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  1. Brandaktuell…

    1. STOPTHEBOMB –  Keine Bühne für das iranische Regime!  – Kundgebung gegen den iranischen Vorsitz beim OPEC-Treffen
      Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011, 9.00 Uhr
      Vor dem OPEC-Gebäude, Helferstorferstrasse 17, 1010 Wien
      Beim OPEC-Treffen am 14. Dezember in Wien wird der iranische Ölminister Rostam Ghasemi den Vorsitz führen. Ghasemi ist ein ehemaliger Kommandant der iranischen Revolutionswächter, die neben der Gewalt gegen die Opposition auch für das Nuklearwaffenprogramm verantwortlich sind. Obwohl er ursprünglich den EU-Sanktionen unterlag, soll er in die EU und nach Österreich einreisen dürfen. Trotz des fieberhaft vorangetriebenen Atomprogramms, trotz der anhaltenden Repression gegen die iranische Bevölkerung und trotz des Sturmes auf die britische Botschaft in Teheran können sich in Wien Vertreter des iranischen Regimes weiterhin frei bewegen und neue Geschäfte anbahnen.
      Die Vertreter des iranischen Regimes nutzen ihre Auftritte bei internationalen Organisationen regelmäßig zur Verbreitung ihrer mörderischen Ideologie. Das Überleben der iranischen Diktatur aus Ajatollahs und Revolutionswächtern wird gerade durch den Öl- und Erdgasexport gewährleistet, über den auf dem OPEC-Treffen verhandelt wird.
      Wer mit dem iranischen Regime Geschäfte macht, unterstützt seine Politik: Von der Verfolgung von Homosexuellen, Gewerkschaftern, Frauen und Minderheiten über das Atomwaffen- und Raketenprogramm, die Holocaustleugnung und die Vernichtungsdrohungen gegen Israel bis zur Finanzierung des globalen djihadistischen Terrors.
      Wir fordern:
      – Keine Bühne für die Mörder der iranischen Opposition!
      – Keine Bühne für die Vertreter eines antisemitischen Holocaustleugnerregimes!
      – Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen mit dem iranischen Regime!
      – Unverzügliche scharfe Sanktionen im Energiesektor, Sanktionierung der iranischen Zentralbank, Sanktionierung des Exports von Industriegütern in den Iran!
      Weitere Informationen:

      1. PASSEND DAZU:
        Und wer ist dort, um zu protestieren…?!?!?
        FTDIranischer Außenminister Salehi in Bonn
        Der iranische Außenminister Ali Akbar Salehi nimmt ungeachtet des eskalierenden Konflikts mit dem Westen an diesem Montag an der Internationalen Afghanistan-Konferenz in Bonn teil. Er hatte dies bereits vor längerer Zeit zugesagt.

        Nach der Eskalation des Atomstreits waren aber Zweifel laut geworden, dass er tatsächlich nach Bonn kommt. Am Sonntagabend traf Salehi mit Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle zusammen. Über Inhalte wurde zunächst nichts bekannt.
        Westerwelle sagte zuvor nach einem Gespräch mit UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon in Bonn, er begrüße die iranische Teilnahme an der Afghanistan-Konferenz. «Wir werden eine gute nachbarschaftliche Lösung nur finden, wenn die Nachbarländer mitmachen, und das schließt Iran mit ein. Wir erwarten jetzt mehr Staatenkooperation seitens Irans.» Es sei notwendig, im Gespräch zu bleiben.
        An der Konferenz am Montag wollen Delegationen aus 85 Ländern und von 16 internationalen Delegationen teilnehmen. Pakistan hat wegen eines Nato-Angriffs auf zwei Militärposten abgesagt. Der Iran ist neben Pakistan der mächtigste Nachbar Afghanistans. Salehi hatte Anfang November an einer Vorbereitungskonferenz in Istanbul teilgenommen und auch dort Westerwelle getroffen. Der iranische Minister kritisierte den Nato-Einsatz in Afghanistan damals scharf. «Den ausländischen Truppen ist die Lage der Menschen in Afghanistan egal», sagte er.

    2. Unglaublich… So viel zum Thema Obama!
      JP‚Obama urging US lawmakers to soften Iran sanctions‘
      Senator Mark Kirk, co-author of proposal approved 100-0 by Senate to penalize foreign financial institutions that do business with Iran’s central bank, says Obama administration trying to undermine sanctions.

