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The “Palestinian Nelson Mandela” (Associated Press).
A “political prisoner” (Times of London).
The man most likely to serve “as a credible negotiator of a Palestinian state” (former Human Rights Watch chief Ken Roth).
These are just some of the terms that have been used to describe Marwan Barghouti in both traditional media and social media ever since it was revealed that, as part of its negotiations with Israel, Hamas is demanding Barghouti’s release from prison.

After the horrific events of October 7, what we face today are, basically, two completely different worlds. One is exemplified by Hamas—a fundamentalist Islamic movement with genocidal intentions. The other is the Jewish State. To be sure, Israel is a democratic country, but one riddled with internal conflict and controversy. There is a segment of the Jewish public and certain institutions, including a few under state auspices, which are fanatically religious, but they and their Jewish brethren of varying degrees of religiosity do not aspire to spread the Jewish religion globally as Hamas does with Islam. As a result, there can be no overarching common platform on which to conduct a dialogue. Hamas seeks the destruction of the Jewish State and the elimination of its society basically by annihilating those who do not convert to its credo. Israel is, as we well know, a very complicated society, but in that sense it is hardly unique; most—perhaps all—democratic societies are.
IDF Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee posted on Monday photos of a booklet of religious rulings by Hamas-affiliated clerics found by IDF soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis which justifies the killing of all Jews – men, women and children.
The booklet, issued by the Shura Council, the institution advising the Islamist terrorist organization on religious matters, was signed by Ahmad Bahar, the chairman of the council who was killed in an IDF strike. The contents of the booklet, distributed among Hamas terrorists, unequivocally contradict the narrative the terror organization itself seeks to promote.
The Palestinian Authority is so anxious to reward the 6,540 new Palestinian terrorists with monthly salaries, known as pay-for-slay payments, that it has decided to bypass standard PA procedures. According to PA “Regulation of Payment,” the Red Cross must visit imprisoned Palestinian terrorists to confirm their eligibility for salary rewards. The following is the official PA regulation:

The sister of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's political bureau, was hospitalized in the Soroka Medical Center, where she gave birth.
Some of Haniyeh's sisters live in Tel Sheva, and one of them gave birth to a premature baby in the last few days, receiving life-saving treatment from the medical team.
A senior official in Soroka said that this is a Bedouin family from Tel Sheva with a blue ID card.

In an effort to ensure the successful delivery of medicines to hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, French officials are actively working alongside Qatar and regional partners to obtain concrete proof of the medicine reaching its intended recipients.
Speaking under the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, a top French official revealed to the Associated Press the ongoing collaboration with Qatar and other regional entities "to gather all elements of proof and ascertain whether the medicines have been received" by the hostages.

American porn actress Whitney Wright has stirred controversy with her recent visit to Tehran, during which she made comments regarding Iran's modesty laws and the safety risks faced by women. 
Known for her pro-Palestinian stance during the Israel-Hamas conflict, Wright's statements have drawn backlash from Iranian women's rights activists and some sections of the public.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU) Joseph Borrell on Sunday said that Israel has not presented solid evidence about the links between the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and Hamas. He called the allegations "an Israeli campaign and an attempt to 'kill' the agency," said Israel Hayom.
Der spanische Außenminister José Manuel Albares hat angekündigt, dass Spanien dem palästinensischen Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (UNRWA) weitere 3,5 Millionen Euro zukommen lassen wird. Madrid hatte der UNRWA im Jahr 2023 18,5 Millionen Euro direkt zur Verfügung gestellt, darunter 10 Millionen Euro, die im Dezember genehmigt wurden – nach einer Entscheidung der Regierung, die Entwicklungs- und humanitäre Hilfe für die palästinensischen Gebiete zu verdreifachen.


Jede Woche neu bieten die ILI News aktuelle Nachrichten aus und über Israel 🇮🇱 – zu Medizin, Wissenschaft und Technologie, Archäologie, Tourismus und Wirtschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Politik, Sport und vielem mehr, einschließlich allen wichtigen und aktuellen Meldungen rund um die aktuelle Situation in Israel, in Bezug auf die von der Hamas verschleppten Geiseln, so wie leider auch so viel zu viel zum ärgern und mehr.

Wir sind weiterhin bemüht eine faire Balance zwischen dem Geschehen außerhalb des Konfliktfeldes, dem was Israel besonders macht und eben auch den Meldungen zu finden, die in anderen Medien gar nicht berichtet werden, oder viel zu kurz kommen… Entsprechend arbeiten wir mit unserer Partnerorganisation Honestly Concerned zusammen, die nahezu rund um die Uhr weiterhin alles tun, um über die verschiedenen Aspekte der aktuellen Situation aufzuklären. Entsprechend auch nochmals unsere Empfehlung  die Facebookseite von Honestly Concerned im Auge zu behalten, wenn auch Sie an ständig aktualisierten Informationen über die Geschehnisse in Israel interessiert sind. Die Seite ist nicht nur brandaktuell, sondern enthält viele Informationen, die Sie anderswo ganz einfach nicht finden werden. Auch über Instagram veröffentlichen wir weiterhin viele aktuelle Infoclips, etc.

