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  1. ksta – Spionage-Vorwurf  Iran beschuldigt deutsche Stiftungen
    Von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh und Joachim Frank, 21.01.09, 21:08h, aktualisiert 21.01.09, 21:26h
    Schwerer Vorwurf gegen deutsche Bildungseinrichtungen, Stiftungen, Medien sowie die Botschaft in Teheran: Der Iran beschuldigt die Einrichtungen der Spionage. Der iranische Armeechef droht mit möglichen Botschaftsbesetzungen.
    BERLIN / KÖLN – Der Iran beschuldigt deutsche Bildungseinrichtungen, Stiftungen, Medien sowie die Botschaft in Teheran der Spionage und umstürzlerischer Umtriebe. Den massiven Vorwürfen, die von staatlich gelenkten Medien wie „Farsnews“ und „Basirat“ verbreitet wurden, folgten kaum verhohlene Drohungen. Der Oberbefehlshaber der Iranischen Revolutionsgarde, General Mohammed Ali Jafari, wird in einem weiteren „Farsnews“-Bericht mit dem Hinweis auf die Besetzung der US-Botschaft in Teheran 1979 zitiert. Um vergleichbare Aktionen im Bedarfsfall wieder zu ermöglichen, müssten Spezialeinheiten ausgebildet werden, so der Armeechef kurz vor den Feiern zum 30. Jahrestag der „Islamischen Revolution“. Das Auswärtige Amt in Berlin protestierte gegen die Anschuldigungen. Die Botschaft des Irans kam mehrfachen Bitten des „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“ um Stellungnahme nicht nach.

    1. Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran – Der Iranische Widerstand verurteilt die Drohbriefe an deutsche Regierungsinstitutionen im Iran  Forderung nach Beendigung der Beziehungen mit dem Mullahregime
      NWRI – Nachdem bekannt wurde, dass sich der EU Ministerrat treffen wird und die EU Terrorliste aktualisiert, versucht das regierende faschistische Regime auf verschiedenen Ebenen, vor allem durch Drohbriefe und Geiselnahmenandrohung Druck auszuüben, um Europa dazu zu nötigen, die Beschlüsse der höchsten europäischen Gerichte zu missachten und die Volksmodjahedin Iran (PMOI) weiter auf der Terrorliste zu belassen.

  2. Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) – Ex-Kanzler Schröder reist in den Iran
    Hannover (ddp) Der frühere Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) reist im Februar zu Gesprächen nach Teheran Dies berichtet die «Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung» (Samstagausgabe) unter Berufung auf Angaben aus Schröders Berliner Büro.
    Hannover (ddp). Der frühere Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder (SPD) reist im Februar zu Gesprächen nach Teheran. Dies berichtet die «Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung» (Samstagausgabe) unter Berufung auf Angaben aus Schröders Berliner Büro. Mit welchen politischen Führern Schröder im Iran zusammentreffe, stehe noch nicht endgültig fest. Jedoch gebe es für die Mission Rückendeckung von Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD).
    In Berlin werde nicht ausgeschlossen, dass Schröder in Absprache mit der Regierung des neuen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama Möglichkeiten sondiert, die internationalen Gespräche über das iranische Atomprogramm neu zu beleben.
    Zwischen der früheren US-Regierung von George W. Bush und Teheran hatte es keine direkten Kontakte gegeben. Bush hatte ausdrücklich auch ein militärisches Vorgehen gegen den Iran nicht ausgeschlossen. Schröder indessen hatte bereits als Bundeskanzler das Recht des Irans verteidigt, Forschung für die friedliche Nutzung der Atomenergie zu betreiben.

  3. JP Iranian parliament speaker slams Obama
    Larijani says country doubts US president’s ME policy will be different from Bush administration.

