highlight the threat posed by Israel’s offensive to oil prices, which recently fell to their lowest levels in years.
    Benchmark light, sweet crude for February delivery rose $1.36 to $47.70 a barrel early Monday (January 5), after earlier jumping to as high as $48.68, in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
    Traders say that fighting in the Middle East is partly behind the rise.
    Bagherzadeh called oil „a strong factor of pressure“ on supporters of Israel in the current fighting.
    Bagherzadeh, who is in charge of war memorials and is not among the country’s top oil officials, noted the West’s dependence on energy resources from the Muslim world and called for a cut in crude exports to supporters of Israel.
    Iran’s foreign ministry did not appear to distance itself from the comments when asked about them Monday.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 6, 2009

  13. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Students Stage Sit-In Outside Russian Consulate In Isfahan

    A group of students from universities and higher education institutions in Isfahan province staged a sit-in yesterday outside the Russian consulate office in Isfahan, to support the people of Gaza.
    The demonstrators, wearing shrouds, chanted slogans such as „Down with the U.S.“ and „Down with Israel,“ and called on the international community to denounce the atrocities.
    Student Basij official Ali-Reza Ehsandoust told IRNA that such meetings were being held to make countries break their silence over such crimes and to support the defenseless Gazans.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 6, 2009

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Spokesman: U.S. Misusing Iran-U.S. People-To-People Exchanges

    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi this week criticized the U.S. administration for misusing Iranian-American people-to-people exchanges.
    He told reporters that Tehran has always welcomed such exchanges between the two nations, and expressed his regret that such interaction is severely controlled by the U.S. State Department.
    He said that the U.S. administration is willing to make use of such exchanges, in line with its political objectives, he added.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 5, 2009

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian FM: Iran Drafting Fill On Identifying Zionist Companies

    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Monday that the Iranian government is drafting a bill in favor of the Palestine Islamic revolution to identify and name Zionist companies and institutions.
    Mottaki was responding to questions by members of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, who sought a report on steps taken by the Foreign Ministry to identify and name Zionist companies and institutions in accordance with Article 8 of the law on supporting Palestine Islamic Revolution.
    The article, adopted 18 years ago, bans any economic, commercial, or cultural ties with Zionist-affiliated companies and institutions worldwide.
    According to the legislation, Foreign Ministry will within a year provide a complete list of Zionist companies and enterprises worldwide and present it to Majlis and cabinet for necessary action.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 5, 2008

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG At Tehran Demonstration, Calls Of ‚Death To Mubarak‘ 
    At a demonstration in front of the Egyptian interest office in Tehran, by the Student Basij from the city of Hamadan, demonstrators called „Death to [Egyptian President] Hosni Mubarak“ and „Death to the Arab Hypocrites,“ and demanded that the interest office be closed immediately.
    Demonstrations are going on today in front of the British Embassy in Tehran, with cries of „Death to England, the U.S., and Israel“ and also „Mubarak’s Parents Are The Saudis And The Jews“ and „Beware Zionists, The Army Of Muhammad Is Coming.“
    Iranian Industry and Commerce Minister Ali Akbar Moharebian said that the operation of Western companies suspected of contacts with the Zionists had been suspended.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 5 and 6, 2009

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Press TV Reports: Senior Hamas Official Says Hamas Victory Is Nigh

    The Iranian website Press TV reports that senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar is saying that the people of Palestine have no need for foreign help, and that he declares that victory is near.
    In an address on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV, Al-Zahar said, „Victory is coming,“ and asserted that the Palestinians need no foreign help but the help of God to achieve victory.
    Also in his address, Al-Zahar criticized the European Union and United Nations, pitying them for their inability to pass a resolution to bring the Israeli offensive to an end.
    „With the help of God and the resistance of our people we will successes in defeating our enemy,“ he continued, urging Palestinians to stay united against Tel Aviv.
    The broadcast was his first since the beginning of the Israeli offensive on December 27.
    Blaming Washington for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Al-Zahar warned that White House policies would not alleviate the suffering in the Middle East but would lead to further violence in the region.
    Source: Press TV, Iran, January 5, 2009

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