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(November 28, 2023 / JNS) - The tally of antisemitic incidents in which mobs have called for Israel’s destruction—and even the genocide of Jews on the streets of American cities and on elite college campuses—grows with every passing week. But the shocking footage of a student riot at Hillcrest High School in Queens, N.Y., shows just how far the poison of Jew-hatred has spread in the educational system.

Die Eltern, Galina Aleksejewna Schumatskaja und Boris Borissowitsch Schumatsky, bei einem Ausflug auf dem Istra-Stausee bei Moskau, 1960. Die Eltern, Galina Aleksejewna Schumatskaja und Boris Borissowitsch Schumatsky, bei einem Ausflug auf dem Istra-Stausee bei Moskau, 1960. Privat Meine Eltern hatten keine Menora, und ich kannte das Wort nicht, bis ich selbst eine kaufte, bei einem türkischen Trödler in Berlin, noch Mitte der neunziger Jahre, etwa zur gleichen Zeit, als ich mir ein Palästinensertuch zulegte. Der siebenarmige Leuchter stand auf dem Kachelofen, das Tuch trug ich wie einen Schal um den Hals.
Gibt es Umstände, die aus einer nicht antisemitischen Aussage eine antisemitische Aussage machen? Diese Frage stellt sich, da der bei der Evangelischen Verlags­anstalt erschienene Sammelband „Angst, Politik, Zivilcourage“ gerade vom Markt genommen wurde.
"Sie haben ein Hausrecht, und das müssen sie nutzen", sagte die Ministerin. "Ich möchte Hochschulleitungen bestärken, das konsequent zu tun." Es könne nicht sein, "dass gewisse Hochschulen zu No-go-Areas für jüdische Studierende werden".
Der Bundesverband der Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus (Rias) hatte Ende November erklärt, dass die Zahl antisemitischer Vorfälle in Deutschland seit dem Hamas-Angriff auf Israel drastisch zugenommen habe. Vermehrt von antisemitischen Vorfällen betroffen waren Jüdinnen und Juden demnach an Orten ihres Alltags wie der Nachbarschaft, ihrem Arbeitsplatz oder an Hochschulen.
München – Die Münchner Polizei hat mehrere tausend Exemplare einer Broschüre für Betroffene von Antisemitismus an die Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern übergeben. Sie sollen an alle Mitglieder der Gemeinde verteilt werden, so die Polizei.
Wegen antisemitischer Aussagen auf einer Corona-Demo vor drei Jahren wird ein Teilnehmer vom Amtsgericht Ebersberg zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt. Das Landgericht München II hat das Urteil nun bestätigt.
Harvard University’s Hillel chapter has called on the school’s administration to hold accountable those involved in a “terrifying” anti-Zionist demonstration in which activists stormed the campus calling for the destruction of Israel.
On Wednesday, Harvard classes were disrupted by a coordinated protest of demonstrators who used bullhorns to blast calls to “globalize the intifada,” a term used to describe violent Palestinian uprisings against Israel, as well as the popular phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a slogan widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of the Jewish state, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

(December 1, 2023 / JNS) - Three generations of Paul Hirsch’s family traveled this week to Dortmund, Germany, to honor their grand-, great-grand and great-great grandfather, who was the city’s mayor from 1918 until 1933.
Dortmund, which hasn’t had another Jewish mayor, was the site of the Combat Antisemitism Movement’s European Mayors Summit Against Antisemitism, held from Nov. 29 to Dec. 1.

Author(s): Gunther Jikeli (see profile)
Subject(s): Jewish Holocaust (1939-1945), Antisemitism, Middle East--Palestine, Hate, Twitter
Permanent URL:
Abstract:Our analysis of Holocaust-related content on five social media platforms revealed the widespread presence of Holocaust denial and distortion. This study also highlighted how these distorted references to the Holocaust are being used to fuel antisemitism. The analysis found that platforms like X/Twitter and Truth Social consistently returned results that included Holocaust denial and distortions, while Gab and 4chan, with their predominantly far-right user bases, exhibited an even higher concentration of antisemitic and Holocaust denial messages. YouTube, on the other hand, employs algorithms that prioritize search results with predominantly informational videos about the Holocaust, but some of the comments were also antisemitic. The study also found a disturbing trend of increasing radicalism in antisemitic messages throughout October, including explicit calls for violence and mass murder. These findings underscore the urgent need for social media platforms to implement more effective measures to combat Holocaust denial and distortion, as the weaponization of these harmful narratives poses a significant threat to the preservation of historical truth and the promotion of tolerance, non-violence, and understanding.
Our analysis of Holocaust-related content on five social media platforms revealed the widespread presence of Holocaust denial and distortion. This study also highlighted how these distorted references to the Holocaust are being used to fuel antisemitism. The analysis found that platforms like X/Twitter and Truth Social consistently returned results that included Holocaust denial and distortions, while Gab and 4chan, with their predominantly far-right user bases, exhibited an even higher concentr...

DOWNLOAD isca-report-holocaust-distortions-on-social-media-after-10.7.pdf

Bestsellerautor Tuvia Tenenbom hat ein Jahr unter frommen Juden verbracht. In seinem Buch »Gott spricht Jiddisch« ermöglicht er den Blick in eine Welt, die verschlossen wirkt – aber vielschichtiger ist, als man denkt.