    1. HA’ARETZ Iran official: Obama Mideast policy probably same as Bush
      Iran parliament speaker warns Obama’s actions on Iran’s nuclear program will test his promises for change

    2. YNET Iranian parliament speaker criticizes Obama

  4. haaretz ANALYSIS / Obama plan to negotiate buys Iran time to complete nuclear program  By Yossi Melman
    Barack Obama’s arrival in the White House substantially reduces the likelihood of Israel using military force to thwart Iran’s nuclear program and accelerates the possibility that within a year the regime of ayatollahs will possess atomic bombs, according to the assessment of experts in Israel and the United States.
    Obama may have referred in his inauguration speech to the challenge of „the nuclear threat,“ but before that he had already made clear his plan of pursuing a sharp turnaround from George Bush’s policy on all matters related to Iran. The policy Obama is formulating is one of engagement and negotiation. He hopes the Iranians will be tempted to respond to the generous proposals he intends to offer them, diplomatic relations, lifting sanctions, improved commercial ties, and in return a halt or at least suspend uranium enrichment.

  5. HA’ARETZ U.S. Navy hunting Iran ships sent to rearm Hamas in Gaza‘
    A United States naval taskforce has been ordered to hunt down weapons ships sent by Iran to rearm its Islamist ally Hamas in Gaza, The Sunday Times reported.
    Quoting U.S. diplomatic sources, the British daily said that Combined Task Force 151, which is countering pirates in the Gulf of Aden, has been instructed to track Iranian arms shipments.

    1. CBS/ AP New Fear Iran Could Supply Hamas In Gaza  As Israel Withdraws Last Of Troops From Gaza, U.S. Finds Iranian Ship Carrying Artillery Shells JERUSALEM, Jan. 21, 2009
      There is new concern that Iran may be trying to get arms and ammunition to Hamas. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin learned exclusively that on Monday an American Navy ship intercepted an Iranian-chartered ship in the Red Sea.
      It found artillery shells on board.
      The U.S. Navy has now asked Egypt to force the Iranians to pull into port for a more thorough inspection before being allowed to pass through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean, CBS News reports.
      The fear is that those artillery shells will be smuggled into Gaza.

  6. JP The Iranian reaction –

    The Gaza war was a huge publicity gift for the regime – but why so relatively few anti-Israel protesters?

  7. JP JPOST.COM VIDEO – Obama’s hot potato

    Analyst Saul Singer: Iran issue will create big fight on Obama team.

  8. WELT ONLINE – EU sichert sich Zugang zu den Gasquellen Irans
    Doch jetzt hat die EU einen wichtigen Schritt unternommen, um diese Abhängigkeit abzumildern: Die riesigen Gasquellen im Iran könnten bald die neue …

  9. Gewissenlos…
    Die Presse –
    geo reisen: Persiens Reiseklassiker und Insel-Neuland  Ausbau der Iran-Kompetenz.
    Persien als Reiseziel wächst im Bewusstsein der Österreicher. Mit Geo Reisen, dem Iran-Reisen-Marktführer im deutschsprachigen Raum, besuchten 2008 etwa 650 Personen die Kulturschätze von Isfahan, Persepolis oder Yazd. Das könnte in den nächsten Jahren noch mehr werden. Denn die klassische Studienreise-Destination entwickle sich laut Abdolreza Rahbari von der iranischen Botschaft in Wien mit „individuellen Reisekombinationen stetig weiter“. Ein Schritt in diese Richtung ist der Plan, bei Geo Reisen ab 2010 auch die Insel Gheshm anzupeilen. Vor Kurzem hat der Salzburger Veranstalter überdies die Generalvertretung von AITO Tours, der größten iranischen Incoming-Agentur, übernommen. Weitere Iran-Veranstalter: u. a. Ruefa, Kneissl Touristik, ARR oder Ikarus. Weitere Infos im Reisebüro.

  10. Tagesspiegel – Teheran-Effekt  Vor 30 Jahren wurde Teheran zum Zentrum eines Gottesstaates. Der iranische Autor Tirdad Zolghadr erklärt, warum seine Heimatstadt anders ist, als viele denken. Es sei nicht so schön , wie Paris schön ist. Es habe mehr Ähnlichkeit mit Berlin.
    Als die islamische Revolution den Schah stürzte, war ich fünf Jahre alt. Meine Mutter dachte damals, alles würde sich bald wieder legen. Wir flogen deshalb nur mit einem einzigen Koffer in die Schweiz. Mein Stiefvater stammt von dort. Er und meine Mutter hatten sich kennengelernt, als beide bei „Swiss Air“ arbeiteten. Als meine Mutter dann in Zürich den Fernseher anschaltete, sah es für sie so aus, als würden wildwütige Fundamentalisten ihr geliebtes Teheran zerstören. Da beschloss sie: Dahin gehe ich nicht mehr zurück.
    Und so habe ich meine Heimatstadt erst mit 23 wiedergesehen, während eines Besuchs. Nach dem Studium bin ich dann 1999 für zwei Jahre dorthin gezogen, um mein Persisch aufzufrischen.