      1. YNETObama softening sanctions?

        White House aims to ease impact of financial restrictions on Iran fearing spike in oil rates

    3. HA’ARETZU.S. launches virtual Iran ‘embassy‘ decades after closing official mission
      Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the online embassy is an effort to use new technology to bridge gaps and promote greater understanding between the two countries.

      1. YNET Iran gets ‚virtual‘ US embassy

        US launches web-based ‚embassy‘ aiming to encourage dialogue with Iranian people

    4. YNET –  ‚Iran could be nuclear in one year’s time‘
      New report by AEI Institute suggests Iran’s nuclear ambitions cannot be curbed; focused military strike at present time may be more effective than pursuing deterrence policy 
      WASHINGTON –  A report compiled by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) suggests that “ there is a real chance that Western efforts to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon will fail,“ Ynet learned Tuesday.
      Should that be the case, the report says that the
      United States would have to „lead an international effort to contain Iran and deter the Islamic Republic from using its nuclear weapons capability.“

      1. passend dazu…
        INNIran Produces More 20% Pure Uranium

        Iranian scientists have produced 20 percent pure uranium to supply a nuclear reactor in Tehran, according to a report published Sunday by „The Nuclear Iran“ website.
        The enriched fuel plates will soon be loaded into the reactor, according to sources quoted in the report, which claimed the reactor is being used to produce radioisotopes for medical use.

        Iran has „finalized production of the 20 percent-enriched fuel for the Tehran research reactor,“ the report said, due to reliance on domestic expertise and technology.

        The news came in contradiction to an announcement Thursday by Iranian Parliamentary Vice Speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar, who had said Thursday the 20 percent-enriched nuclear fuel would be ready for injection into the reactor in two months.

        However, by September Iran has already produced „around 70 kilograms“ of 20 percent-enriched uranium, according to an announcement in late October by Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi.

        As far back as June, Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh reported the Islamic Republic had produced more than 50 kilograms of the 20 percent-enriched uranium.t that time, Soltaniyeh told the IAEA that Iran was working towards a goal of producing 120 kilograms of the fuel… „for the Tehran reactor.“
        The type of uranium used for nuclear weapons of mass destruction is generally enriched at levels that begin at 20 percent but usually are higher. However, it is possible to produce a nuclear warhead with 20 percent-enriched uranium, albeit a somewhat crude one, according to sources in the scientific community.

    5. YNET Tehran residents fear imminent strike
      Closure of foreign schools in Tehran prompts fears among Iranians; ‚I and all my friends have stockpiled goods at home,‘ local resident says
      Growing panic in Iran? International schools in Iran have shut their doors after hardline students stormed the British embassy last week, stoking ordinary Iranians‘ fears that foreigners are about to pull out of the Islamic Republic ahead of a US or Israeli-led attack.
      Protesters stormed and ransacked Britain’s two diplomatic compounds in Tehran on Tuesday, prompting Britain to evacuate its staff from the country and expel Iranian diplomats from London.


      1. JP

      2. YNET ‚Iranian forces go on war alert‘
        Iran moving missiles to secret sites, Western officials tell British paper; earlier, Tehran residents reported to stockpile goods, fearing imminent strike
        Growing panic in Iran? The commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards has ordered his forces to raise their operational readiness ahead of a possible war or strike on the country’s nuclear facilities, the Telegraph reported late Monday.
        The British newspaper quoted Western intelligence sources as saying that
        Iran is repositioning ballistic missiles, explosives and troops into defensive positions, in order to offer a quick response in the case of an attack by Israel or the United States.

      3. passend dazu…
        JP Regional threats too strong to ignore signs of war
        Analysis: Difference between ministers is not about gravity of Iranian threat, but rather when the right time would be for Israeli action.
        There are too many signals to ignore the possibility that war might be looming on the horizon.
        On Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared that leaders are tested by their ability to make decisions that might be unpopular among their own people and around the world.