  11.  16 Prozent der Iraner hatten schwulen Sex
    Menschenrechtsgruppen schätzen, dass seit der islamischen Revolution im Jahr 1979 bis zu 4000 Menschen im Iran wegen ihrer Homoesexualität hingerichtet …

  12. euronews – Terrorismus Streit über Volksmudschaheddin
    Die Volksmudschaheddin des Iran werden voraussichtlich am Montag von der „Terrorliste der Europäischen Union“ genommen – nach dreijährigen juristischen …
  13. RIA Novosti – Iran will neues Luftabwehrsystem präsentieren
    Nach zahlreichen Spekulationen über Raketen-Lieferungen aus Russland will Iran nun ein selbständig entwickeltes Luftabwehrsystem präsentieren. …

  14. Nürnberger Nachrichten – Im Fadenkreuz der iranischen Sicherheitsbehörden  Der verfolgte Journalist Soheil Asefi ist im Rahmen des Projekts «Writers in Exile» Gast der Stadt Nürnberg
    NÜRNBERG – Zum zweiten Mal bietet die Stadt Nürnberg einem verfolgten Autor Zuflucht. Im Rahmen des vom deutschen P.E.N.-Zentrum initiierten Projektes «Writers in Exile» ist der iranische Journalist Soheil Asefi (25) ein Jahr lang Gast der Stadt.
    In Deutschland beteiligen sich zur Zeit fünf Städte an dem Hilfsprojekt – neben Nürnberg sind das Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln. Der erste Gast in Nürnberg war im Jahr 2000 der vietnamesische Exil-Autor Thu Hien Vu.

    1. Nürnberger Zeitung – Schriftsteller findet Asyl in Nürnberg
      Soheil Asefi werde seine Arbeit ohne Angst vor Repressionen fortsetzen können, sagte der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Stadt, Hans Hesselmann, bei der Vorstellung des Exil-Autors.
      Wegen seines Einsatzes für Demokratie und Menschenrechte steht der 25-Jährige eigenen Angaben zufolge im Iran unter der Anklage, die Sicherheit des Landes gefährdet und Propaganda gegen die Islamische Republik Iran getrieben zu haben.
      Soheil Asefi saß 2007 zwei Monate lang im Teheraner Evin-Gefängnis in Einzelhaft, bevor er gegen Kaution entlassen wurde. Sein Computer und seine Schriften, Telefonverzeichnisse und Bücher wurden beschlagnahmt. Vor allem für nicht-religiöse laizistische Schriftsteller gebe es im Iran keine Meinungsfreiheit, sagte er. In den 30 Jahren seit der Revolution seien «viele Freiheitsliebende getötet, eingesperrt oder ins Exil getrieben worden«. Internet-Blogs seien oft die einzige Möglichkeit, sich Gehör zu verschaffen….

  15. – Weg mit den alten Persern  Die Diktatur im Iran unterdrückt Kunst und Redefreiheit. Dreißig Jahre nach der islamischen Revolution stellen junge Fotografen jetzt mit subtilem Humor das System in Frage.
    In weiten Teilen der Welt gilt Mahmud Ahmadinedschad als Erzbösewicht. Im eigenen Land kann man den iranischen Präsidenten auch nicht leiden, macht sich aber lieber über ihn lustig, als ihn zu verteufeln. Ahmadinedschad sieht der Werbefigur einer populären Chipsmarke ähnlich; statt seinen Namen zu nennen, redet man in Teheran oder Schiraz deshalb nur noch vom »Äffchen«. Auch der oberste religiöse Führer Ali Chamenei, dessen eminentes Amt ihn bis vor Kurzem über jede Kritik erhob, ist zur Zielscheibe von Hohn und Spott geworden…

  16. Tagesspiegel – Die Iranische Revolution – Ein kurzer Überblick über die iranische Revolution.
    Schah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi blieb keine Wahl, als er am 16. Januar 1979 abdankte. Seinem Rücktritt waren jahrelange gewaltsame Proteste vorausgegangen, die auch von den religiösen Führern unterstützt wurden. Nur mit Hilfe der CIA und des berüchtigten Geheimdienstes Savak hatte sich der westlich orientierte Monarch an der Macht halten können. Sein Rücktritt ermöglichte dem ins Exil verbannten schiitischen Mullah Ajatollah Chomeini die Heimreise. Am 1. Februar 1979 traf er in Teheran ein und wurde begeistert empfangen. Im April rief Chomeini die Islamische Republik Iran aus. Die neue Führung setzte ihren Machtanspruch mit aller Härte durch. Chomeini wurde Oberster Rechtsgelehrter („Revolutionsführer“) – und damit zur wichtigsten politischen Figur des Gottesstaats….

  17. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – Ajatollah Chomeini Die Wiederkehr des verborgenen Imam
    Als Kind hatte Chomeini die konstitutionelle Revolution in Iran erlebt, den ersten Versuch einer iranischen Moderne, der gegen die absolute Herrschaft des …

  18. AFP Iran warns BBC Tehran staff not to help Farsi service
    TEHRAN  — Iran on Wednesday warned the BBC Tehran bureau against contributing to the network’s newly-launched Farsi-language television channel, which is banned from operating in Iran, Fars news agency reported.
    „BBC English channel will be confronted if it abuses its legal rights by producing reports for BBC Persian and we are continually on watch for that,“ Culture Minister Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi said.
    „This Persian channel is not planned with good intentions and they reflect the same issues differently in Persian and English services,“ said Harandi, whose ministry is in charge of licensing and monitoring foreign media.

    1. ZAWYABBC Persian activities in Iran are illegal: culture minister  
      TEHRAN — Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hossein Safar Harandi here on Wednesday called the activities of BBC Persian TV channel in Iran „illegal“.
      Safar Harandi told reporters after a cabinet meeting that those journalists who work for this news channel inside Iran will get into trouble and their activities are deemed illegal.
      He said that Iran has repeatedly warned of cooperation with this channel as the idea behind its establishment is not well-intentioned.
      The minister said the BBC English news is different from BBC Persian news.

    2. Iran’s Security Ministry arrests reporters of BBC Persian Service
      Iran, Tehran, Jan. 22/ Trend News, A. Namdari/
      Second Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Policy and National Security Parliamentary Commission in Iran said the Security Ministry arrested several BBC Persian Service reporters who were planning a revolution under the guise of journalistic activities.
      Iranian media quoted the commission’s chairman Hussein Subhaniya as saying that the arrested journalists began recruiting forces to launch a coup before Ramadan.
      „The Security Ministry prepared an operation against the group in the month of Ramadan,“ Subhaniya said. „They aimed to disseminate views against the Iranian Revolution under the guise of journalistic activities.“

  19. BBC Iran doctors jailed over ‚plot‘ – Arash and Kamyar Alaei were respected for their HIV work
    Two prominent Iranian Aids doctors have been jailed for a total of nine years for their part in an alleged coup plot.
    Brothers Arash Alaei and Kamyar Alaei were accused of being „key elements“ in a plan Iran said was backed by the CIA.
    The prison sentences were imposed after a secret trial and have provoked strong protests from human rights groups.

  20. WELT Iranische Reaktionen auf die Inauguration Obamas  von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE
    Iranische Politiker und Kommentatoren erwarten, dass Präsident Obama die iranische Politik respektiert. Iran will dabei aber mitnichten auf sein einheimisches Urananreicherungsprogramm und auf die Unterstützung von Terrororganisationen verzichten.
    Die Äußerungen iranischer Politiker und Meinungsmacher des Iran machen deutlich, dass der Iran den Abzug der US-amerikanischen Armee aus dem Irak, aber auch aus Afghanistan fordert. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass der Iran Israel als gesamten Staat seit dessen Gründung als eine „Besatzungsmacht“ betrachtet und eine Verbesserung der Beziehung mit den USA nur dann einräumt, wenn die USA sich von Israel entsolidarisiere.
    Kayhan ist das Sprachrohr des politischen und religiösen Führers des Iran Ali Khamenei. In diesen Tagen kann man dort markige Kommentare lesen. In einem Kommentar über „Obamas Welt“ wird hervorgehoben, dass der neue amerikanische Präsident vieles anders machen wolle und versuchen wolle dem „amerikanischen Geist“ gerecht zu werden. Aber genau darin liege das Problem, denn dadurch würden die „Phantasien der Überlegenheit des amerikanischen Regimes wieder belebt werden.“