    6. JP – ‚Iran violating int’l norms, becoming pariah state‘
      Senior US official: „If we cannot achieve a diplomatic solution soon, inevitably interests will grow in a different kind of solution.“
      SEOUL – A senior US official on Monday said the situation over Iran’s nuclear program was becoming increasingly worrying and an urgent diplomatic solution needs to be found.
      The United States and Israel have not ruled out military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities if diplomacy fails to resolve a dispute over a program they suspect is aimed at developing atomic weapons.
      Iran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons and says it would respond to any strike by attacking Israel and US interests in the Gulf.
      „Iran is violating international obligations and norms. It is becoming a pariah state,“ Robert Einhorn, the US State Department senior adviser for non-proliferation and arms control, told a news conference in the South Korean capital.
      „The situation in Iran has become more and more worrisome. The timeline for its nuclear program is beginning to get shorter, so it is important we take these strong steps on an urgent basis

    7. Auch die Deutsche Version von PressTV (ansässig im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz) ist voll von Hass und Hetze und gehört schon lange abgeschaltet…
      HAOLAMHasspropaganda abschalten: Irans Press TV dicht machen
      Redefreiheit hat selbstverständlich eine elementare Qualität, aber nicht, wenn sie von einem Medienunternehmen missbraucht wird, um staatlich geförderte Propaganda zu betreiben. Und wenn das Unternehmen in London ansässig ist, gibt es keinen Anlass seitens der britischen Regierung, dem iranischen Propagandawerkzeug Press TV weiterhin Gastfreundschaft zu gewähren.
      Nach der Erstürmung der britischen Botschaft in Teheran fordert Houriya Ahmed in der Times of London dazu auf, Press TV abzuschalten (Registrierung erforderlich [bd]).
      Hier ist – wenn auch inoffiziell – ein Arm der Islamischen Republik am Werk, dessen Bestrafung die britische Ablehnung dokumentieren könnte: Der Betrieb von Press TV in London sollte eingestellt werden.
      Im Jahr 2007 als „Alternative“ zu westlichen Medien gestartet, ist Press TV ein englischsprachiger Satelliten-TV-Kanal mit Sendelizenz in Lizenz in London. Er wird vom iranischen Regime finanziert und fungiert als dessen Sprachrohr. Muslimische und nichtmuslimische Moderatorinnen sind angehalten, vor der Kamera bei Übertragungen aus London das islamische Kopftuch zu tragen.

      1. GUARDIANWho will rid us of hate channels such as Press TV?
        Ofcom is allowing an Iranian broadcaster to undermine our sense of broadcasting balance

    8. JTANYT: Iranian blast destroyed missile testing site
      (JTA) — An explosion at a military base in Iran destroyed a major missile-testing site and set back Iran’s long-range missile program, the New York Times reported.
      The explosion three weeks ago near Tehran destroyed a central testing center for advanced solid-fuel missiles, unnamed American and Israeli intelligence officials told the newspaper in an article published on Monday.
      There is still no solid information on what caused the explosion; American officials believe it was an accident, while Iranian media have hinted that sabotage may have been the cause.
      The explosion on Nov. 12 killed Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the head of Iran’s missile program, which could be a major blow to the program, the Times reported.
      The base where the explosion took place has grown dramatically in recent years, according to the newspaper, and the damage from the blast is consistent with solid-fuel technology.
      On Sunday, Iran claimed that it shot down an advanced American drone in eastern Iran, which, if true, means it has gained access to cutting-edge American technology. Iran has accused the United States of spying on its nuclear program and attempting to sabotage it.

      1. WELTRaketen-Gelände nach Explosion dem Erdboden gleich
        Nach einer heftigen Explosion auf einem iranischen Raketen-Gelände, soll Teherans Raketenprogramm einen Rückschlag erlitten haben. Das zeigen Satellitenfotos.

      2. NYTExplosion Seen as Big Setback to Iran’s Missile Program
        WASHINGTON — The huge explosion that destroyed a major missile-testing site near Tehran three weeks ago was a major setback for Iran’s most advanced long-range missile program, according to American and Israeli intelligence officials and missile technology experts.
        In interviews, current and former officials said surveillance photos showed that the Iranian base was a central testing center for advanced solid-fuel missiles, an assessment backed by outside experts who have examined satellite photos showing that the base was almost completely leveled in the blast. Such missiles can be launched almost instantly, making them useful to Iran as a potential deterrent against pre-emptive attacks by Israel or the United States, and they are also better suited than older liquid-fuel designs for carrying warheads long distances.