  21. By Andres Cala  Iran Capitalizing on Russia-Ukraine Feud
    Gas flares burn near an oil well in Iran.
    Over the past few weeks, as hundreds of thousands of Europeans were suffering from Russia’s gas cuts, Iran was busy offering itself as a reliable alternative to Gazprom. And while the worries over Iran’s nuclear aspirations continue, Russia’s continued belligerence over gas pricing, along with new US President Barack Obama’s plans to open more direct diplomatic channels to Tehran, are making Iran’s overtures more attractive.
    To be sure, Iran’s barrage of energy diplomacy, which coincides with Europe’s frenzy to reduce its dependence on Kremlin-controlled gas, illustrates Tehran’s need to be seen as a reliable gas exporter.

  22. Iran Focus Iran hangs 22 people  Thursday, 22 January 2009 
    Tehran, Iran, Jan. 22 – Iranian authorities hanged 22 people over the past two days.
    Ten people were mass executed on Wednesday in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, the state-run news agency Fars reported, adding that an eleventh man had his execution postponed for a month. It said that he witnessed the other 10 people being hanged. He is expected to be hanged in February.
    In a separate report on Wednesday Fars said that six people were executed in a prison in Yazd Province on Tuesday. Their charges included murder and drug trafficking.
    Three men, identified only by their first names Alireza, Hassan and Mohammad-Hassan, were hanged in the Yazd prison on Wednesday, the government-run news agency ISNA reported.

  23. Die Jüdische Hintergrund: Irans Unterstützung der Hamas 

    Insofern ist der Iran die natürliche Wahl der Hamas, wenn es um strategische Unterstützung geht. Seit Israels Abkoppelung vom Gaza-Streifen, vor allem seit …

  24. smh Iran’s the winner if ceasefire fails  Colin Rubenstein
    Israeli troops have withdrawn from Gaza following the military campaign designed to degrade Hamas’s ability to continue firing rockets at Israeli civilians. The tenuous ceasefire has a chance to take hold – although it has been challenged several times by Hamas rocket fire – while terms are being finalised.
    This latest fighting was part of the region-wide struggle between moderate Arab states on the one side, and Iran and its terrorist proxies on the other. A successful military operation against Hamas, followed by an effective ceasefire, will set back Tehran’s regional ambitions and attempts to destabilise the region, and help prospects for a two-state resolution to the conflict.

  25. Die Abfahrer schnuppern Höhenluft  Ein Iraner auf dem Ganslernhang
    Hossein Kalhor also will sich in Kitzbühel einen Namen machen. Als erster iranischer Rennläufer beim Slalom-Klassiker am Ganslernhang. 
    Hossein Kalhor in Kitzbühel.  
    Debütant: Hossein Kalhor, 24, wagt sich auf den Ganslernhang.

    Nein, man muss Hossein Kalhor nicht kennen. Es sei denn, man hat ein Faible für persische Rekorde oder ist ein Heinz Prüller des Grasskilaufs. Am besten gleich beides, denn dann wäre Hossein Kalhor ganz gewiss ein Begriff.
    Hossein Kalhor, 24, Sportmanagement-Student aus Dizin, zwei Autostunden von Teheran entfernt, bei seiner Geburt mit neun Kilogramm das schwerste Kind des Iran, Staatsmeister im Grasski, geehrt vom Präsidenten himself, Hossein Kalhor also will sich in Kitzbühel einen Namen machen. Als erster iranischer Rennläufer beim Slalom-Klassiker am Ganslernhang.
    Der Mann mit dem Wuschelkopf und den dunklen Augen sieht vor seinem großen Auftritt abgekämpft aus. Hossein Kalhor gähnt, er ist müde, es war für ihn auch alles ein bisschen viel in den letzten Tagen.

    1. Schwäbische Zeitung – Erster Iraner im Ski-Weltcup gestartet
      Bereits bei seiner Geburt hatte Kalhor für Aufsehen gesorgt, als er 1984 mit einem Gewicht von neun Kilogramm als schwerstes Baby des Iran auf die Welt kam. …

    2. – Burgenländer trainiert iranischen Rennläufer
      Ein Burgenländer geht als Trainer im Sport eher ungewöhnliche Wege: Der Neudörfler Michael Stocker trainiert einen Ski-Exoten aus dem Iran, der beim Slalom …

  26. CFCAIran – Iranian TV Calls Harry Potter ‚Zionist Plot‘
    Iranian state television has come to the conclusion that Harry Potter is a Zionist plot. The documentary, which you can watch here , features several „experts“ discussing the wildly popular series of books and movies.
    One of the experts quoted in the documentary says that Harry Potter is part of a „cultural crusade“ and through the movies „they [Zionists] are indirectly saying: ‚join us.'“
    The documentary, which shows many of the darker scenes from the series, concludes that elements of the Kabbalah are presented in the movies. One expert says that Harry Potter is portrayed as the Messiah and the film touches on Armadeggon, which he says fits into popular Christian Zionist beliefs.
    In 2007, Iran’s ultra-conservative daily „Kayhan“ called Harry Potter „ a billion-dollar Zionist project “ and a „destructive bomb“ for children’s minds. It alleged that the author J.K. Rowling had links to Zionists and that was how she became so well known.

  27. An Open Letter to Ahmadinejad  by Shalom Freedman
    Remember Gaza.
    Sir, I am one of those you have called „filthy germs, savages, disgraces and insults to humanity,“ whose country you have repeatedly promised will soon be „wiped off the map.“

    You have claimed to take on the role of champion of the Palestinian Arabs. 
    I am writing on a day a little more than three weeks after the Israeli army began to seriously respond to one of your proxy groups, Hamas of Gaza. This is the group you have supplied with rockets to hit our cities, and whose terrorists you have trained for the purpose of killing our soldiers and civilians.  
    In your prophesying our collective death you have claimed to take on the role of champion of the Palestinian Arabs. Your patronage of them and support for them is a principal theme of your regime. Now, after eight years of their aggression and firing rockets and sending suicide terrorists to our cities, they see their infrastructure destroyed in a way which will require years for rebuilding. Their losses in lives and injuries are great. You, who encouraged them to violence, have done nothing to protect them. You, who expected us to fall apart from your missiles, have seen those you encouraged to violence be the ones whose society is destroyed.

  28. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG In Friday Sermon, Ayatollah Kashani: „The U.S. President’s Mirror Is The World – The World Should Show Him Who He Is“

    In his sermon today, Tehran interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani said that former U.S. President George W. Bush had failed to meet his government’s pre-declared goals.
    He said, „Eight years ago, Bush said in a speech that he wants to bring the U.S. Army out of isolation and make it powerful worldwide. He also referred to crusades going on between Christians and Muslims. The speech reflected Bush’s goals during his U.S. presidency. That’s eight years passing from the date. Has the U.S. Army been dignified and has any war been broken out between Muslims and Christians? Bush’s policies brought out nothing but humiliation for he himself, American nation and the US army worldwide… Western rulers and politicians should take lessons from such historical lessons.“
    Referring to the U.S.’s crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and speaking to the U.S. president, he said, „The U.S. president’s mirror is the world. The world should show him who he is. The use of depleted uranium and phosphor, traces of which are visible in faces of Gaza children and Abu Ghuraib prisoners, is a mirror in which the U.S. president should see himself reflected.“
    He referred to chronology of Zionist regime’s confrontation with the Arab world and said that in the Six-Day War, „Israel… which managed to rule over three countries, used to chant the motto of ‚the Nile to Euphrates,‘ but in the 33-day war of Lebanon and the 22-day strike on Gaza swept into misery. Now all countries curse it. Israel committed all kinds of war crimes ranging from application of banned arms and genocide to restricting food and medicine shipment. Even some ignorant Arab states joined the regime, but it was useless.“
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 23, 2009