    9. YNET Expert: Cyber attack on Iran began in 2008
      American technology researcher says mysterious Conficker was ‚door kicker‘ for Stuxnet, challenging common belief that computer virus was built by Eastern European criminal gang for financial fraud purposes

      • JWREvidence that the U.S. and Israel are trying to derail Iran’s nuclear programs? Mysterious blasts, slayings suggest covert efforts
        At an Iranian military base 30 miles west of Tehran, engineers were working on weapons that the armed forces chief of staff had boasted could give Israel a „strong punch in the mouth.“
        But then a huge explosion ripped through the Revolutionary Guard Corps base on Nov. 12, leveling most of the buildings. Government officials said 17 people were killed, including a founder of Iran’s ballistic missile program, Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam.

      • passend dazu…
        Column One: The real war in Iran – The real objective these days should be the regime’s implosion, not more talk.
        Something is happening in Iran. Forces are in motion. But what is happening? And who are the forces that are on the move? Since this week’s bombing in Isfahan, the world media is rife with speculation that the war with Iran over its nuclear weapons program has begun. But if the war has begun, who is fighting it? What are their aims? And what are their methods and means of attack? On Wednesday the Times of London published a much-cited article about this week’s blast in Isfahan. The article referred to the bombed installation as a „uranium enrichment facility.“

      • passend dazu…
        SPIEGELMöglicher Angriff auf Militärbasis: Die rätselhafte Explosion bei Teheran
        Es war eine heftige Explosion, die sich nahe Teheran vor drei Wochen ereignete – von einem Munitionslager war die Rede, das in die Luft gegangen sei. Doch laut einem Bericht der „New York Times“ soll es sich um ein wichtiges Raketentestgelände gehandelt haben. mehr…

    10. YNET Iranians welcome expelled diplomats
      Iranian diplomats expelled from London arrive home to supporters chanting ‚Death to England.‘ Hardline cleric condemns attack on UK embassy in Tehran

      1. SPIEGELSturm auf britische Botschaft: Irans Außenminister will sich nicht entschuldigen
        Er wählte deutliche Worte: Am Rande der Afghanistan-Konferenz in Bonn hat Irans Außenminister Salehi es abgelehnt, sich für den jüngsten Angriff auf die britische Botschaft in Teheran zu entschuldigen – die Briten hätten schließlich selber den Nährboden für die Empörung bereitet. mehr…

        1. STANDARD – Verwüstung der Botschaft – Irans Außenminister lehnt Entschuldigung bei Briten ab
          Briten hätten Verwüstung ihrer Botschaft selbst zu verantworten

      2. passend dazu…
        Witnesses see „devastation“ in UK’s Tehran embassy
        TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iranians who stormed the British embassy in Tehran this week left a trail of destruction that witnesses said looked to have been well organized and not the result of a spontaneous eruption of anger, as portrayed by state authorities.
        Western diplomats who visited the embassy in central Tehran on Wednesday, a day after it was sacked, told Reuters of „devastating“ damage to buildings smashed up and burned and of the ordeal of diplomatic staff who have since left the country.
        The elegant 135-year-old residence in a wooded compound in downtown Tehran, used by the ambassador to host official dinners under chandeliers and with paintings of former British monarchs looking on, was said to have been „systematically destroyed.“
        A second compound, a sprawling walled park in the northern Tehran neighborhood of Qolhak where most diplomats lived in modern bungalows, was raided at the same time, adding to suspicions that the actions were orchestrated.

      3. ebenfalls dazu…
        GUARDIAN Iran: Quds Force leader is developing a cult status – Some see Qassem Suleimani as an icon as he is taking on ‚the enemy‘ directly

        Protesters storm British embassy in Tehran
        The storming of the British embassy in Tehran has revealed the role of the Quds Force. Photograph: Ay-collection/Sipa/Rex Features

        Diplomats and
        Iran analysts said that the storming of the British embassy in Tehran revealed the role of a growing, radical actor in Iranian foreign policy: the Quds Force.
        There is certainly plenty of debate about how far up the chain of command the orders for Tuesday’s embassy invasion went.