  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Majlis Speaker: Obama’s Silence On Gaza Is Part Of Covert Scenario
    Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani on January 21 criticized the silence of the newly inaugurated U.S. President Barack Obama, saying: „Obama said that he was busy spending the major part of his time looking for a pet dog for his daughter at the White House, adding that he would very soon begin seeking a solution aimed at ending the Gaza war… Thus, both his comments, and the Israeli (deadly) invasion were scenes of a covert scenario, while today the fruits of the strong tree of the Islamic Revolution are bearing fruit at Islamic lands, such as Lebanon and Palestine, and the world Muslims are defending their prosperity and prestige in the light of glowing sun of this revolution.“
    Larijani, who was speaking at a memorial service for the martyrs of Gaza, titled „Gaza: Epic of Resistance, “ reiterated that in the Gaza war, „Israel and America were seeking for a way to cooperate at the international scene in order to harness Iran’s (peaceful) nuclear program – but in order to do that they needed to destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah in advance.“
    Larijani reiterated, „They assumed that Hamas was weakened, and had therefore decided to implement their malicious plan in Gaza initially, but the big plot faced death at embryonic phase.“
    He said that Israel’s defeat in confrontation with Hamas‘ jihadi force marked the beginning of the downfall of that regime and of the global oppression in the international arena. „During Israel’s 60-year occupation of Palestine, that regime has established a (military) force in the region, of which the entire regional countries were scared… Israel has always been massacring the oppressed Palestinians here and there, but today the scene of the confrontation has changed drastically and it is that usurper regime that is moving towards its doomed extinction.
    „It is the first time that the Zionist regime is facing a defeat at the land it claims (to be its promised one) in confrontation with a popular resistance force, Hamas. Gaza was (in fact) freed in this war and proved that it is strong and standing on its own feet.“
    Larijani said, „Hamas resistance movement that had formerly failed in achieving political liberty through democratic methods managed to strengthen its legitimate government in Gaza thanks to its resistance in confrontation with the Zionist regime.“
    He continued, „A regime with a systematized army, relying on the cooperation of the superpowers and some Arab countries failed in defeating a resistance force, which means that regime’s expiry date is near, and its doomed end is near at hand… Some governments that were secretly contributing assistance to Israel to facilitate the defeat of (the Lebanese) Hezbollah in the course of the 33 Day War in this war openly supported Israel and their real face was revealed to the entire world nations.“
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 23, 2009

  30. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG In Tehran, Free Meals Distributed To Participants In Anti-Israel Demonstrations
    The website of Amir Kabir University in Tehran reports that the Iranian government is providing free means to Student Basij members at the university who participated in anti-Israel demonstrations and expressed support for the Palestinians.
    Source:, January 21, 2009

  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Report: New Iranian Remote-Control Mini-Submarine
    A report was released in Iran about a mini-submarine operated by remote control, with a GSM system or onboard computer, that can reach a depth of eight meters and carry eight kg of explosives.
    The submarine’s planners say that the sub is invisible to radar, and that the robot on board will sense when a diver approaches the sub and will release hormones to attract schools of fish, thereby concealing it from diver.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 21, 2009

  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG This Week’s Executions In Iran
    Twenty people were executed by hanging in Iran January 20 and 21, in the cities of Tehran, Yazd, and Isfahan.
    The executions were for murder, violence, drug-smuggling, and sabotage.
    Source: Radio Zamanneh, ISCA News, January 21, 2009

  33. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Hizbullah Deputy Leader: We’re Ready To Counter Any Israeli Action

    Hizbullah has warned that it is prepared to counter any Israeli action, adding that Tel Aviv remains a threat to the Middle East.
    Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Na’im Qasim said yesterday that the organization „is prepared and ready for any surprise. We have experts and trainers. As long as Israel exists in the region, it poses a threat to Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and the entire region.“
    Source: Press TV, Iran, January 22, 2009

  34. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian FM: Hamas Must Be Allowed To Keep Its Arms

    The following is the text of a speech by Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, at a forum on support for Gaza in Tehran.
    „Today, at this conference, we can look into the issues surrounding the situation in Gaza from two perspectives. The first is the work that our brothers in the Red Crescent have been doing.“
    „You are at the scene when there is a crisis, when the lives and the property of people are threatened, and when they are targeted by the enemies of humanity. You put your lives at risk. Volunteers who risk their lives for this humanitarian cause are always on the scene.“
    „I have seen televised footage of Gaza, images of burnt buildings, raging fires, and the plight of a group of rescue workers trying to pull out a child from under the rubble. They did everything possible to save that child.“
    „These rescue workers are there risking their lives to help their fellow humans and in some cases they have lost their lives trying to save the lives of others.“
    „In Gaza, ambulances trying to get the wounded to hospitals were sometimes targeted by the Israeli army.“
    „Such situations help us better understand the critical role these rescue workers play. Let me also talk about NGOs (Non-governmental Organizations).“