        The force is the external operations wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard corps (IRGC), one of the regime’s most powerful institutions, with extensive economic and financial interests across the country.

    11. HA’ARETZ Iran threatening to cut Hamas funds, arms supply if it flees Syria
      Iran had applied intense pressure to Hamas in an effort to persuade it not to leave Damascus, threatening even to cut off funds to the organization if it did so, Palestinian sources have told Haaretz.
      The Iranian pressure also included an unprecedented ultimatum – namely, an explicit threat to stop supplying Hamas with arms and suspend the training of its military activists.
      According to the sources, Hamas is abandoning its headquarters in Syria and looking at other Arab states as an alternative location for its political command center. Hamas‘ move comes despite intense Iranian pressure on the organization to refrain from relocating.

      1. JP

    12. Ein Grund mehr warum auch der „kulturelle“ Dialog endlich eingestellt werden sollte!!! Iranische Sportler boykottieren Israel; Künstler boykottieren Israel und nun auch Filmemacher!!!
      Israel-Iran relations cloud Indian festival
      Iranian filmmaker Tahmineh Milani withdraws from jury of festival held in Goa after being criticized in her homeland for sitting in jury alongside Israeli director. ‚We are not politicians, and we find no problem in working together,‘ she says earlier

    13. JP –  ‚US army: Iran is in possession of our spy drone‘  – US officials concerned Tehran has US’s top-secret drone after it went missing during mission in Afghanistan, Fox News reports.  
      Iran seems to be in possession of the same RQ-170 drone that the Iranian military said it shot down Sunday, Fox News reported Monday according to American military sources.
      US officials failed to say whether or not Iranians shot the unmanned aerial vehicle down, as per Iranian reports. 
      ‚Iran violating int’l norms, becoming pariah state‘
      Iran on Sunday said that its military had downed the drone in an eastern province. Shortly after those Iranian reports, a NATO official said that the drone may have been one that went missing during a mission in Afghanistan the week before.
      The Iranian and US reports differ over whether Iran had managed to take down the top-secret spy aircraft, and in what condition the Iranian army found that grounded the Sentinel. 

      1. YNET Report: Drone that crashed in Iran was on CIA mission
        US maintains unmanned drone that crashed in Iran was not shot down but rather malfunctioned; US defense officials concerned Tehran may now be in possession of secret technology
        The US drone that Iran claims to have shot down last Thursday was on a CIA mission and as such was equipped with secret US technology, Ynet learned on Tuesday.
        According to an NBC report, the unmanned drone veered off course, headed deep into Iran and crashed after it eventually ran out of fuel.

      2. SPIEGEL Abgestürzte US-Drohne über Iran: Das Biest von Kandahar flog im CIA-Auftrag
        Die hochentwickelte Drohne gilt als eines der modernsten Spionage-Instrumente – und sie war offenbar in einer Mission des US-Geheimdienstes unterwegs, als sie auf iranischem Boden niederging. Laut „Washington Post“ fürchtet die CIA nun, sensible Militärtechnik an den Erzfeind verloren zu haben. mehr…

    14. MYFOX NYIran, Sudan Liable For 1998 Embassy Attacks
      (NewsCore) – Sudan and Iran are liable for potentially billions of dollars in damages to the victims of the 1998 suicide bombings at the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, a US federal judge has ruled.
      Hundreds died and thousands were injured in the nearly simultaneous attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Aug. 7, 1998. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the bombings.
      In an opinion issued Wednesday, US District Judge John Bates determined that both Sudan and Iran contributed „material support“ to al Qaeda that was essential to the execution of the terror group’s attack. 

    15. ARO1 –  Wo ist Achmadinedschad? Ist er verletzt? Nach den Explosionen in iranischen Hochsicherheitsbasen kursieren die Geruechte…

      Achmadinedschad auf seltenem Gruppenfoto mit Nasrallah und Familie
      Wo sind seine Hasstiraden, wo seine hetzerischen Reden vor den Massen, zu einer Zeit wo er sich mehr Publikum als sonst versprechen koennte und er den Westen, ‘die Zionisten‘ oder sonst wem der hinterhaeltigen Angriffe oder Sabotage beschmipfen koennte?
      Fakt ist, dass er zumindest seit der Explosion der iranischen Al-Ghadir Raketenbasis bei Malard, die dabei zu grossen Teilen zerstoert wurde, nicht mehr gesehen wurde. Keine Fotos, keine Reden…
      Nachdem sich die Explosion in dieser offensichtlichen Hochsicherheitsbasis – nach eigenen iranischen Angaben – zum Zeitpunkt eines wichtigen und bahnbrechenden (mysterioesen) Raketentests ereignet haben soll und dabei selbst der ‘Vater des iranischen Raketenprogramms (besonders des Schihab-Programms) General Hassan Moghadem getoetet wurde, sollte sich die Frage stellen, ob nicht allerhoechste Regierungsvertreter vor Ort waren, einschliesslich Achmadinedschad, der das Nuklearprogramm und wohl auch das bei Atomwaffenforschung damit stark verknuepfte Raketenprogramm wie ‘sein Baby‘ behandelte und gerne aus naechster Naehe verfolgte?

    16. WELT – Atomwaffen – Die Iran-Bedrohung ist näher an den Westen gerückt
      Anschlagspläne, Morde, Sabotage – iranische und westliche Geheimdienste bekriegen sich im Kampf um die Bombe. Doch aus dem Ringen könnte ein handfester Krieg werden.


      1. SPIEGEL Sanktionen: Iran droht mit Ölpreis von 250 Dollar
        Iran droht mit harschen Konsequenzen, sollte der Westen Öl-Exporte aus seinem Land blockieren. Der Preis könne sich dann verdoppeln, warnt ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Teheran. mehr…

    1. HA’ARETZ Iran: Price of oil would double if exports are blocked
      Western nations have not finalized moves against Iran’s oil trade and central bank amid fears of possible impact on global economy; Iran is world’s fifth biggest oil exporter.

  2. Zum Thema „Iranische Handelsbeziehungen und Wirtschaft“…

    1. YNET Iran sanctions pose legal conundrum for expats
      Americans of Iranian descent say sanctions prevent them from receiving inheritance, transfer money to needy relatives
      Iranian expatriates living in the United States, of whom a vast majority oppose the Ayatollah regime in Tehran, have recently become entangled in criminal investigations due to new embargo laws against the Islamic Republic. 

    2. YNETReport: France reducing its Tehran Embassy staff – Paris recalls non-essential staff from Iran as precautionary measure following raid on UK Embassy
      France has decided to temporarily downsize its embassy in Tehran as a precautionary measure following the storming of the British embassy in Iran earlier in the week, a French diplomat said Saturday.
      The decision will affect part of the diplomatic staff as well as all of the families of French personnel at the embassy, but not the French community in Tehran, the diplomatic source said.
      The non-essential staff that stands to be affected by the decision include personnel at the French Embassy, consulate, and economic and culture centers.
      Personnel at the French School in Tehran will also be affected by the decision, the source said without providing more details.
      No specific instructions to leave Iran have been issued to the French community in the Islamic Republic’s capital, which includes around 800 people.

    3. YNETUAE PM: If Iran attacks Israel it will be gone the next day
      United Arab Emirates‘ PM downplays concerns about nuclear Iran, tells CNN he believes Israel will destroy Iran if attacked
      Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) discounted on Tuesday the West’s concerns about a nuclear-armed Iran.
      In a CNN interview, Sheikh al-Maktoum said that he does not believe Iran will pursue nuclear weapons.

      1. JP

      2. HA’ARETZ UAE leader: Israel would destroy Iran if attacked 
        Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum discards concerns over Tehran’s nuclear program, saying Iran has no use for such weapons.

    4. Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd says measures will target people, companies involved in Iran nuclear programs, will restrict Australia business with Iran’s petroleum, financial sectors. 

      1. JP

    5. REUTERSExclusive: Argentina flirts with Iran as West watches nervously
      UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Argentina is quietly reaching out to Iran, worrying key Western powers and Israel as they try to tighten Tehran’s international isolation over its nuclear program, U.N. diplomats told Reuters.
      Argentina’s ties with Iran have been virtually frozen since Argentine authorities secured Interpol arrest warrants for five Iranians and a Lebanese in 2007 in connection with a 1994 attack on a Buenos Aires Jewish center that killed 85 people.