  35. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian MP: Banning Weapons Shipment To Gaza Against Int’l Law

    Iranian Parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Commission head Alaeddin Boroujerdi said yesterday that banning weapons deliveries to Gaza is against international law and that Gazans must have the right to live in and defend their territorial integrity.
    He called unacceptable some of the positions taken at the January 18 Sharm Al-Sheikh summit, including the halting of weapons shipments to Gaza.
    Elsewhere, Boroujerdi pointed to the Gazans‘ political, social and military triumph over Israel, calling this Israel’s third defeat in the past 10 years – in 2000 and 2006 by Hizbullah and now by the Gazans.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, January 21, 2009

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Larijani: Islamic Revolution A Significant Event In Contemporary Era

    Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said today that the Islamic Revolution is regarded as one of the most significant events in the contemporary era.
    Speaking at a special ceremony marking the martyrdom of Iranian commanders and 800 martyrs in Sari province, he stressed that Iran’s revolution had made an incalculable impact on other global developments.
    He said that Iran had once been a spy base for the U.S. against the USSR, with 60,000 U.S. military personnel, but that following the Islamic Revolution they left the country and the U.S. lost one of its most important strongholds in the region.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 22, 2009 
  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Russian Minister: Iran-Russia In Strategic Partnership

    Russian Agriculture Minister Alexei Gordeyev said yesterday that Tehran is a strategic partner for Moscow.
    In a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi, Gordeyev voiced Russia’s willingness to deepen bilateral cooperation with Iran, particularly in the fields of agriculture and foodstuff activities.
    Meanwhile, the Iranian ambassador referred to the existing potentials for promotion of ties between the two capitals, calling for further bilateral cooperation between Tehran and Moscow.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 22, 2009

  38. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Majlis Discusses Bill To Establish ‚Islamic World Army‘
    The Iranian Majlis is currently discussing a bill to establish in Iran an ‚Islamic World Army‘ to fight ‚the common enemy‘ of the Islamic world – that is, Israel – as well as several Western countries that are protecting it and groups or organizations that are acting against Islam.
    It was proposed that this army would be part of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
    Source: Shahab News, Iran, January 19, 2009

  39. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Imprisons Doctors Who Attended Medical Convention In U.S., Arrests BBC Employees
    Iranian brothers Drs. Aresh and Kamiyar Alaai have been sentenced in Iran to three to six years in prison, under an Iranian law banning contact with hostile countries.
    The two, who are specialists in infectious diseases and AIDS and who attended a convention on AIDS in the U.S., were arrested sometime in the past six months.
    The Iranian press has published no information on their sentencing, except for a statement by Iranian Intelligence Minister Mohsen Ejei on the capture of elements seeking to create a velvet revolution in Iran who were given $32 million in funding for this end.
    It should be noted that the Iranian Intelligence Ministry has arrested BBC employees on suspicion of encouraging a velvet revolution; however, no details on the number or identity of the detainees have been released.
    Sources: Deutsch-Welle, Germany; Khorasan, Iran, January 21, 2009; Fars, Iran, January 19, 2009

  40. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian MP: Obama Should Learn From His Unsuccessful Predecessor

    Hossein Ebrahimi, member of Iran’s parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, has recommended that U.S. President Barack Obama take lessons from the bitter failure of his predecessor.
    Ebrahimi said today that the U.S. had to establish logical interactions with other countries and start realizing that it could not command them and rule their fates.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 21, 2009

  41. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian FM: Abbas Presidency Over

    Iran believes that the presidential term of Mahmoud Abbas in the Palestinian Authority is over, and that new parliamentary elections should be held, said Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki today.
    „We think Mahmoud Abbas‘ term in the self-rule government is over and new elections should be held,“ Mottaki reiterated, addressing a forum of NGOs and popular organizations in Tehran for supporting Gazans.
    Source: Fars, Iran, January 21, 2009

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