    6. SZSanktionen der westlichen Staaten gegen Iran  – Eine Botschaft, die Teheran verstehen wird
      Die Erstürmung der britischen Botschaft in Teheran zeigt, wie sehr Irans Macht erodiert ist. Mit den Öl-Milliarden subventioniert das Regime die ärmeren Schichten, beschafft sich über Umwege alle nötigen Güter – und sichert so das eigene Überleben. Wenn Europa Verbindungen zur iranischen Zentralbank kappt, könnte dies die „virtuelle Atommacht“ beeindrucken. Von allen schlechten Optionen ist diese Strategie die beste.

    7. REUTERSIndia monitors Iran ship carrying armed men
      NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India’s navy said on Thursday it was monitoring an Iranian cargo ship, with armed men on board, which had been moored off the country’s southern coast for more than a month without explanation.
      Shipping data showed the ship MV Assa was owned and operated by Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), a company facing sanctions from the United States and the EU.
      „The vessel is there and the navy has reported to the concerned Indian authorities that there are men on board carrying arms,“ navy spokesman Commander P.V.S. Satish told Reuters.


  3. Internationale Reaktionen (z.B. Sanktionen) und iranische Gegenreaktionen…

    1. TACHLESWenn Israeli Iraner aus dem Wasser ziehen – Zuerst küssten zwei Iraner ihre israelischen Retter, doch dann flohen sie vor ihnen.
      Nimrod Machani, 27, ein Lebensretter am Strand von Tel Aviv, reiste unlängst auf die thailändische Insel Kosamui, wo sein Vater Shimshon, 60, seit zwei Jahren lebt und Reisen für Touristen mit Brandungsbooten organisiert. Früher arbeitete Shimshon als Matrose, und zwischen zwei Reisen pflegte er ebenfalls, als Lebensretter am Meeresstrand von Tel Aviv zu arbeiten. Eines Morgens trug sich, wie die Zeitung «Yediot Achronot» zu berichten wusste, folgendes zu: Die Beiden waren gerade auf dem Rückweg von ihrem täglichen Rudertraining, als das tropische Wetter in Minutenschnelle umschlug. Die Winde nahmen an Stärke zu, und die Wellen wurden höher. Plötzlich entdeckten die zwei Israeli zwei Schwimmer im Meer draussen, die mit ihren Händen winkten und um Hilfe riefen. «Ihr Kajak war im Sturm gekentert, und sie blieben im Wasser zurück,» erzählte Shimshon. «Alleine hätten sie keine Chance gehabt.» – Die beiden geübten Lebensretter ruderten auf die Ertrinkenden zu. «Als wir sie erreichten, waren sie bereits völlig erschöpft», berichtete Nimrod. «Wir zogen sie auf unser Boot und ruderten auf den rund einen Kilometer entfernten Strand zu.» Rund 45 Minuten kämpften Vater und Sohn gegen Wellen und Sturm, während die beiden Geretteten auf dem Boot lagen. Als sie sich zu erholen begannen und wieder miteinander sprachen, stellte Shimshon fest, dass sie sich auf persisch unterhielten. Der Zufall wollte es, dass Shimshon ebenfalls aus Iran stammte und der dortigen Sprache mächtig war. «Habt keine Angst», sagte er den Beiden, «Ihr seid in guten Händen.» Am Ufer angelangt, dankten die beiden Iraner ihren Rettern denn auch überschwänglich. Man küsste und umarmte sich, wie es im Orient Mode ist. «Als wir ihnen aber erzählten, dass wir Israeli sind», sagte Nimrod, «erstarrten sie, machten rechtsumkehrt, gaben Fersengeld und waren innert Kürze nicht mehr gesehen.»  

    2. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism   Information Center  –  Highlights of the week
      Tehran dismisses Western threats to impose sanctions on import of oil from Iran
      Escalation in Iran-Britain relations: Iran decides to downgrade diplomatic relations; students break into British embassy
      Authorities once again impose limitations on Shi’ite mourning ceremonies ahead of Ashura Day
      „Book of the Year“ at 13th book fair in Khorasan Province: How to Eliminate Israel

    3. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian MP Ismail Kawthari Incites against Britain Prior to Embassy Attack and Threatens to Operate against Missile Shield in Turkey [VIDEO]
  4. Sonstiges…

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